Birmingham National Championship Show 2002
12th May 2002
Judge – Mr E Hulme
Best of Breed: Ch Serenglade Sebastian at Temelora
Best Puppy: Burghbridge Royal Tribute
Dog CC: Ch Serenglade Sebastian at Temelora
Res.Dog CC: Ch Tijuana Minstrel
Bitch CC: Rimzim Kiera
Res.Bitch CC: Lorah’s Livin on the Run
MPD (11 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: Burghbridge Royal Tribute
2nd: Christea Rumbabra
3rd: Feorlig Zweet Spirit
Res: Jaanjay Soul Seeker TAF
VHC: Giverny Kermits Pride NAF
PD (15 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: Tykkydewas Rowanberry
2nd: Serenglade Starshooter
3rd: Tinklebury Dr No
Res: Shamal Masquerade Alcala
VHC: Christea Star Over Northlyte
JD (17 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: Ch Denemore Forbidden Treasure
2nd: Amicae Rudi Bare
3rd: Tykkydewas Twylytetango With Panspayon
Res: Macstrak Minuet
VHC: Graycaz Give It Up For Thello
Class 1766 PGD (22 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: Abbeyton Silver Phantom
2nd: Lynrick’s Take A Chance On Me
3rd: Genevieves Flirtie Bertie JW
Res: Tutyak Quest
VHC: Inixia You Know Hugh
LD (11 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Sunshoo Imacaptain Scarlet
2nd: Panspayon Hallelujah at Melbentam
3rd: Inixia So Be It For Elendil
Res: Shazzabars Black Star
VHC: Shamal Mystique
OD (15 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Ch Serenglade Sebastian at Temelora
2nd: Ch Tijuana Minstrel
3rd: Likely Story
Res: Graycaz Green Is Envy
VHC: Ch Ibstock Heir of Distinction at Caswell
MPB (13 Entries) Abs: 5
1st: Longcrags Simply Aruna TAF
2nd: Inixia Walter Lily NAF
3rd: Burghbridge Temair
Res: Gleniren Jump ‘N’ Jive
VHC: Baladora Mark of Elegance
PB (10 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: Pyatshaw Aphrodite
2nd: Lynflyer Lady In Red
3rd: Bobbards Primrose Posy for Mali TAF
Res: Tussalud Cruella De-Ville
VHC: Longcrags Americara
JB (20 Entries) Abs: 4
1st: Invergarick Reflections
2nd: Panspayon Rosa Ryal
3rd: Novastar I Can Do Majic
Res: Lady in the Wings with Longcrags
VHC: Choose Me for Jujohn
PGB (17 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: Inixia Mademoiselle Violette
2nd: Pinelan Amaryllis
3rd: Pyatshaw Nessun Dorma
Res: Hemdale Elegant Erica
VHC: Barj Ginger Spice
LB (17 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: Lorah’s Livin on the Run
2nd: Amicae Rainbow High
3rd: Inixia Jack’s Jewel
Res: Polly Hannah For Temelora
VHC: Rayol Leilante
OB (15 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: Rimzim Kiera
2nd: Ibstock Adorable at Tussalud
3rd: Burghbridge Our Princess
Res: Ch Inixia Aureole
VHC: Rossacre at Valentina at Shamal