08 December 2017
Bonfire night day saw Northern & Eastern Counties Papillon Club hold their Open Show with Breed Specialist Jacqueline Hill (Caraideas) from Scotland judging. It must have been very exciting day for her and I am sure she had a lovely day going over all the Papillons present. N&ECPC are renowned for a friendly atmosphere and always go that extra mile for the exhibitors, whatever arises they are hands on to help. Usually the club stall and other trades persons do a really good job with plenty of variety to browse and the raffle is always full to the edge of the table.
Valerie Lockhart had kindly hand crafted some beautiful keepsakes for the winners and Lesley Morton made up a fabulous hamper for the raffle.
The principal winners were as follows: Julie Clint must have been jumping up and down at receiving BIS/BD with Ch Papplewick Preacher Man JW ShCM, RBIS / BOS was Carol Lees with her youngster Lafford Penny Black, BPIS / RBB Estelle Kirk’s Iotastar’s Forever Autumn at Kirkchase, BV Liz & Alan Bartram’s Ch Burghbridge Black Shadow JW and BPH Susie & Margaret Orchard’s Semicvetik Dayana Divine Panspayon.
A week later it was the turn of South Wales Papillon Club at the Markham Leisure Centre. This year the SW club were hosting the Breed Clubs Joint Show. Hot food was available all day perhaps a good job as I am led to believe the hall was chilly bon-bon in other words freezing. Apparently the heating was not functioning.
Pat Munn very kindly took along some beautiful gifts for the lucky winners. I saw on Facebook some very pretty necklaces and bracelets that Amy Williams was taking along to sell on the stand, they looked like they would make perfect stocking fillers.
On this occasion it was a first time Papillon challenge certificate judging experience for James Newman (Denemore) travelling from Southern Ireland. He found his principal winners to be; BIS & BCC Jean & Roger Banfield and Caroline Lee-Slater’s Ch Jorgealin Cast A Spell For Kingshaven, RBIS/ RBCC Sophie Langdon’s Shadowknight Ebony Rose Of Skyvana, DCC/BOS Sue & Jon Caton’s Coffe Ice Cream Forussi At Hendrix (Imp Pol) . This was a third cc so a crowning glory for this little boy. Congratulations Sue and Jon, you have worked very hard with him and I am thrilled for you, RDCC Pat Munn‘s Ringlands Timeless Gift. BPIS Towerglen’s All About Anya, RBPIS Ted & Mary Whitehill & Pat Urwin’s Paparottsie Talk The Talk, BV Sue Stanbury’s Inixia Delightful Dan JW shCM and finally BPH Susie & Margaret Orchard’s Semicvetik Dayanya Divine Panspayon ( Imp Rus).
Steve Clayton (Stepheter) took the juniors through their paces and awarded the 6-11yrea group and Best Junior Handler In Show to Isabella Cox aged 10 years. Bethany Osborne aged 12 years won the 12-16 year group.
Sue Stanbury would like for those that are wishing to attend the SW Christmas meal on Thurs, 21st Dec at 1pm to let her know. There is a £5 deposit so please private message her to get further details of the menu. Sue also needs to know numbers for the Buffet City, which is on Sunday, 10th Dec at 7pm. All sounds like there is plenty of fun in store.
The Papillon (Butterfly Dog) Club held their Open Show. Richard Dawson provided the catering producing some excellent refreshments and freshly cooked meals. The judges for the day were for the breed, Breed Specialist Eileen Roberts (Rayol) and for the Junior Handling Raewyn Dowsett (Tteswood). Mary Whitehill had been busy in the kitchen as she donated the proceeds from the sale of her Scottish Tablet. For those of you not familiar with the term it is edible not something for the fingers on the keyboard! By all accounts also delicious.
something for the fingers on the keyboard! By all accounts also delicious. BIS/BB was a delighted Pat Cox with Tricianbri Tuppence a Kiss, RBIS/BOS Caroline Lee Slater’s Rozamie Monsieur Philippe, BPIS Mary Whithill & Pat Urwin’s Paparottsie Talk the Talk, BV/RBD Sandra Austin & Jane Thompson’s Jhanakia Highland Destiny, RBB Sophie Langdon’s Shadowknight Ebony Rose of Skyvana and RBP Brian & Pat Cox’s Denemore Juniper Berrie at Tricianbri. Best Junior Handle In Show Niamh Nash.
At Hyde Canine Open Show, Christine and Aiden Foynes had a super day with Lafay Petite Etoile taking BOB and TGP3. All their other four paws had good results too.
Blackwood & DCS was a successful day for Susie & Margaret Orchard with Ringland Yoko’s Solo at Panspayon taking BOB and TGP1 under the breed and TGP judge Angela Aylett (Angcherish). Both Susie and Margaret were delighted as this gave her the final points to complete her shCM. This was the second shCM their dogs had taken in the same week as Ger CH Alex’Eye Of The Tiger At Panspayon (imp) received the points for his also.
Ger CH Alex’Eye Of The Tiger At Panspayon (imp) received the points for his also. Marian Sloan over in Northern Ireland had a brilliant day at the Cloghran Show taking the double. Ch Austrene One Vision won bitch Green Star/ BOB and Akai’s Diamond Desire To Austrene won his 4th Green Star. The judge was Lee Grogan.
At Torquay & DCS Sue Stanbury took BOB / TGP2 with Inixia Follower Of Fashion. The breed and TGP judge was David Moger (Gayhalo).
This club has placed an advert in OD this week but just in case you hadn’t seen thought I would mention. For those of you living in and around the Swansea area the secretary of the Swansea & DCC, Robin Paisey wishes to let you know that on Sat, 10th Feb 2018 at the Neath Sports Centre SA10 7BR the club has put on two Papillon breed classes, Toy AV. The group judge will be William Stone (Bilijees) and for the stakes and BIS Raye Parry (Gwynsias). Schedules can be downloaded at ‘onlineshowentry’ or email Hon Sec: paisey1@hotmail.com (BT tel 01792 310622). Postal entries close 22 Jan/ online 29 Jan.
A reminder this weekend the Pap entry for LKA is 113/117 and Pauline Sidgwick (Paulian) is our judge. Judging is 9am and we are in Ring 10. The Toy entrance is VE door 17.3. The car park is at a special rate of £6, thank you LKA. Just one last thought for LKA, it is the last doggie day for shopping before Christmas, I am sure Northern & Eastern
Counties Papillon Club will have folk selling their Calendar at this show. Don’t miss out buying one they are great gift for that Papillon loving person.
It is of course time also to pick up your OUR DOGS annual, great Christmas reading when you can find a quiet space for a moment to chill. There are lots of interesting items and features to read, with fabulous pictures of the canine world. Remember also to pick up your OUR DOGS 2018 diary. This is a must buy to get all the important info down against the dates, just so you don’t have to tie a knot in the hankie. When you have a minute take a trip along to the OD stand and start buying those Christmas presents in advance.
Have a good show at LKA, let’s be determined to kick start the Christmas festivities with everyone having plenty of fun during the day. Be careful travelling to the NEC.