26 July 2019 Breed Notes
Important news from Ronnie Irvin for the Kennel Club. Please read and respond, these issues are of great importance to all of us concerned in the canine world.
Readers may be aware that the KC’s Judges Competency Framework has been put on hold and an independent review body has been set up to evaluate it. Ronnie Irving has been invited to take part in the review body with specific responsibility for relaying the views of numerically strong breeds. As part of that remit, an invitation is extended to interested parties with dogs in the KC Stud Book Band E and Stud Book Band D only, to send their views on the initial questions that the review group has been asked to consider in phase one of the project.
These questions are set out in the Press Release on the KC website at https://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/press-releases/2019/july/judges-competency-framework-review-update/ and for ease of reference are also set out below:
- Should the JCF proposal to license judges rather than approve on a show by show approval basis be maintained or abandoned?
- Should existing previously approved CC judges continue to be required to sit the five-yearly ‘Requirements of a Dog Show Judge’ exam or should they be exempted, unless they have not judged for a number of years or made procedural errors while judging?
- Should an attempt be made to keep both the existing system and the JCF system in some form running in tandem for a number of years into the future, or should the existing system be phased out as planned?
- If an ‘in tandem’ approach is to be pursued should the choice of which method to follow be on a judge by judge or breed by breed basis?
- Irrespective of the answer to question 3, should an element of practical hands-on judging experience (the ‘numbers game’) be involved?
- Irrespective of the answer to question 3, should starter judges be allowed to judge at small (Level 1/C list) open shows before having to sit any of the exams (Points of a Dog/Requirements of a Dog Show Judge etc) or should such exams be compulsory before a judge takes up any appointment?
- Should the stewarding requirement for CC judges be retained at 6 occasions or returned to the previous 12 or some other number?
- Is there sufficient merit in the following features of the JCF for them to be continued/developed:
- Mentoring
- Multiple choice questions on breed standards
- Eye for a Dog assessment
- Critique writing exam
All views will be welcomed from interested parties and should be submitted to Ronnie Irving by email please to dandyhow.ksut@gmail.com if possible by mid-August so that they are received in time for the first likely meeting of the group.
When submitting views, could respondents please mention their specific breed. There is no need to reproduce the full questions in your response, or to reply to each and every question. It will be sufficient just to include the question number and your reply. Only one response per individual will be taken into consideration even if for instance you are involved with more than one breed in these two Stud Book Bands.
Open show news with good result being achieved for our lovely breed.
Margaret Unwin at Southampton and District open show took RBOB with Inixia Dressed To Kill, at present do not have details of the judge.
Susie and Margaret Orchard at Totnes & DCS Open Show, held at Bridgwater. Took BPIB with Panspayon Isla going on to win TPGP4. The judge was Brian Shirley. Jo Sellick took BOB and TGP1 with Valerie Sparkes Phalene Pinkmead Twistin Time.
At Plymouth DCS Sue Stanbury took BOB , TGP1 and RBIS with Inixia Follower Of Fashion, Hazel Malcolm was awarded Best Veteran in Group with Petitchiens Moon Beam. BPIB was Susie and Margaret Orchard’s Panspayon Isla and Ringland Yoko’s Solo at Panspayon ShCM went RBOB. The judge was Paul Wilkinson.
Stithans Agricultural Open Show where Mr T Loader was judging the breed , Gary Thomas TGP and Variety judges and BIS judge Mr Laurie Hunt. Bob, TGP1 and BIS went to Sue Stanbury’s Inixia Ever Ready Eddie shCm, RBOB Susie and Margaret Orchard’s Ringlands Yoko’s Solo at Panspayon shCM also taking BPIB with Panspayon Isla.
At Newport & District Agricultural Society we saw a lovely dry day. Here Irene and Glenn Robb’s Gleniren Who’s Your Daddy had a long but successful day. Thanks must go to Joe Smith (Mowgli), although he was judging the Terriers he gave his already busy day and stepped in at the last minute to judge some of the Toys and Papillons as Sean Corrigan was unable to fulfil his judging appointment.
Jenson (G Who’s Your Daddy) took BOB/ BP and then went on to be awarded TGP1 and TPGP1 under Paul Wilkinson.
Remember to send in me your news from the shows as all the readers would love to share your successes. Once I have received all the information from The Papillon Clubs Open Show and Papfest activities, I will include all the results. Plenty going on judging from the pictures I have seen and looks like the weather was kind.
It is going to be a busy weekend for Papillon exhibitors with Leeds and Northern & Eastern Counties Papillon Club Championship Shows to report on next week. Have a safe journey to these shows or wherever the four paws take you.