25 September 2015 – Dog World
When we get to this time of the year of Darlington Championship Show it means to me summer is a distant haze and autumn is upon us. It didn’t disappoint as it had that chilly Bon-Bon feel and the grass was covered over with a blanket of wet dew. In/ out marquees were all soaking, but thank heaven for the dry walking areas where the tarmacadam pathways to exercise the four paws was a godsend. I did ask if a certain Papillon exhibitor would they lay down and do a rolly – polly over the ground to dry showing areas up, however they declined, how inconsiderate is that! The poor dog puppies took the brunt of the conditions, coming out of the ring looking they had dived in the garden pond. I saw one little one shivering at his Mum with eyes that said “You never said it would be like this Mum, you said it was going to be fun”. But as the day went on the sun broke fleetingly and eventually the ground improved. No rain but it was cold, so rehearsal for the colder days of the winter to come.
Darlington is a well run show and I must say the committee in their green jackets look so smart and a credit to the society. Lots of trade stands at this show, a mix of our loyal trades’ folk that we see throughout the year at the shows and new stands that seem each year to enjoy the Darlington feel.
The BIS marquee was set out beautifully and I must say considerably warmer than the open sided marquees for the breeds. A large collecting ring at one end and a judge’s area at the other with individually dressed tables for the judges to relax and enjoy the moment.
During the breed judging the tannoy system was clear and excellent. Making sure everyone knew what was going on. None of you having to say to the person next to you “Did you understand that, what did he/she say?”.
Crescendo please. Now we come to everyone’s best bit of the day, the loos, yes you heard right, the loos. These were the talking point of the day. The steps had LED lighting leading to the said emporium, the girls were then greeted with a wall poster of the lovely face of Audrey Hepburn and other girlie icons from a past era, whilst the lads had sporting icons from both the past and present. Now don’t get any ideas. I didn’t go in disguise to collate this information, I will do a lot of things for DOG WORLD but there is a limit, I’m not that brave, it came from a reliable source! There was hand wash, hand cream, immaculate toiletry conditions and DVD screen with music you could bop along to. One thing that really caught my attention was the sign in the loo apoligising for the delay in the flush and they hoped you would be patient. You certainly left the Darlington loos with a big smile on your face.
So for Darlington Mr Bryn Claydon was taking on the task of judging our lovely breed. He arrived smartly attired, dressed in a grey suit. Mr Claydon went over the dogs in a sympathetic and kindly manner on the table and gave all exhibitors a chance to show their four paws of to their best advantage. So, the day went smoothly along with the atmosphere on the benches and grooming area happy and friendly, just as it should be.
At the end of the judging Mr Claydon found his principal winners to be. DCC/ BOB Irene and Glenn Robb’s Ch Gleniren Shootin Starmaker Sunshoo, who then went on to a fabulous TGP2 win under Mr Albert Wight. Many passed comment around the ring that the Darlington Toy group was one of the strongest they had seen all year. This was Mr Wights seventy sixth group appointment, what an incredible record to uphold. There were so many beautiful dogs, all pristinely presented and strutting their stuff, I sure it must have given Mr Wight some moments of difficult decision making.
Estelle Kirk had a truly memorable day as Mr Claydon awarded her little girl Ablazzer Wild At Heart the BCC, thus giving her the magical third cc for the Champion title. Huge congratulations to both Estelle and Lesley Morton the breeder. For the RCC’s it was a good day for Jo Davidson-Poston as she took both awards. RDCC, Ch & Ir Ch Spinillons Rebel Rowser JW Sh.CM CW14 and RBCC Spinillons Classic Caress JW Sh.CM CW14 Ir J Ch. She then went on to take BV with Ch & Ir Ch Spinillons Saffire JW Sh.CM. A very thrilled Lynda Woodrow took BP with her little girl Lynflyer Winter Sparkle. So well Darlington you put on a good show and all the exhibitors are I am sure very grateful to the committee.
Pat Cox brings news of a sponsored walk in aid of the Wessex Heartbeat, for the Cardiac Day Case Lounge. The event raised in excess of £200 to be put in the kitty, how good is that. Pat would like to thank all friends and exhibitors for their generosity in helping them to reach this amount. The butterflies, had plenty of energy after the event and thoroughly enjoyed themselves with lots of very interesting smells and wildlife to see. The duration of the walk was approx five miles in the New Forest. Really, it was a circular route around the Happy Cheese at Ashurst. Pat assures me that they didn’t go into the pub, but it was an ideal place to meet and park. Do we believe them, that is the point.
Pat tells me there six people altogether and they were all doggie folk. A good selection of breeds including, two Cavaliers, Dachshund, Jack Russell, Labradoodle, Sheltie, Powder Puff and of course two of Pats Paps, Ripple and Beth. Pat says they were all happy together they only met with one hiccup along the way when they came across a cow with two calves. The cow then tried to head butt the powder puff but she was only protecting her youngsters. Therefore they made a swift detour.
Pats good friend Lynn came back with her afterwards for a cuppa and her cavaliers flew around the garden with Pats Paps, obviously they were not tired after their long distant jaunt. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the day with the sun shining continually, so much nicer than the day previous as they had a deluge. The forest must have been such a lovely place and the scenery magnificent. Well done everyone, sounds like it was fun and money raised for a good cause.
The West Highland White Terrier Club are holding a Male & Female Canine Infertility and the best Approaches to investigation and treatment on the 31st Oct 2015 from 1pm – 4pm. Angelika Von Heimendahl will be conducting the talk at Swannington Village Hall, Main St, Swannington, Leicestershire, LE67 8LQ. The cost will be £18 per person, tea, coffee and light refreshments included. To reserve a place please contact: Mrs F West (Secretary). The West Highland White Terrier Club of England, Milton House, 353 Pontefract Rd, Purston, Pontefract. WF7 5AD. The closing date is Monday, 19th Oct.
That is it for this week folks, meet up with you next week with news from Belfast. Calm seas and travel sickness tablets for some I feel.