02 November 2018
Well, it looks like winter is closing in and the retail sector is definitely giving all the signals that Christmas is fast approaching. Walking around a garden centre yesterday a multitude of artificial Christmas trees are in abundance in a variety of designs, unfortunately with prices to match. One such tree had the price tag of £400, really! I am not sure it will be adorning my lounge area covered in snow.
A flurry of Open Shows to bring to you this week and Papillons have been flying the flag high for the breed. At Stafford & District CS the judge was Julie Ashton (Zobear) BOB went to Lizzie Morley & Robert Hitchcock Elfuego Bombastic and Best Puppy Chris Headley’s Yealdeh Lady In Red. A total of 17 Paps entered so a good turn out for the show.
Next we take a trip to Bedford & District CS where the breed judge was Miss E Morley. BOB was won by Davidson’s Cintarshe Red Emerald who also took a TGP3 under Mr Tim Ball. RBOB went to Carol Lees’s Lafford Fireman Sam. The Lafford kennel continued their winning ways by also winning BPIB and an exciting TPGP1 with Farthinghall Chose To Fly At Lafford. The Papillons continued to shine as the butterflies Yeldeah Simply Red and Yeldeah Lady In Red took the accolade of Best Brace In Show. It was an entry of 28 Paps, so a competitive entry for all those present.
Susie and Margaret Orchard had a lovely day at Tredegar & District Canine Society, held at a new venue, Abergavenny Leisure Centre. Apparently it was warm and sunny outside with lots of grass to walk the dogs. Ringland Yoko’s Solo at Panspayon ShCM) won BOB, their youngster Panspayon Gold Fever took BPIB and then had a good TPGP4. The judge was Marina Foley (Tamilay).
Lizzie Morley and Robert Hitcock continued their run of successful shows. At Northwich & District CS their Elfuago Bombastic won Best AVNSC and TGP1 with ten entries in the group. Lillian Poulton (Patchdown) was the judge at this show. Lizzie and Robert have said the show was well supported in general although the Society were let down by several judges on the day. I hope Germain gremlin wasn’t doing her ghastly deed! The toy judge was a replacement judge. There was a good atmosphere all round. It was a long day waiting for BIS as they didn’t leave the venue until 6.35pm.
Their next show was a very proud day for a younger member of the family. At this show Lance handled Elfuago Bombastic taking BOB in a quality entry under Martin Frostick and was awarded a TGP4 under Wendy Waters (Sweetbriars).
Lovely gifts were donated by the Papillon judge of dog treat goody bags and Prosecco, very thoughtful indeed and I am sure very much appreciated. I do hope Lance was compensated with a swop for something tasty when handing the Prosecco over to Lizzie and Robert! For this show all the Toys were judged by 1pm.
Please continue to let me know your news as everyone unable to get to the shows wants to hear of the Papillon successes. Until next week take care on the roads and wrap up warm.