Merioneth Open Show 2017
23 August 2017
Papillon Judge: Roger Cruden
Toy Group Judge: Mrs Irene Robb
Best of Breed & Toy Group 4: Mrs P & Mr R Humphrey Caraideas The Extra Mile To Gloynbyw
Best Puppy, Res. Best of Breed & Puppy Toy Group 3
Junior: 1:0
1st Mrs J Hampson Angels Sing The Blues BPIB/RBOB/PG3
Papillon Graduate 3:0
1st Mrs P & Mr R Humphrey Caraideas The Extra Mile To Gloynbyw BOB/TG4
2nd Mrs J Hampson Angles Sing The Blues 3rd Mrs A Meacham Khanor Dark Opel
Papillon Open 1:0
1st Mrs A Meacham Khanor Dark Opel.