25 May 2018
So here we are at the Birmingham National at Stafford. One of my favourite shows as the committee always put 100% into making it a day for the exhibitor and this show was no exception. Papillons were judged in the Prestwood Centre away from the humdrum noise of the main hall. The other bonus was that the sun was beaming through the windows making it a very pleasant day indeed; when I walked through the main hall it was much colder. I thought trade stands were perhaps a little depleted and the veranda stands only three quarters around bit of course at this show there are outside stalls too, but what stands were there put on a good display of wares.
The ring was large and spacious and our judge for the day was Mr Brian Rix (Ricksbury) who arrived looking immaculate as always and sporting a gloriously tanned, I was very envious! I think all the tan I had was rust from the continual rain we have been having.
Mr Rix went over the dogs sympathetically on the table and gave everyone a chance to make sure their charges put best paws forward on the floor. There was a good entry of Papillons but Mr Rix gave everyone time and space through the classes. He finished judging in plenty of time and then proceeded onto his other breed of judging at the show, Bichons.
The principal winners for the show were as follows; Irene & Glenn Robb’s Ch Gleniren Shootin Starmaker Sunshoo who took the DCC/ BOB and Toy Group 3 under Albert Wight. Travis cannot get to many shows so we were just thrilled that he took his 52nd DCC and 47th BOB and then the icing on the cake a TGP3, we were thrilled. The BCC was Kirsty Miller and Evan Ryan’s Rozamie Kisses At Midnight Feorlig JW Jun Ch. I believe the magical third for this little girl, so a thrilling show for all concerned. BP was Sue Stanbury’s Inixia Ever Ready Eddie and Sue enjoyed success once again winning BV with Inixia Delightful Dan JW Sh.CM. For the RDCC’s it was Kirsty Miller & Evan Ryan’s Feorlig Smarty Pants JW Sh.CM and the RBCC Irene & Glenn Robb and Jan Roosens’s Ch Miss Martini Royal De Costalina Suniren (Imp).
Sue Morrell had a good day at Banbury and District Show where, under judge Mrs. M. Chapman, Temelora Let it be Magic JW won BOB and Temelora Bobby Dazzler JW won Best Veteran in Group. That is some special day Sue, very well done. Dee Olaf was celebrating also with a TPGP3 with Tarnock Rock n’Roll Rene.
Susan Lanson leads the way also for the Papillons as at Colne, Nelson & DCS Open Show under breed specialist Petula Humphrey her youngster Cantoverde Captain Casper went on to take BOB/ BPIB. Following this straight on with another success at the Westmorland CA Open Show under the judge Sharon Thompson (Kiamera) once again Cantoverde Captain Casper took BOB. That is quite a record you are notching up with your youngster Susan, very well done.
Michele Buss had a good day at Gravesend & Medway where the Papillon judge was Derfel Owen. Michele’s Flutura’s Something Special took BOB.
In the poorly sick corner; please everyone give special get well wishes to Jean Walker who is in hospital at present with a chest infection and asthma attack. Hoping she’ll be very much improved shortly. I heard that Sue Deamer managed to get to the Papillon Club of Scotland Show and someone showed her dogs for her. Sue broke her leg very badly some months back and all credit to her getting to the show. Make sure you keep that leg continually improving Sue and you will be back in the ring in no time. Hope that Carole Hatch is continuing on the road to recovery after a heel and tendons injury. It is not nice to be at home not able to get to the shows or manage to show your dogs and my thoughts are with you all.
Let me know your news of your shows, we all want to hear of your successes. So, until next week then, when I will give you news of the happenings and results at the Scottish showing weekend. Take care on the roads.