North East of England Toy Dog Society Open Show 2014
08 November 2014
Papillon Judge: Mrs Debbie Burns
I was thrilled to be asked to judge Papillons at the North East of England Toy Dog Society on 8th November. My thanks to the Officers & Committee for their kind hospitality and to my steward for doing an excellent job.
Many thanks also to my exhibitors for entrusting me with such a fine quality entry of Papillons. I thoroughly enjoyed my day. We were unfortunate in that there was only one mat in our ring, and the only alternative to that was an exceptionally slippery polished floor which several of my entries did not favour. I chose to give my exhibitors the opportunity to work on the single mat and was kept busy moving around them.
PAPILLON JUNIOR – 7 (3 Absent)
(1) Clint’s Petress Special Blend – This 10 month old RSW lad stood out to me from the moment that he entered the ring. Super outline, nice depth of chest, sweet head and expression on a pleasing neck, well angulated, stood 4 square, and full of confidence. On the move he did not disappoint either, keeping his topline level, showing good parallel movement front and rear, and remaining fully alert and attentive at all times. Coming into coat now, and evidence of fringing coming in nicely. Nicely presented. I could not deny him his three class wins, BP or BOB, and look forward to seeing him fulfil what is undeniably great promise.
(2) Morton’s Ancojo Shock Wave at Ablazzor – What a cracking little RSW bitch, nice outline, stood 4 square, moved convincingly and with purpose. Only one of two bitches present on the day – but easily meriting her BOS
(3) Woodrow’s Lenotes Prince Jasper at Lynflyer
(4) Richardson’s Sweetbriar Shine On Belvane
(1) Clint’s Petress Special Blend
(2) Waters’ Sweetbriar Sticks and Stones – This beautiful dainty 2 year old tricolour dog was a pleasure to go over, with exquisite head and expression, dark eye, correct coat with super fringing, and dainty hare feet. Unfortunately he was less than happy with the slippery floor today, or he would have given (1) serious competition for first place.
(3) Richardson’s Rozamie Montpellier at Belvane
(4) Morton’s Ablazzor Tyme To Be Wild
PAPILLON OPEN – 8 (2 Absent)
(1) Clint’s Petress Special Blend
(2) Morton & Woodrow’s Ablazzor Harleys Wild Echo at Lynflyer – Lovely 11 month old tricolour dog puppy. Super outline, sweetest head and expression, nice movement, and one who I will watch with interest as he matures. Unlucky to meet (1) today.
(3) Turner’s Ch Bodebi Rhythm is a Dancer
(4) Featonby Warren’s Buttalowie Remember Me Melangel
(5) Thornton’s Sharjoy In The Future