19 January 2024 Breed Notes

A blast from the past came flooding back when at the Northern & Eastern Counties Papillon Club Championship Show. In previous years for so many of the exhibitors the clubs shows it was held at the Thorpe Willoughby Hall. So it was like going back to the old hunting ground. It is a lovely venue and just the right size for that social atmosphere.

Helen Verity also Elaine Davidson and Liz Anderson were there with their stalls displaying some fabulous bedding and toys. We were really spoilt for choice. Helen also multitasked by making sure everyone were handed their catalogue as they entered the hall.
A sad point was to hear the news that Ian Moore was resigning from being the Treasure of the club after a number of years. He will be missed by everyone both exhibitors and committee.
Refreshments were on hand for those hungry tums and the raffle table was full of prizes for everyone.

The judge for this show was to be well respected breed specialist Ann Richardson (Belvane). As you would expect from a judge of such merit and long standing she went over the dogs in a calm and collected manner always giving a thought for both the dogs and exhibitors.

The principal winners were as follows: BCC/ BIS a delighted Irene and Glenn Robb taking top spot with Ch Gleniren Daddy’s Starmaker, DCC/BOS/RBIS Elaine Davidson’s CH/AMCH Elmaraine Chasing Rainbows,
BPIS/ BPB Mary Whitehill’s Colour Coded, BPD Liz Anderson’s Elmaraine Outlander,
RDCC Jo Davidson Poston’s Dual CH SkyButterfly Elven Cron Prince Spinillons SHCEX SK Winner 23 (imp Rus)
RBCC / BPHIS Sue Morrell’s Phalene Athene Vom Schwabenhof For Temelora (Imp DEU)
BVIS Jo Davidson Poston’s Ch/IRCH/NLCH/INT CH Spinillons Rebel Rowser JW/SHCM/CW14/VW/SHCEX.
The special Classes were judged by John Ritchie.
Congratulations to everyone and also to the hard working committee.

Ladies Kennel Association Championship Show was held at Staffordshire Showground for the first time this year. For so many years the show had been held at the NEC a bit like the Holy Grail, so it took a bit of time to get your head around the new venue. Now held over four days it must have been a mammoth task for the committee and didn’t they pull out all the stops to ensure the show ran like clockwork. Congratulations to each and every one of you, you did yourselves and LKA proud. Especially as the yukky wet muddy weather threw just about every element at you. Praise to the car parking attendants as they certainly had their work cut out and at all times showed a caring attitude to everyone. It must have been a nightmare for them but they coped so well with a happy smile and wave.
Can’t say many missed the walk from the car park to the NEC halls. The trade stands, which were many, looked very happy with the set up. So sorry NEC, I don’t think you were missed by many.
It was a day of Cavs and Poms for Glenn and I so the running shoes were not in full force for this show, just an abundance of Christmas spirit.

The Papillon ring was situated at the end of the main hall and was of a spacious size. There were plenty of grooming areas around two sides of the ring so everyone could spread out a little.
It was to be a first time for giving Challenge Certificates in the breed for Wendy Walters (Sweetbrair), so a special day indeed, certainly one for the memory book.
The principal winners were as follows: DCC/BOB Kathleen Rossens over from Belguim Ch Bel Dutch Dk Lux Int Real Daydream Believer De Costalina. I believe this was his third, so congratulations on the UK title.
BP / TPGP1 Jo Davidson Poston’s Elena Kolekcja Szuwarka (Ikc). The Toy Puppy Group judge was Mr Keith A W Young (Pyngold). Congratulations Jo on a fabulous show with your youngster and also taking both BV in breed with Ch Ir Ch Nl Ch & Int Ch Spinillons Rebel Rowser JW and RDCC Dual Ch Sky Butterfly Elven Cron Prince Spinillons. You certainly went home first class on ‘cloud 9’. RBCC Helen Walsh’s Ch Jorgealin Moon Star At Purepixie. Congratulations to everyone that was in the cards and the principal winners.

An open show result from Sedgley & Gornal Canine Assoc. Judge Toy Specialist Dom Santoriello (Pinicio)
BOB/ BP : Bresar’s Almeno tu Nell Universo in Zizula (Imp Ita). RBOB Cooper’s Wilachans Gobolin King.

Some sad news, given by Melanie Mann. I was sorry to hear that Pauline Featonby-Warren died peacefully in hospital yesterday morning. Many of you will remember her Buttalowie Papillons and I remember fondly the times we spent together. Pauline was a great supporter of the Northern and Eastern Club and used to attend many of our shows, when her health allowed. Sincerest condolences to her friends and family. Rest in Peace Pauline xx”
Thank you Melanie, Pauline was such a kind and considerate lady.

News from the Royal Kennel Club.



A Baby Puppy is a dog of four and less than six calendar months of age on the first day of the show.

Baby Puppy classes may be scheduled at any breed club show. Any Variety Baby Puppy classes may be scheduled at any breed club show.

Best Baby Puppy in Breed may be declared in each breed from the dogs entered in the Baby Puppy breed classes.

There must be no progression to further competition

Ted Whitehill gives news that the Breed Council judging list is in the process of being updated for 2024. Ted would be grateful if you could forward updated CV’s to him as soon as possible.

Ted is being asked frequently for names of Judges who meet the new level 2 criteria under the JEP route.
It is intended to compile a list and if you wish to be included could you please provide details and appropriate certificates etc.

The requirements for each are different, the JEP can be found on the RKC website and the old route on the Breed Council site. Need any info, you can contact Ted by emailing twhitehill123@gmail.com

The Northern & Eastern Counties Papillon Club Open Show will be held on Sunday, March 3rd.
The venue with be The Carlton Village Hall, Church Lane, Goole, DNA14 9PB.
The judge will be toy specialist Bethan Evans.
Paper entries closing date 17th Feb and Online with Cavalier Impressions 3rd Feb.

Take care of yourselves and all those lovely four paws and I wish you every success for 2024.