Northern and Eastern Counties Papillon Club Open Show 2017

Judge Jacqueline Hill with the Best in Show winner.
05 November 2017

Judge: Jacqueline Hill (Caraideas)

My thanks to the officers and committee of the Northern and Eastern Counties Papillon Club for inviting me to judge their very well run, friendly show and to the exhibitors who, very kindly, thought me worthy of judging their beloved papillons and phalenes. I also must thank my steward Mr Ted Rogerson for keeping me right and the ring running smoothly.
Jacqueline Hill (Judge)

Best in Show: Ch Papplewick Preacher Man JW ShCM
Res Best in Show & BOS: Lafford Penny Black
Bes Puppy in Show: Iotastar’s Forever Autumn at Kirkchase
Best Veteran in Show: Ch Burghbridge Black Shadow JW
Best Phalene in Show: Semicvetik Dayana Divine Panspayon

Best Dog: Ch Papplewick Preacher Man JW ShCM
Res Best Dog: Ch Burghbridge Black Shadow JW
Best Puppy Dog: Iotastar’s Brave New World
Best Bitch: Lafford Penny Black
Res Best Bitch: Iotastar’s Forever Autumn at Kirkchase
Best Puppy Bitch: Iotastar’s Forever Autumn at Kirkchase

Veteran Dog (8, 1)
1st Bartram – Ch Burghbridge Black Shadow JW. B/W. As always from this kennel, presented and handled to perfection. A nicely balanced dog, with sound construction and movement. Good furnishings and although lacking a little in coat today, was in good condition and obviously still enjoying his time in the ring. BV
2nd Atkins – Papplewick Pinball Wizard to Vlinder. R/W Lovely type. Good head of correct shape and proportions with large rounded, well placed ears. In lovely coat and furnishings and well bodied. Good basic body construction and moving well. Very close decision.
3rd Thompson & Austin – Jhanakai Highland Destiny
Res Maskell – Kazkell Thyme To Dream JW ShCM
VHC Dutton – Penang So The Story Goes

Minor Puppy Dog (2, 0)
1st Bruce & Bruce-Jackson – Tijuana Double Trouble. R/W. Just 6 months. Nice shape, reach of neck, rear angulation and tail carriage. Large well placed ears and dark eye. Happy showing and attentive to handler.
2nd Thompson & Austin – Melangel Cheeky Charlie at Jhanakai. B/W. Nice typey puppy with a pretty head and good ears. In lovely coat for age and starting to finish nicely. Back movement let him down.

Puppy Dog (3, 0)
1st Ramsey & Mowatt – Iotastar’s Brave New World. TRI. A very promising puppy but this fine, dainty, little boy, unlike his sister, (BPIS) lacks confidence a little. This means he loses his tail carriage just enough to spoil the overall picture. Very typey, though, with a profuse amount of correct coat and furnishings for his age. Generally, he is well put together though front could be better. Will watch his future with interest. BPD
2nd Bruce – Tijuana Mayhem. R/W. Phalene. Just 6 months but showed confidently and happily. Well marked, good body and reach of neck with level topline, good depth of chest and correctly set (wagging) tail.
3rd Green & Fletcher – Papretty Life On Mars

Junior Dog (3, 0)
1st Lees – Lafford Fireman Sam B/W. Sound construction and movement. Good stop and rise to head with large well placed ears fringing up nicely. Coat coming.
2nd Waller – Lilnrose I’m A Love Bug. R/S. My eye was drawn to this boy. Love his type. He has a good head shape, dark eye and large well fringed ears. Correct length of neck set on nicely laid back shoulder. Good depth of chest, level topline and correct tail set. In good coat of nice texture but his front could be better.
3rd Richardson – Ringlands Sunny Tommy Tucker to Belvane

Yearling Dog (4, 1)
1st Clint – Papplewick Prince Bishop. B/W. A dainty, fine, little dog but within the 8 – 11 inches of the standard. Very pretty head and soft expression with dark eye and very large, well set and well fringed ears. Basic body construction is good. Coat of good quality but a little lacking today and could carry a little more weight.
2nd Waller – Lilnrose Ears Looking At You. R/S. Phalene. Not settling today on the move. Symmetrical head markings with dark pigment. Good body proportions and keeping his tail carriage. Enough coat and of good texture.
3rd Green & George-Evans – Giramondo Von Jorgealin

Novice Dog (5, 1)
1st Clint – Papplewick Prince Bishop
2nd Waller – Lilnrose I’m A Love Bug
3rd Lees – Elfuago Bombastic
Res Green & George-Evans – Jorgealin Moon Dance

Graduate Dog (5, 1)
1st Clint – Papplewick Persian Power JW ShCM. B/W. Lovely type with the attractive head so typical of this kennel. Medium reach of neck, level topline, good depth of chest and spring of rib with elbows close. Nice tuck up and correct tailset and carriage. Quality coat with lovely furnishings. Front could be better.
2nd Green – Jorgealin Ziggy Starman at Rubywings. R/W. Not as fine as 1 but a lot to like about him. Stands four square at all times with good angulation front and rear and nice hare feet. Well coated but not the earspan of 1.
3rd Foynes & May – Lafay Grand Prix
Res Dolan – Feorlig Eyecatcher at Roseholme

Post Graduate Dog (6, 1)
1st Aitkin – Elfuago Anew Adventure. TRI. Very striking head with excellent ears. He has good overall construction with a nice reach of neck and moved soundly. His coat is of good quality but a little lacking today.
2nd Clint – Petress Special Blend JW. R/W. Nicely balanced and sound in conformation and movement. A well proportioned head with good stop and rise but preferred the earspan of 1.
3rd Maskell – Kazkell Robin The Limelight JW ShCM
Res Foynes & May – Lafay Grand Prix
VHC Green & George-Evans – Jorgealin Moon Shine

Limit Dog (9, 1)
1st Christensen – Tresor’s Kings Valiant Lancelot. B/W. Another lacking coat today taking away from the overall look. Profuse fringing though on a set of beautiful ears. He has dark eyes and pigment. A good neck and tailset, level topline, good front and rear angulation giving sound movement. Stands four square. Head could be more refined.
2nd Foynes & May – Lafay Petite Etoile JW. R/S. Nicely put together with good coat. Moved and showed well but lack of earspan and all round fringing just spoiling the picture a little.
3rd Richardson – Rozamie Request Belvane
Res Clint – Papplewick Persian Punch JW
VHC Roberts & Smith – Jalatemme Shazam at Rayol

Open Dog (5, 0)
1st Clint – Ch Papplewick Preacher Man JW ShCM. B/W. Have always admired this small, fine, dainty boy but until today have never had the privilege of judging him. He has a lovely head with the correct muzzle to skull ratio and the muzzle is set at right angles to his skull giving the desired 90 degree stop. This, together with a lovely dark, well placed eye and good head markings, the whole framed by large, rounded, correctly placed, heavily fringed ears gives, to my mind, the classic papillon head which I fell in love with many years ago. Behind this beautiful head is a well put together body with neck of medium length, well sprung rib, good depth of chest, level topline and correctly set on tail with profuse plume. He has good angulation front and rear, giving good movement. He has straight front legs and the desired hare feet. He was well presented, in good condition and with plenty of correct coat. He was enjoying his day and was the perfect little butterfly! BIS
2nd Foynes & May – Sweetbriar Face The Music at Johnasta. R/S. Nice type. Balanced outline, good conformation and moving soundly. Correct head shape and proportions with dark eye and rounded ears well placed but a little lacking in fringing.
3rd Thompson & Austin – Melangel Highland Vogue at Jhanakai
Res Foynes & May – Lafay Petite Etoile JW
VHC Green – Sukanto Eluva Ticklemouse for Rubywings

Veteran Bitch (4, 2)
1st Maskell – Kazkell Velvet Dream JW. Balanced outline. Good head and ears. Neck of medium length onto nicely laid back shoulder, very level topline and correct tailset. Stands four square with beautiful hare feet.
2nd Munroe – Serenglade Candykisses at Winterwings. B/W. Another nice type with a good head and body just lacking the finishing of 1.

Minor Puppy Bitch (3, 0)
1st Green & Fletcher – Afterglow Stagedoor Bonnet. TRI. A real baby with very little coat but a lot to like about her. She has a good head and ears, a nice outline and showed well for her handler. At the moment she’s a little close behind and needs to body up.
2nd Mann – Stagedoor Beatrix Melangel. TRI. Another who’s front let her down today but she has good head markings and very large, well shaped and placed ears already starting to fringe. Nice body shape with good tail set and coat starting to come.
3rd Mann – Melangel Callianne

Puppy Bitch (1, 0)
1st Kirk – Iotastar’s Forever Autumn at Kirkchase. 11 Month old R/W. A very promising puppy with an absolutely stunning head. She is well put together and carries herself proudly and confidently around the ring. She was put down immaculately with a correct coat, plentiful for her age. Pushed for BB but would like a tad less leg to complete the picture and a little tighter in front. Nevertheless, I’m sure this lovely example of our breed has a very successful showing career ahead of her and wish her well.

Junior Bitch (2, 0)
1st Maskell – Lilnrose Too Vain To Dream Kazkell. TRI. She has a good head shape and proportions and a balanced body but a little unsettled today .
2nd Foynes & May – Lafay Has The Last Word with Amicae. R/W. Another nice type. Good head and balanced body. Close decision just preferred ears of 1.

Yearling Bitch (4, 2)
1st Foynes & May – Lafay Has The Last Word with Amicae
2nd Waller – Lilnrose Treasure The Dream. Not happy today. Good overall body construction and correct coat coming

Novice Bitch (2, 1)
1st Maskell – Lilnrose Too Vain To Dream Kazkell

Graduate Bitch (1, 0)
1st Orchard – Semicvetik Dayana Divine Panspayon. Of nice size and type. Correct, large, fringed, well set ears. Clear markings with a nice outline showing reach of neck, level topline, well carried tail and enough coat of good quality. Full of exuberance today. B PH I S.

Post Graduate Bitch (2, 2)

Limit Bitch (5, 1)
1st Varley – Ambre Dore Beata Bea at Coxleyview. R/S. A lot to admire about this girl. She has a profuse correct coat with a lovely tail plume and curtain fringes on large, rounded well placed ears. She has a balanced outline and her movement is true. Always showing and paying attention to her handler and presented to perfection. However, for me I would like more refinement to her head.
2nd Green – Mercedes Diamond at Rubywings. TRI. A lovely type with a beautiful head, good ears and fringing. Enough coat but not really showing today.
3rd Waller & Maskell – Kazkell Theme For A Dream for Lilnrose
Res Ramsey & Mowatt – Farthinghall’s Foxy Lady of Iotastar

Open Bitch (2, 0)
1st Lees – Lafford Penny Black. Loved her size and overall balance. She is fine and dainty and a good breed type with lots to like. She has a pleasing head and expression, good conformation and moves well. Not in the best of coat today but she has nothing to hide, standing four square with good angulation and straight front legs. Well presented and always showing and attentive to her handler. Pleased to award her RBIS & BOS & BB.
2nd Foynes & May – Rozamie Va Va Voom at Lafay

Special Phalene Open Dog or Bitch (1, 0)
1st Waller – Lilnrose Ears Looking At You

Special Beginners Dog or Bitch (6, 0)
1st Foynes & May – Sweetbriar Face The Music at Johnasta
2nd Foynes & May – Lafay Has The Last Word with Amicae
3rd Waller – Lilnrose I’m A Love Bug
Res Green & George-Evans – Moetica William
VHC Verity & Moor – Tijuana Starmaker

Brace (3, 0)
1st Thompson & Austin – Melangel Highland Vogue at Jhanakai/Jhanakai Highland Destiny
2nd Green – Jorgealin Moon Dance/Sukanto Eluva Ticklemouse for Rubywings
3rd Clint – Papplewick Persian Power JW ShCM/Ch Papplewick Preacher Man JW ShCM