07 April 2017 – Dog World
This has to be one of the favourite shows of the year, UK Toydog. The committee put in 100% commitment making sure each and every exhibitor has the best show possible. The BIS show ring with the blue carpet, spotlight and decorations is just spectacular and the organisation is second to none. The committee should be so proud of themselves.
The Papillons were in the Prestwood Centre of the venue with a large ring and plenty of benching areas. There was lots of room to move the dogs out before going into the ring and giving them a chance to stretch their legs, both human and four paws! The hall was warm and cosy to ward off the frosty start we all had getting to the show. In Cheshire the car was covered in ice that morning and the de-icer can was in avid use with the car heater in full force for a snug entry.
The atmosphere at UKTD is always a friendly one with everyone meeting and greeting in the various halls. Many interesting trade stands to browse ensuring that most of us opened our wallets and passed over the cash. As always the parking is superb, so you enter the show smiling and looking forward to the day ahead.
Mr Carl Sparrow (Casarow) was judging the breed and arrived looking immaculate in a grey suit, all ready for the day ahead. The judge went over the dogs beautifully on the table, in a manner that would get the best out of them. He gave every exhibitor the chance to put their four paws at their best advantage with a caring attitude. The stewards kept the day moving along nicely and everything went along tic-a-tee-boo.
It was nice to see Pat Munn exhibiting at the show after her fall. Nothing will keep a good dog person down for long and Pat is evident of that. If only she would just sit down for a minute and rest!
The principal winners were as follows. DCC/BOB Irene & Glenn Robb’s Ch Gleniren Shooting Starmaker Sunshoo. Travis was shortlisted in BIS. What an exciting day for Lynn George-Evans, she must still be on cloud nine. As the breeder she took not only the BCC but also the RBCC, UKTD 17 will certainly be a day to remember. I am so delighted for you Lynn. BCC George-Evans Jorgealin Moon Magic Shcm and RBCC Jean & Roger Banfield & Caroline Lee-Slater’s Jorgealin Cast A Spell For Kingshaven. RDCC Sean Carroll & James Newman’s Multi & Int Ch Expana’s Sea Dragon Conqueror, BP Sue Stanbury’s Inixia Bella Bella who then went on to a marvellous RBPIS under Irene McManus. Congratulations Sue on a super show for your little one. BV Jo Davidson-Poston’s Multi Ch Spinillons Saffire JW Sh.CM
UKTD was such a special show moment in Travis’s show journey as this was his 44th cc thus taking the Breed CC Record from our very own lovely little girl Starlet (Ch Gleniren Starlight Kisses) who has held the title since 2009 with 43 cc’s. We feel so blessed to experience this again in our Kennel and are so happy for our special boy Travis.
Starlet took the record in 2009 at six years of age, amassing 2 CC’s at Crufts and being Top Papillon for four consecutive years.
Travis has broken the CC record at four years of age alongside other records such as Top Toy and Top Dog All Breeds. The previous Breed Record Holder to Starlet was Jenny Scovell’s lovely CH Caswell Coppelita who held the title from 1988-2009. Travis broke the Male CC Record of 29 CC’s at Manchester 2016 under Stephanie Rickard (Australia) and then equalled the Breed CC Record of 43 CC’s at Manchester 2017 under Annukka Paloheimo (Finland). The previous Male CC Record holder to Travis was Kay Stewart’s lovely boy Ch Tussalud Storyteller.
Starlet was very gracious and handed over the baton when we arrived home from UK Toy. Starlet will always have a special place in our hearts and in the breeds’ history too.
A special thank you to each of the 44 CC judges who have awarded Travis a CC alongside the 12 group judges for each of his groups, the 3 BIS judges and 6 Breed club BIS judges for thinking so highly of our little superman and being part of the breeds history. We are so grateful to you, thank you all. We must also extend a warm thank you also to the DOG WORLD team for being so supportive and giving great coverage of our boys’ incredible journey.
A few Open shows to report; at Exeter & County Canine Society Sue Morrell had a lovely day taking TGP4 with Temelora Mardi Gra under judge Mr John Purnell.
Katriona Milroy was thrilled to receive a RBIS at Suffolk Agriculture Show with Farleysbane Frilly Filly From Farthinghall. Some 305 dogs entered for the show so a good result. Also at the Suffolk Agri Show and Herts & Essex CS Farthinghall Xit Stage Left was awarded TPGP2 on both days. For the breed the judge was Mr Jan Roosens (De Costalina) and for the GP/BIS Mr Roger Chaston (Bricklands).
Many congratulations Sue and Katriona for some wonderful results and flying the Papillon flag high.
Hurrah we have the lighter nights, so much more pleasant for the drive home after a long day at a show. I feel ice cream cornets are well on the horizon once more.
Safe driving to the shows, enjoy and have fun wherever you are.