Lichfield Canine Society Open Show 2017
28 January 2017
Papillon Judge: Helen Wheeler (Ibstock)
Toy Group Judge: Mrs Penny Rankine-Parsons
Best of Breed and Toy Group 1: Griffiths’ Manawyddan Flora Macdonald
Best Puppy: Wilkinson’a Lafford Inspector Morse at Poppywood
Puppy (1 abs)
1. Mrs. S Wilkinson’s Lafford Inspector Morse at Poppywood
2. Mrs K Phillips’ Manawyddan Paschal
Junior (1 abs)
1. Mrs. S Wilkinson’s Lafford Inspector Morse at Poppywood
Post Graduate
1. ML & EA Griffiths’ Manawyddan Flora Macdonald
2. Mrs K Phillips’ Manawyddan Hamish Maccunn
3. Ms J Goude’s Manawyddan Finlay Mcrory.
4. Ms JS King’s Petitchien’s Chilli Pepper of Jadelands
Open (3 abs)
1. ML & EA Griffiths’ Melangel Maybelle at Manawyddan