Merseyside Toy Dog Open Show 2014
10 August 2014
Papillon Judge: Mr Gary Thomas
Best Of Breed and Toy Group 4: Moetica Prince Charming At Jorgealin (IMP)
Best Puppy: George-Evans Moetica Snow winds to Jorgealin (Imp)
Puppy (1)
1st: George-Evan’s Moetica Snow Winds To Jorgealin (IMP). A promising B/W puppy of nearly 7 mnths, full of character slightly rounded skull with large ears, neck of medium length into well developed shoulders, straight forelegs, level back with high tail set moved soundly and freely.
Junior (1)
1st: Lochart’s Rozamie Dream Chaser with Chetruda. Nicely marked R/W male of 16mnths. Maturing nicely shapely head with large ears. Lovely eye, sound front with correct hare feet, correct lenght of body, moved positivly. I liked him.
PG (1)
1st: Lochart’s Rozamie Dream Chaser with Chetruda
Limit (2)
1st: George-Evans Moetica Prince Charming At Jorgealin (imp). Nicely marked tri dog of exquisite type and quality. Shown in nicely presented coat, which was long fine and silky. Correct length of body, which was level flowed around the ring to win BOB.
2nd: Crawley’s Alwenil Kharisma At Gabreisa
Open (3)
1st: George-Evans Kingshaven Dizzy Whizzy to Jorgealin. another quality pap from this kennel. A lightly marked R/S/W who to me needed more body weight and covering. She possesses breed type and overall balance and shape with good hare feet, moved freely with good parallel hind action
2nd: Crawley’s Gabreisa Craiginnis sh cm
3rd: George-Evans Kinghaven Didier To jorgealin