18 January 2019 – Breed Notes
Here are a few Open shows to bring news from. Mandy Thornton is having an exciting time with her youngster Milbu Ciciobello At Shevid (Imp LVA). Taking BPIB and TPGP4 attending his first show at just six months old at North East of England Toy Dog Society. The breed judge was Jude Reyes (Queenslake) and the group judge/ BIS judge was Stephen R Goodwin (Lanola).
For the next show at Teedmouth CS, another success taking a RBPIS under Beverley Morris. Lastly and most recently at North and South Shields CS Milbu Ciciobello at Shevid ) (Imp LVA) took an impressive BOB/ BPIB and a TPGP2 under judge Maxine Fox-Shone (Pamedna). Very well to you all, looks like it is going to be an exciting year for you.
Carol Lees had a successful day with Lafford Fireman Sam taking BOB and TGP2. Apologies I do not know who the judges were.
Notice has been given for The Papillon (Butterfly) Dog Clubs 2019 Annual General Meeting. It will be held on the 24-03-2019 from 10.30am – 4pm at Great Ponton Village Centre, 12 Archers Way, Great Ponton, Lincolnshire, NG33 5DS.
Good luck to everyone going to Manchester Championship Show on Friday 18th Jan, I hope all the exhibitors have a lovely day. The breed judge is breed specialist Cheryl Lockett, TGP Mrs M Thorpe, TPGP / BPIS Liz Stannard and BIS judge Stuart Plane.
For those travelling to shows please be aware that all cameras went live from the 7th Jan 2019 on the M1 and M25. Set at 72 mph, auto ticket generating system. Enjoy your shows and have fun.