Ch Burghbridge Ur Solid Gold Skyvana, JW ShCM

Date of Birth:  3rd October 2008
Sex:  Dog
Colour:  Red, Sable & White
Breed Type: Papillon

Breeder:  Mr and Mrs AK and EK Bartram
Owner: Mr and Mrs AK and EK Bartram


Pedigree (correct to the best of our knowledge)

Skyvana C’est Ma Souris Shadowknight
Ch Inixia Wily Willum
Inixia Wily Walter
Inixia Phoebe
Ch Christea Midnight Rose for Skyvana
Ch Tussalud Tell Me A Story
Zokaren Dolly Daydream
Burghbridge Mystique Burghbridge Maestro
Ch Tussalud Tell Me A Story
Burghbridge Temair For Temelora
Ch Burghbridge Ura Golden Lady
Burghbridge Fly For Gold
Ch Daneview Dainty Bella Bella