Exonian Canine Association Open Show 2013
07 December 2013
Papillon Judge: Mr Alan Carter (Alamiks)
Toy Group Judge: Mr Bevan Osbourne (Trevurvas)
Best of Breed: Powdermill Magic Touch at Panspayon
Reserve Best of Breed: Panspayon Lucky Jim ShCM
Best Puppy in Breed & TOY PUPPY GROUP 1: Inixia Happy Harry
Graduate – 8 entries (1 absent)
1. Powdermill Magic Touch at Panspayon (Miss S & Mrs M Orchard)
2. Inixia Happy Harry (Mrs S Stanbury)
3. Temelora Trenarwyn Scarlet Jezebel (Mrs S Morrell & Mrs T Teague)
4. Temelora Rising Star (Mrs S Morrell & Mrs T Teague)
5. Bonmeshay Ted Baker for Temelora (Mrs S Morrell & Mrs T Teague)
Open – 7 entries (1 absent)
1. Panspayon Lucky Jim ShCM (Miss S & Mrs M Orchard)
2. Temelora Bobby Dazzler JW (Mrs S Morrell & Mrs T Teague)
3. Temelora Passing Fancy JW (Miss V Prince)
4. Inixia Saucy Sam (Mrs S Stanbury)
5. Panspayon Xoe (Miss S Orchard)