16 January 2015 – Dog World
Brian Lees the secretary of the Papillon (Butterfly Dog) Club wishes to remind all members that items for inclusion on the AGM Agenda must be with the Secretary (Brian Lees) in writing by 18th January. A reminder that the Club is keen to welcome new committee members and that only the position of Chairman is is up for election this year in accordance with the rule changes introduced last year. We welcome any nominations for this and any other post within the Committee. Please reply to secretary@papillonclub.co.uk also why don’t you visit the club’s website www.papillonclub.co.uk.
Elaine Stanmore the PBDC membership secretary for the club is giving everyone a little nudge to remind them that their renewal for your membership is due for 2015. Congratulations to Melanie Mann for compiling the PBDC Christmas Clubs newsletter, job well done, it looked a treat.
Whilst we are talking about the PBDC the clubs dates for your 2015 diary as follows: Sunday 15th March AGM at the Kennel Club Buildings Stoneleigh Park, Warwarkshire, CV8 2LZ (don’t forget to get your inclusions in by the 18th Jan.)
Sat, 18th April PBDC Championship show KC Buildings. Dogs: Mr Stuart Mallard (Tuckles), Bitches Mrs Amanda Bruce-Jackson (Tijuana) and BIS & Junior Handlers Mr Rob Sansom (Byermoor). This is a really nice show in great surrounding whether you are showing or perhaps just going along for a social day out.
July 11th-12th July Fun Weekend and Open Show at Roade Village Hall, Bailey Brook Lane, Roade, Northants NN7 2LS. This is a fun weekend that you should not miss with so much going on you won’t have time to draw breath. If you have a caravan or motorhome why not go along for the weekend. The judge for the open show is Mr Rodney Oldham (Towmena).
Aug 1st-2nd Pet Show at Stoneleigh. Papillons are to be represented and the club are looking for at least four volunteers for each day to man the stall. So if would like to participate contact Debbie Goodwin.
It doesn’t seem six years since this show commenced rotating between the five breed clubs. This years show is back with the PBDC and to be held on Sat, 24th October Joint Papillon Clubs Championship Show at the Royal Court Hotel, Tamworth Road, Keresley, Coventry, CV7 8JG. Subject to KC approve the judges will be Dogs: Mr Espen Engh (Norway), Bitches: Mrs Jenny Scovell (Caswell) and the Referee and JH: Mr Roger Banfield (Kingshaven).
Sat, 21st Novemeber PBDC Open Show at St Mary’s Church Hall, Hobs Meadow, Solihull, West Midlands, B92 8PN and the judge will be Mr Tom Ishwerwood (Vanitonia). Well there you go I have got you to Christmas in no time at all. Put them in your diary so you won’t forget there
A reminder that Northern & Eastern Counties Papillon Club are holding a stewarding seminar with Christina Chapman ( KC Accredited Trainer) and a talk on Syringomyelia and Chari-like Malformation with Penny Knowler (Clare Rusbridge’s research assistant Co-ordinator of the Canine Chiari Malformation and Syringomyelia DNA Research project ) This event which is being held on Feb 1st 9.30am-4pm is just £15 which includes lunch. The club also will be holding a raffle and donating part of the entry fee to the research programme. Contact Eileen Roberts at 0116 2570277 for reservations or additional information.
The Top Dog Competitions have given their final result standings which are as follows: Dog World / Arden Grange Top Dog Congratulations to Joe Magri and Kevin Arrowsmith’s CH Rozamie Dream Lover. Dog World / Yumega Top Brood Bitch Irene & Glenn Robb’s CH Gleniren Juniper Starmaker Sunshoo, Dog World / Royal Canin Top Stud Dog Irene and Glenn’s CH Gleniren Nikolia Mania Sunshoo, Our Dogs / Arden Grange Top Breeder Gleniren, Our Dogs / Dorwest Herbs Top Puppy Irene & Glenn Robb’s and Elizabeth Patrick’s Volpecula Tammienorrie Suniren. Congratulations Elizabeth we couldn’t be more pleased for you, it was a pleasure to show your little Sparkles.
Have a brilliant 2015 everyone and just enjoy our lovely breed 24/7. Don’t forget to pick up your Dog World annual at Manchester it will give you hours of informative reading and super pictures to view.