North Wales Toydog Society Open Show 2015

30 August 2015

Papillon Judge: Lynn George-Evans (Jorgealin)
BIS Judge: Mrs Sue Smith (Sueacres)

I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge and for the exhibitors for their entries.
Lynn George-Evans

Best of Breed & BIS 3 – Farleysbane Firefly at Lafford
Best Puppy – Moetica Written In The Stars

Puppy (3, 1)
1st Williams – Moetica Written In The Stars Tri bitch 6mnths old. Beautifully presented.Nice head with dark eye. Large well fringed ears which she used well. A good reach of neck, leading onto well laid back shoulders, Level top line, correct turn of stifle, well let down hocks. Correct hare feet, silky coat. Well set tail. She moved well. Best puppy
2nd Humphrey – Caraideas The Extra Mile to Gloynbyw Tri boy of 9mnths. Well marked with large ears Would prefer a bit more length to his leg.

Open (4, 1)
1st Lees – Farleysbane Firefly at Lafford Red and white bitch, in nice coat, which was silky, and well presented Nice head, slight rounding between the ears, with a well defined stop. Leading to a finely pointed muzzle. Dark rounded Correct scissor bite, Large rounded well feathered ears, of 45 degrees which she used well. Medium length neck leading on to well developed sloping shoulders. Good turn of stifle. Correct hare feet, Tail well set and carried high, moved well keeping a level top line at all times. Showed well a worthy Best Of breed
2nd Humphrey – Bonmeshays Ruby at Gloynbyw Feminine bitch, with a nice head would have preferred a slightly finer muzzle, she has large well fringed ears. Movement could have been better.
3rd Blythin – Dolcevita Little Valentino avec Julesville