04 October 2019 Breed Notes
SKC the Papillon judge Breed Specialist Glenn Robb (Gleniren) had a good entry for their August show. I know Glenn had an enjoyable day and wishes to thank all the exhibitors for their entries. The principal winners for the day were as follows; BCC / BOB Mrs M Keown’s Ch Jorgealin Moon Magic shCM also shortlisted in the TGP. DCC/ BP/ B Spec Beg Mrs M Bogue Adelays Brilliant Buddy (imp Rus) once again shortlisted in the TPGP. Congratulations to you both as I believe this was a first cc for you both personally. What a special moment that must have been. RDCC Mary Whitehill & Pat Urwin’s Stagedoor Exposed By Paparottsie, RBCC Mary Whitehill’s Papmar Moonlight Missabeat, BV Kathy Smith’s Ch Papplewick Pretty In Pink JW shCM. Congratulations to all the principal and class winners.
City Of Birmingham Breed Specialist Jenny Scovell (Caswell) also had a good entry and found her winners for the day to be. DCC/BOB Alan and Liz Bartram’s Ch Tresor’s Kings Valiant Lancelot (Imp USA), BCC Estelle Kirk’s Ch Iotastar’s Forever Autumn At Kirkchase JW, BP Mary Whitehill’s Papmar Moonlight Missabeat, RDCC/ B JUN Ramsey and Mowatt’s Iotastar Great Adventure, RBCC Ken Fulton’s Milbu Warlock At Kenf (Imp) JW, BV Chris Anderson’s Hilsorg Marks Amelia At Pappretty. Well done to everyone.
Richmond Championship Show Breed Specialist Jane Thompson (Jhanakia) took the helm and her principal winners were as follows. DCC / BOB Mary Whitehill and Pat Urwin’s Stagedoor Exposed By Paparottsie, BCC Kirsty Miller and Evan Ryan’s Feorlig Smart Cookie JW, BP Sue Stanbury and Sophie Langdon’s Skyvana Zero Hour For Inixia NAF TAF, RDCC Jenny Wiggin’s Rozamie Monsieur Arthur for Scapafield JW, RBCC Irene Buckley Water’s Farthinghall Unico Bella At Sempefidelis, BV / TVGP4 Connie Letch’s Conysluck Master Pip and Spec Beg Brown’s Rumble Bumble Daydream Believers (Imp Bel).
For the Open shows Vicki Morris had a good day at Blackpool & Fylde taking BP with Jorgealin Tri A Little Magic At Jennobar under Brenda Cody. BVIS went to Travelline By Moonlight To Amicae. Lizzie Morley and Robert Hitchcock were proud of their son Lance who took Best Overall Junior Handler at the show. Very well done to everyone.
Susie and Margaret Orchard at North Devon Canine Association Open Show, held at The Matford Centre in Exeter took BP and TPGP2 with their youngster Panspayon Isla, Sue Stanbury took BOB and shortlisted in the TGP with Inixia Ready Steady Eddie. The breed judge was Raewyn Dowsett.
Please take care driving everyone travelling to the shows. Coming up a busy, double showing weekend at Builth Showground with the South Wales Papillon Club holding their Championship show on the Saturday and breed day at SWKA on the Sunday at the same venue. Let’s hope the rain stays away for both days.