Hitchin Open Show 2013
06 October 2013
Papillon Judge: Jocelyn Creffield (Melfield)
Best of Breed & Toy Group 3: Stanmore’s Kingshaven Zaffron at Altaya
Res.Best of Breed: Stanmore’s Altaya Just One Look
Junior (2)
1 Stanmore’s Altaya Just One Look, r/w dog, good head & eye, well placed ears, correct bite, well balanced body with good front & depth of chest, level topline, high set tail, fine boned with hare feet. Moved well. RBOB;
2 Bull’s Altaya Foreign Affair.
Post Graduate (4,1a)
1 Geary’s Taliesyn Briar Rose, 2 year old b/w bitch, dainty throughout, nice well balanced head, dark eyes, correct bite, a little hesitant on the table, more confident on the floor & moved well holding level topline & high tail, coat not at its best today;
2 Wilson’s Rosefire Rainbow Shimmer;
3 Wilson’s Master Of The Nosferat.
Open (3,2)
1 Stanmore’s Kingshaven Zaffron at Altaya, r/w 4 year old bitch in lovely bloom, small & dainty, good head, well placed ears which she made good use of, dark eyes, good mouth, well developed shoulder & deep chest, correct topline & high set tail, super mover in excellent condition. BOB & G3.
AV Toy Classes. Judge: Jocelyn Creffield (Melfield)
Junior (3)
1 Bull’s Altaya Foreign Affair, 12 months tri Papillon dog, litter brother to the puppy winner & similar comments apply, he is just slightly longer in loin than his brother but a nice dainty boy who moved really well & made good use of his ears;
Post Graduate (3)
1 not Papillon,
2 Wilson’s Papillon, Rosefire Rainbow Shimmer
3 Wilson’s Papillon, Master Of The Nosferat