Northern and Eastern Counties Papillon Club Open Show 2006
19 March 2006
Judge: Mrs Vivien Cotton (Aporia)
Bankshill Isle of Lewis (ShCM)
Sharjoy Tanzany Lady at Lafay
BP IN SHOW Frasermar Jack Frost
Best Dog Bankshill Isle of Lewis (ShCM)
Res. Best Dog Frasermar Jack Frost
Best Puppy Dog Frasermar Jack Frost
Best Bitch Sharjoy Tanzany Lady at Lafay
Res. Best Bitch Amicae Star Time
Best Puppy Bitch Kazkell Starlight Dream
Minor Puppy Dog (8 Entries, 4 absent)
1st Lysandra’s Ptolankhesh
2nd Thoughts of Stardom at Amsema
3rd Shazzabars Reflection
Res Shevid What’s his Name of Delphlands
Puppy Dog (3 Entries, 1 absent)
1st Frasermar Jack Frost
2nd Burghbridge Maestro
Junior Dog (3 Entries, 0 absent)
1st Kirkchase Loved Regardless by Papplewick
2nd Tinklebury The Fusillier
3rd Danginifee The Magician
Maiden Dog (2 Entries, 0 absent)
1st Cheryldene Beau Brummel
2nd What’s his Name of Delphlands
Novice Dog (2 Entries, 1 absent)
1st Blairancoes Llamados of Delphlands
Graduate Dog (5 Entries, 0 absent)
1st Sharjoy Regency Buck
2nd Blairancoes Merry go Round of Delphlands
3rd Sunshoo Imawhite Diamond at Belvane
Res Lysndra’s Yharrow
Post Graduate Dog (5 Entries, 2 absent)
1st Lafay Hibernian Prince
2nd Christea Maybe this Thyme for Delphlands
3rd Cofton Flite of the Phoenix to Delphlands
Limit Dog (11 Entries, 3 absent)
1st Larvik the Xplorer of Cheryldene
2nd Sharjoy Dream of Destiny
3rd Jhanakia Royal Highlander
Res Lafay Red Warrior
Open Dog (10 Entries, 2 absent)
1st Bankshill Isle of Lewis ShCM
2nd Jhanakia Monarch of the Glen
3rd Burghbridge UR Classic Gold
Res Macstrak Minuet JW
Special Beginners Dog (5 Entries, 1 absent)
1st Sharjoy Dream of Destiny
2nd Inixia Picasso of Delphlands
3rd Cofton Flite of the Phoenix to Delphlands
Res Blairancoes Llamados of Delphlands
Minor Puppy Bitch (4 Entries, 2 absent)
1st Kazkell Starlight Dream
2nd Beausher UR 1st Edition
Puppy Bitch (3 Entries, 0 absent)
1st Daneview Dainty Indiana
2nd Burghbridge Imperial Lady
3rd Jaroma Geena Gee
Junior Bitch (6 Entries, 2 absent)
1st Ablazzor Christmas Cracker at Lynflyer
2nd Tinklebury Wild Wendy
3rd Jaylanjay Amworthatri
Res Danginifee Madonna at Penang
Maiden Bitch (1 Entries, 1 absent)
Novice Bitch (4 Entries, 1 absent)
1st Tinklebury Little Missey
2nd Lysandra’s Tanyo Tenica
3rd Danginifee Madonna at Penang
Graduate Bitch (4 Entries, 3 absent)
1st Lafay Heather Bloom
Post Graduate Bitch (9 Entries, 5 absent)
1st Kirkchase Razzle Dazzle
2nd Sharjoy September Serenade at Lafay
3rd Lysandra’s Zxaritia
Res Sharjoy Hibernian Princess at Lafay
Limit Bitch (7 Entries,1 absent)
1st Sharjoy Tanzany Lady at Lafay
2nd Jaroma Highland Whisper at Jhanakia
3rd Kazkell Jadedoren Dream
Res Daneview Dainty Daythyme
Open Bitch (7 Entries, 1 absent)
1st Amicae Star Time
2nd Ibstock Tululah for Spinillons
3rd Jhanakia Highland Breeze
Res Kirkchase Bewished
Special Beginners Bitch (3 Entries, 1 absent)
1st Danginifee Madonna at Penang
2nd ?
Special Open Phalene Dog/Bitch (3 Entries, 3 absent)
Veteran Dog/Bitch (4 Entries, 0 absent)
1st Longcrags Bewitched at Kirkchase
2nd Lordsrake Xeus of Cheryldene
3rd Penang Tycoon at Shevid
Res Goldwings New Addition at Papplewick
Brace (1 Entries, 0 absent)
1st Lysandra’s Yharrow & Zxar
Junior Handling 6 – 11 yrs old (4 Entries, 1 absent)
1st Rebecca Paige Thompson
2nd Callum Thornton
3rd Sara Buckland
Junior Handling 11 – 16 yrs old (7 Entries, 1 absent)
1st Clare Butler
2nd Amy Mason
3rd Stevie James Turner
Res Jodie Julian Turner