19 July 2019 Breed Notes
Windsor is one of most people’s favourite shows. The ground looked impeccable and the layout I am sure was to everyone’s taste. The committee really do put 100% effort into making this the exhibitors show and don’t they all look smart in their jackets. The day was dry, at times sunny, but a biting wind swept through the tents putting a chill in the air. Trade stands were a plenty, a vast array to choose from, so lots to browse when time allowed.
Glenn and I left very early for the travel to Windsor as we know traffic around the area can be heavy. Little did we know it would be a stop and start journey from the moment we left. We should have arrived an hour and a half before judging and we nervously watched the clock eat away for this time scale, arriving in the car park ten minutes before judging was due to commence. My show jacket hastily put on, grooming bag in hand, Jenson on the lead and walked into the show ground whilst Glenn unloaded the trolley. With the help of a very kind exhibitor who I am eternally grateful; Jenson borrowed the trolley top for a quick flick through with the brush. Luckily veteran class was prior, so I had time to deep breath and count to ten! Certainly recommended for getting the adrenalin flowing.
For this show we had a well respected breed specialist judging our breed, Sue Stanbury of the Inixia affix was taking the helm. In-out rings here, so plenty of space to show the four paws off to their best advantage. The judge was kind and caring to all the exhibits going over the dogs in a meaningful manner on the table. The day went along smoothly with the help of the two proficient stewards.
The principal winners for the day were as follows: BCC/ BOB Anne Borg’s Ch Petress Dark and Daring. Congratulations Anne and when we returned on the Sunday for BPIS I was told by one of the BIS stewards that your little one went very well and looked lovely in the TGP. BP Irene and Glenn Robb’s Gleniren Who’s Your Daddy who went on to a lovely TPGP1 under Meg Purnell-Carpenter. BV Kirsty Wells and Amanda Brown’s Ch Metamorphic Delivered, DCC Kirsty Miller and Evan Ryan’s Ch Feorlig Smarty Pants JW Sh.CM, RDCC Caroline Lee- Slater and Kewley’s Magic Sunrise Ace Ventura (Imp) and RBCC Sophie Langdon’s Ch Shadowknight Ebony Rose of Skyvana JW.
Next Championship show on the calendar was East of England held at the Peterborough Showground. It was to b a grey sky, which gave way to eventual rain later in the day. But this didn’t dampen the spirits of the exhibitors, especially as the Papillons were in the main hall so all nice and cosy. All the rings were of a good size ring with plenty of trade stands and refreshment outlets to choose of your choice. Here another breed specialist Angela Skelton of the Adnamashen affix was judging the breed, this time travelling down from bonnie Scotland. She arrived promptly on time for judging and looked completely ready for her day ahead. The judge went over the dogs on the table in a caring, systematic way, never over facing the dogs and putting them and their handlers at ease.
Principal winners were as follows; DCC / BOB Mandy and Callum Thornton’s Milbu Ciciobella at Shevid (Imp LVA). This was the crowning third cc, so many congratulations Mandy, Dave and Callum. BP/RDCC Irene and Glenn Robb’s Gleniren Who’s Your Daddy who was shortlisted in the TPGP under Rob Sansom. BV Jenny Scovell’s Frasermar Explosion At Caswell, BSB Holme’s Elfuago Booyah. BCC Gordon and Cathy Urquhart’s Blackpark Patricia and RBCC Karen Maskell’s Kazkell Milo’s Dream JW. Congratulations to all the principal and class winners at both Windsor and East of England.
Here are some of the Open Show results. At Goosnargh & Longridge Agricultural Society Open Show. Susan Lanson’s Cantoverde Royal Chyna JW ShCM won her class and Cantoverde Captain Casper JW ShCM took BOB under Judge Sylvia Adamson (Sylvia’s) going on to take a lovely TGP2 under Judge David Robbins (Chenting).
At Vale of Clwyd CS Open Show Ann Meacham had a lovely day taking BOB and TGP3 with Bankshill Ruth Is An A Angel and BP with Khanor Gift of Silence Breed judge Colin Gullon.
Thank you Brian Lees for sent me in the results from East of England Ladies Kennel Society Open Show held at Huntingdon Racecourse here the breed judge was Angela Matthews (Berestead), TGP judge Stephen R Goodwin (Lanola) and BIS judge Ben Reynolds-Frost. Carol and Brian had a super day taking BOB with Kat Milroy’s Farthinghall By Fly, Reserve Best of Breed with their homebred Lafford Penny Black. Finishing off the day with BPIB/ TPGP1 /RBPIS with their youngster Lafford Golden Child. You must have driven home on cloud nine being very chuffed indeed, well done.
Another Papillon flying the flag is Karen and Steve Maskell’s Kazkell Milo’s Dream JW taking BOB at The Durham County Premier show under breed judge Alan Carter. Carrying on to a TGP1 under Mrs C Knight. For the Junior Warrant Competition under Mrs Jane Gregory she was the only Toy to be shortlisted to the final ten. What great results for the show, well done to both of you.
For those of you going to Papfest I hope the weather is kind and Melanie Mann (Melangel) who is judging the open show at this event has a super day. Enjoy everyone and have fun.