20 November 2015 – Our Dogs

Dear All, There will be a full update on your wins and news next week once I have sorted the virus on my computer. Meanwhile I have inserted Jerry Munroe’s report on the club show judges by Breed Specialist Brian Lees.

On Saturday 7 November the N & E Counties Papillon Club held our Open Show at Thorpe Willoughby Village Hall. The heavens opened as we arrived to set up the show but the Committee all pulled together and we were ready in record time. It was lovely to see our Chair Eileen Roberts back on her feet after her recent accident and wish both her and daughter Caroline continued good recovery from their injuries. By the time judging started the sun had come out and the day remained dry throughout the rest of the show. Our judge Brian Lees (Lafford Papillons) had a good entry of dogs to go over. Best in Show and Best Puppy in Show went to Lynda Woodrow’s young bitch Lynflyer Winter Sparkle. Best Veteran and Reserve Best Bitch was Heather Aitkin’s Jaroma Geena Gee at Elfuago Best Dog, Reserve BIS and BOS was Melanie Mann’s boy Melangel Time To Shine, with Reserve Best Dog going to Wendy Waters’ Sweetbriar Sticks An Stones JW. Best Puppy Dog was Melanie Mann’s Melangel X Factor. There were no Phalenes present at the show. The JH classes were judged by Alison Walker (Kayceekay Cavaliers) and Best JH in Show was Caragh McGrath (16). Alison was kept busy all day as she also stewarded for Brian – we hope you both enjoyed your day. Christine Macfarlane and family provided their usual high standard of home cooking which as always was well received. It was lovely to see Peter and Teresa Cullen visit the show with their new puppies. Good luck Peter with your continued treatment. Sadly, Alison and Michael Atkins have decided to step down from the Committee and from running the Club Stall to spend more time with their dogs. We shall miss them greatly and thank them both for their hard work and valuable contributions to the Committee. On a final note, all places for the hands on assessments of our Breed Specific Seminar on 7 February 2016 are now booked up but places are still available for the breed talk and lunch. Please contact Penny Robins (01909 479672/07790 039907) for further details. Best wishes and thanks to you both, Jerry

Alexandra Forth