24 June 2016 – Dog World
Malvern called and right on song so did the weather for Three Counties for Toy Day. Torrential downpours, thunder it threw the lot at us, but we exhibitors braved the storm and carried on regardless. For Malvern, this seems to be a regular experience so we all have come accustomed to just getting on with things in the wet. The toys were in the Wye Hall, not the most scenic of venues as we all know but the back walls of grass and cows can help, if you have an imaginative mind. On this occasion we had a very knowledgeable, well respected breed specialist judging our breed Mr Roger Banfield (Kingshaven), who arrived looking immaculate and ready for the day ahead. His two stewards made sure the day went smoothly along and this it did all day.
Mr Banfield went over the dogs gently but in the direct way you would hope. So many of those, that are not accustomed to Paps frilly and dither on the table and that just gets them unsettled. A chance was given for every exhibitor to put their charges at their best in a large ring area. The principal winners for the show were as follows; DCC/ BOB Irene & Glenn Robb’s CH Gleniren Shootin Starmaker Sunshoo who was shortlisted in the group. BCC Alexandra Forth’s Ch Omegaville Make Me A Petitchien, RDCC Joe Magri & Kevin Arrowsmith’s Ch Rozamie Dream Lover, RBCC Sue Victor’s Lafford Kandy Floss JW (handled by Caroline Lee- Slater) and BP Lynn George-Evan’s Jorgealin Moon Shine. Congratulations to all the principal and class winners.
This year the show took the decision to hold the Hound Group in the BIS ring and pre-judge the Toy Group in the adjacent ring at the same time. Maybe in reality this was not such a logical idea. Firstly you felt as if you were in a stakes class instead of a TGP and receiving BOB is a no mean feat, and should quite rightly be given the respect that it deserves. However this was not the only issue of concern. As I placed Travis on the table the hound group winner was announced, there was a huge explosion of noise, far exceeding anything I have every heard before. Mr Easdon refrained from going over the dog until the further group placing had been announced as even he was in a state of WOW. Then, when the dog is put on the floor the hall erupted once more as the winners were completing their lap of victory. I am not having a moan about, people have a right to celebrate, of course they do what a wonderful moment but it was just about the circumstances of the rings running at the same time. Thankfully for Travis this was not an issue and bless him he took it all in his stride. What does majorly concern me is, if that had been a little one that wasn’t so confident you could be easily saying bye, bye to the show career. Perhaps a thought the committee of Three Counties might consider for their future shows.
The Royal Cornwall Open was a success for Sue Stanbury taking a TGP2 with Inixia Saucy Sam and TPGP Inixia Hot Stuff under Mr R Allen. Sue has mentioned that the Officers/Committee for this show provided the indoor/outdoor tenting and what a vast improvement it was for all the exhibitors, which was much appreciated. Sue loves the show but possibly her only disappointment was that they had to wait nearly three hours from the end of the Toy judging, for the Toy Group to be judged. Unfortunately a lot of the exhibitors went home. Apparently it was for the public to watch. You could count on one hand, the spectators. In fact Sue would say that more exhibitors left, because of the wait, than the spectators that were watching. It was certainly worth the wait for your little ones Sue, so very well done.
Last week I gave you all the sad news from Scotland of Mary Frasers passing. Mary had such a passionate love of the breed and Lynda Phillips and Elizabeth Patrick have kindly sent me something about Mary’s involvement in the breed.
Mary Fraser of the well known Fraserdene Kennel was a founder member of The Papillon Club of Scotland and was personally responsible for most of the classes given to Papillons at open and limited shows, travelling with several of her Paps and offering rosettes and a trophy if a class was scheduled for the breed. Her Fraserdenes were very successful in the show ring and had wonderfully showy temperaments. Her beautiful Ch. Fraserdene Lorenz sired some lovely CC and Res CC winners including Fraserdene Forena who joined the famous Inverdon kennels and Fraserdene Formata plus many others. His well known grandsons Ch. Dalcia Beau Brummel and Crufts BOB winner Ch. Motylek Moonwings closely resembled him in both character and appearance. Both dogs went on to sire CC winners of excellent type and quality and. Ch. Beau Brummel was used at stud by Norma Staff of The Ringlands Papillons. Mary’s Paps were predominantly black and whites, somewhat smaller and daintier than many of today’s exhibits and with the sweetest of heads. Several Fraserdenes were exported to Sweden where they were used to good effect in some well known kennels. Mary’s generosity was well known especially to newcomers to the breed. More than one keen beginner received a good quality Fraserdene bitch with a free stud for good measure. No payment or puppy back was ever required. Mary was a lady of strongly held opinions which she would happily share, a force of nature with a kind, generous heart and a great love and knowledge of the Papillon. Our lasting memory of her will be of her striding around the ring, barefooted as always, with her beloved, adorable Ch. Lorenz by her side Mary’s funeral will be held on Monday 27th June 2016 at 11am at Daldowie Crematorium Hamilton Road, Uddingston Glasgow.G71 7RU. No flowers.
Thank you so much both of you, I am sure that piece of Papillon history was greatly appreciated by these reading.