26 February 2016 – Dog World
The South of England Papillon Club held their Open Show at Chievely Recreation Centre, Nr Newbury. This venue has easy access to the motorway, ample parking facilities and a spotlessly clean hall. Apparently it poured in bucket loads all day but I am sure this didn’t dampen the exhibitors’ spirits.
By all accounts from news that has come in everyone had an enjoyable day and the club laid on free tea and coffee all day for everyone. The master chefs in the kitchen Sharon Towbridge with her granddaughter Tilly, Anne Borg and Rob Nash kept their culinary skills at a high standard with their home made cooking, making sure everyone was refreshed, inner being satisfied and raring to go. I believe the cakes and cream were a guilty pleasure experienced by many! Never mind tomorrow can be a diet day. No trade stands at this show, but a very good raffle was on offer and the club had provided some beautiful rosettes. This show was sponsored by Royal Canin.
For this show it was going to be an exciting day for breed specialist Mrs Christine Foynes (Lafay). Judging your own breed show is a very special moment in your judging career. For the special classes Carol Farrow was taking on this task. Mrs Foynes judge arrived smartly dressed in a navy blue trousers suit with a pretty aqua blue/green scarf. Amanda Brown was stewarding for the day helping make sure all went smoothly along the way. I have been told the judge went over the dogs sympathetically on the table and took time to make sure all exhibits had the best possible chance of performing at their best. The winners received some lovely wine and beautiful red roses from the judge. What a nice thought that was.
The principal winners for the day were as follows. Karen Diprose took the top honours of BIS with her little girl Powdermill Look Here at Lilacrose, I am sure Karen was cock-a-hoop at receiving this prestigious award and her journey home was a joyous one. Very well done Karen what a very proud moment. The RBIS and BOS spot went to Sue Morrell and Thesbina Teague’s Temelora Bobby Dazzler. Having received the brilliant ‘all clear’ news from her consultant she and Thesbina must have been on cloud nine. Karen and Steve Maskell must have been thrilled with their BPIS with Kazkell Robin the Limelight, BVIS Michelle Osborne’s Ch Tykkyedewas Santa’s Gift to Inixia and BPHIS Morrell and Teague’s Temelora Dream Lover. Best junior handler was Bethany Osborne. So well done SOEPC it sounds like you put on a great show.
The SOEPC are holding their AGM with a seminar on Sat, 19th March. It is being held near Newbury and commencing at 10.30am with tea and coffee available all day. Contact Kirsty@metamorphicpapillons.com for further details.
Well that is all the news to tell this week. Bright and sunny today so I am out post haste with the pooches. Think it is more of a training session for me than for them. No comments please, just be kind!