Liskeard & District Canine Association Premier Open Show 2014
13 July 2014
Papillon Judge: Mrs Katherine Li (Avalcier)
Best of Breed & Toy Group 4: Inixia Saucy Sam
Reserve Best of Breed: Inixia Cheeky Charlie
Best Puppy in Breed: Inixia Irresistable
Graduate – 7 entries
1. Judaham Love In The Mist (Mrs J Hamblin)
2. Inixia Happy Harry (Mrs S Stanbury)
3. Panspayon Xoe (Miss S Orchard)
4. Inixia Irresistable (Mrs S Stanbury)
5. Alwenil Classic Tanzanite (Mr D & Miss C Lyndon)
Limit – 7 entries
1. Inixia Saucy Sam (Mrs S Stanbury)
2. Thinking Of Gene at Ringland (Mrs C Steer)
3. Powdermill Magic Touch at Panspayon (Miss S & Mrs M Orchard)
4. Judaham Lucky Lucky Me (Mrs S Foster)
5. Inixia Little Lady (Mrs S Stanbury)
Open – 5 entries (1 absent)
1. Inixia Cheeky Charlie (Mrs S Stanbury)
2. Judaham Lawlace Legend (Mrs J Hamblin)
3. Kissable De Costalina at Panspayon (Imp Bel) (Miss S & Mrs M Orchard)
4. Resolutebay Dust In The Wind (Mr D & Miss C Lyndon)