25 November 2016 – Dog World
For the forthcoming show it looks like the winter weather is fast approaching, with thermals and hot soup very much on the ‘must do’ list for exhibitors. Wet weather is always a trying time for all of us including the four paws, no matter what the breed. Without a doubt the long coated breeds are always a mega challenge at this time year, keeping those coats pristine and maintained. Now we all know the Papillon are in the top ten for intelligence, please remember that little nugget.
However it never ceases to amazes me when in a blink of the eye it starts to pour with rain. So, you would think, remembering the nugget I just gave you, logically the Paps should head for the undercover area, WRONG, you dive out, and there they all are, stood like statues, dripping. It is much more fun for them watching the rain dripping off their ear fringes and transforming from beautiful silky butterflies to a near perfected impersonations of a Roland rat rodent look a like.
The one thing I have learnt over the years is keep on top or else you will spend twice as long getting back to where you started. I know my crew look at me with those eyes saying “You have to be joking, brushing me again” or “Haven’t you run out of shampoo and conditioner yet”! Must admit there are times when I envy the ‘wipe and go’ dog brigade, it must be heaven. But hey ho, we only have ourselves to blame for joining the long coat club. Suck it up and think of the clean hands and hand cream.
Show reports are in short supply at present but Gill Geary sent me in news that she had a lovely day at Coventry (Foleshill) CA Open Show with her homebred youngster Taliesyn Wild Tansey. Judging the breed was Mrs Raye Parry who awarded the little one BP. The day continued in winning fashion, making it a special day for Gill when taking a TPGP2 under the TGP judge Mr Paul Eardley. Well done Gill, you must have been thrilled, what a good start for your little one.
As I write the Papillon (Butterfly Dog) Club will be holding their Open Show this weekend. Hopefully I will hear back all the exciting things that have gone on and will have lots of snippets to pass on to you. The show is to be held at St. Mary’s Church Hall, Solihull, West Midlands. It is going to be a special day for the judge breed specialist Lynn George-Evans (Jorgealin) and also for Callum Thornton (Shevid) who will be judging the special classes.
This brought back memories of many moons ago, we won’t mention the year! I judged this show as my first breed show and Glenn, who I think was still at school judged the special and junior handling classes. I can still to this day remember so many things about that show, just as if it was yesterday. Goodness, how time flies. Years gone by, to receive an invitation to judge a Breed Club Show was deemed a special moment in ones judging career, and a step further again to receive a Breed Championship Show was considered then second to a Crufts appointment. Not sure if this is considered now in the same vain, but then, it was one huge step onto the judging vision board. Enjoy to the max both of you and savour every minute. I am sure both of you will have had a lovely day and will go on to enjoy many judging appointments in the future.
Well, that’s your lot for this week. Take care and remember to let me know your result news from the shows you attend.