07 September 2018
Apologies for no breed notes last week but I was attending my daughter’s wedding in Kent, so you could say I was slightly busy having a perfect day watching Tanya and Rob tying the knot as Mr & Mrs Compton.
So, it was a journey to Builth Wells for Welsh Kennel Club Championship Show. Always a scenic journey from whatever direction the starting point of departure may be. A dry day all day at Builth, now that has to be a bonus. I think I can count on one hand the dry days at Builth, there has been over the years. First thing in the morning the outside rings were slightly damp on the feet and paws but as the sun broke out all was good. Trade stands were aplenty for folk to browse for their wares and the refreshment points were doing a brisk trade. WKC year after year is so well organised and the committee always do their utmost to always make sure everyone attending is catered for. Full credit must go to the members of the committee.
The Papillon ring was of a generous size and the grooming area adjacent to the ringside, so this made for easy viewing and keeping note of were the classes were up to.
Mrs Raye Parry was judging the breed for the fist time with Challenge Certificates. She arrived promptly on time, looking elegant and immaculate as always. Going over the dogs on the table she was extremely gentle and caring, then giving every exhibitor a chance for the four paws to show their merits to their best advantage whilst moving. Judging went along smoothly with the help of the two proficient stewards, who made sure everyone was at the right place at the right time. Not an easy task on some occasions!
By the conclusion of judging the principal winners were as follows. DCC with BOB and TGP4, Irene and Glenn Robb’s Gleniren Stardustmaker Sunshoo. Dustin who is a Travis son has been shown so lightly, we were thrilled that he received his second cc and a TGP4 under Mrs Joy Jolley. BCC was Caroline Lee- Slater’s Ch Jorgealin Cast A Spell For Kingshaven, BP Karen Maskell’s Kazkell Milo’s Dream, BV Sue Stanbury’s Inixia Delightful Dan JW Sh.CM. For the RCC’s, the dogs it was Sue and Jon Caton’s Never Let Me Go Forussi At Henrix (Imp) and for the bitches Tom Isherwood and Jenny Scovell’s Stagedoor Barbie. Congratulations to every one who took a class win and the principal winners.
Next Championship show on the calendar was SKC in bonnie Scotland. Unfortunately I am led to believe the heavens opened and rain pelted down for most of the day. Luckily for the exhibitors the rings are in the main Highland Hall so everyone was tucked up cosy and warm.
For this show it was breed specialist Joan Savage (Abbeyton) who was taking the judging helm for the Papillons. Previously to the show Joan had experienced a health scare and had spent some time in hospital, I am sure like myself and all the readers we wish Joan a speedy recovery back to full health.
The principal winners were as follows. Sue Deamer must have been overjoyed taking the BCC and BOB with her little girl Grinsdales Sweet Caroline at Bankshill. I believe this is the magical third cc, so a very precious moment indeed, congratulations. Best Puppy went to Karen Maskell’s homebred Kazkell Milo’s Dream following on from her success with this youngster at WKC. BV Liz and Karen Anderson’s Ch/AM CH Clearlake Clovis at Northlyte, Liz also took the DCC with CH Frasermar Storm in the Snow. RDCC Mrs Wilson’s Amicae Badger and the RBCC Jill Varley’s Ambre Dore Beata Bea at Coxleyview (Imp) JW.
Next on the Open Show scene. Firstly, at West Bromwich & Wednesbury CS Carol and Brian Lees, had a good day. Taking BOB with Lafford Fireman Sam and RBOB with Lafford Black Penny. The Papillon judge was Mrs Salsbury (Bamtybo).
Also in Holland the Lafford flag was flying high. At the Specialty Show of Dutch Papillon and Phalene Club with Carine Rutten and Kelly at the helm Ch Lafford Postman Pat took BIS and Club Winner Ch Lafford Kandy Floss was RB female. Then they went and won best couple in show. What a great show for you all.
Susie and Margaret Orchard at Newton Abbot & South Devon CS held at The Matford Livestock Centre in Exeter took BOB with Panspayon Eye Of The Storm and BP with Ablazzor Angel Of The North at Panspayon. RBOB went to Dee Olaf’s Rock N Roll Rene. The judge was Diane Ling.
Ann Meacham had a brilliant day at Merioneth Agricultural show on 22nd of August. Judge was Keith Baldwin 1st Papillon Open with Moonlight Magical Melangel also Best of Breed and 1st with Bankshill Ruth is an Angel at Khanor, she was RBOB. Best Puppy was Melangel Dancing Dream. What a good day for the breeder of them all Melanie Mann.
Another brilliant win was for Kat Milroy at Norfolk & Norwich CS, it was held at Easton Campus, Norwich. Here the judge for the breed was Michell Chapman (Ellemich) and her home bred youngster Farthinghall By Fly took BPIB going on to win TPGP1 under Tanya Ireland (Ellemich) and then finishing of a marvellous day with RBPIS under the BIS judge Jeff Luscott( (Jalus). Bet you are still up there on cloud 9 and rightly so!
Lastly Dee Olaf was cock a hoop at the West Country Dog Club. BOB went to Tarnock Rock and Roll Rene also Tarnock Romeo Romeo took BP. Then, under judge Janet Kay a qualification for the Junior Warrant Semi-Finals in London and The judge was Cherry Gwynne. That was certainly a great show for you Dee.
Remember to let me know your results as we all want to hear of your successes with our lovely breed.