Papillon (Butterfly Dog) Club Open Show November 2019
16 November 2019
Entries: 78 dogs making 97 entries, plus 6 NFC and 6 for the Puppy Walk.
Judge: Ms Helen Wheeler (Ibstock
Junior Handling Classes & Special Award Classes Judge: Mr Noah Tarabad (Frondil)
Best in Show: Ch Ringlands Timeless Gift (Pat Munn)
Reserve Best in Show: Lafford Inspector Morse in Poppywood (Mrs S M Wilkinson)
Best Opposite Sex: Jorgealin Indian Magic at Lizlanmor (Elizabeth Morley & Robert Hitchcock)
Best Puppy in Show: Graycaz Eh Reka (Mrs C Lee-Slater)
Reserve Best Puppy in Show: Skyvana Zero Hour for Inixia (Mrs S Stanbury & Miss S Langdon)
Best Veteran in Show: Temelora Bobby Dizzler JW (Mrs S Morrell)
Best Phalene in Show: Tijuana Mayhem (Queenie Bruce & A J Bruce)
Best Fringes in Show: Tarnock Runaway Ruby (Dee Olof)
Best Dog: Ch Ringlands Timeless Gift (Pat Munn)
Res. Best Dog: Lafford Inspector Morse in Poppywood (Mrs S M Wilkinson)
Best Puppy Dog: Skyvana Zero Hour for Inixia (Mrs S Stanbury & Miss S Langdon)
Best Bitch: Jorgealin Indian Magic at Lizlanmor (Elizabeth Morley & Robert Hitchcock)
Res. Best Bitch: Lafford Golden Child (Carol Lees)
Best Puppy Bitch: Graycaz Eh Reka (Mrs C Lee-Slater)
Minor Puppy Dog (3 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Skyvana Zero Hour for Inixia (Mrs S Stanbury & Miss S Langdon)
2nd: Magic Sunrise Gold DJ (Imp LVA) NAF TAF (Mrs C Lee-Slater)
Puppy Dog (1 entry, 0 absent)
1st: temelora Andi Get Your Gun (Mrs S Morrell)
Junior Dog (2 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Tarnock Tickle Teddy (Dee Olof)
Yearling Dog (5 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Tricianbri Harry Beau for Temelora (Mrs S Morrell)
2nd: Melangel Highland by Design at Jhanakia (Lady Jane Thompson & Sandra Austin)
3rd: Rumble Bumble Daydream Believers (Imp Bel) (Louise Brown)
Res: Yeldaeh Simply Red (Mr & Mrs T R C Headley)
Maiden Dog (3 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Heath Moss at Ringlands (Pat Munn)
2nd: Gracaz O’Theo (Mdms C Lee-Slater & C Kewley)
3rd: Pappretty I Want a Hero (Christine Anderson)
Novice Dog (0 entries)
Graduate Dog (5 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Tarnock Romeo Romeo (Dee Olof)
2nd: Oliver Twist (Jean Ockenden)
3rd: Angullyon Trading Secrets with Inixia (Mrs S Stanbury)
Res: Taliesyn Wytchrowan of Brandonburg (Sylvia Glanville-Hughes)
Post Graduate Dog (3 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Oliver Twist (Jean Ockenden)
2nd: Inixia Ever Ready Eddie SHCM (Mrs S Stanbury)
3rd: Taliesyn Black Walnut (Mrs G A Geary)
Mid Limit Dog (3 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Lafford Inspector Morse in Poppywood (Mrs S M Wilkinson)
2nd: Elfuago Bombastic (Elizabeth Morley & Robert Hitchcock)
3rd: Inixia Dressed to Kill (Mrs S Stanbury & Miss Margaret Unwin)
Limit Dog (3 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Serenglade Leap of Faith for Temelora (Mrs S Morrell)
2nd: Tijuana Mischief Maker (Queenie Bruce & A J Bruce)
3rd: Panspayon Eye of the Storm (Miss S Orchard)
Open Dog (4 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Ch Ringlands Timeless Gift (Pat Munn)
2nd: Jorgealin Midnight Magic for Kingshaven (Mandy Keown)
3rd: Rozamie Monsieur Arthur for Scapafield JW (Mrs J Wiggins)
Res: Melangel Highland Vogue at Jhanakia (Lady Jane Thompson & Sandra Austin)
Veteran Dog (4 entries, 2 absent)
1st: Temelora Bobby Dazzler (Mrs S Morrell)
2nd: Kazkell Thyme to Dream JW SHCM JW (Mrs J Maskell)
Open Phalene Dog (2 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Tijuana Mayhem (Qheen Bruce & A J Bruce)
2nd: Lilnrose Ears Looking at you Kazkell (Miss M Waller & Mrs K Maskell
Minor Puppy Bitch (2 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Ookiimimi Over the Moon to Papdemonium (Mr R & Mrs E Milton)
2nd: Frason Russian Butterfly at Sharpappy (Sharon Bunce)
Puppy Bitch (4 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Tarnock Jet Set Jasmine (Dee Olof)
2nd: Panspayon Isla (Miss S Orchard)
3rd: Wilachans and the Ivy for Keomandi (Mandy Keown)
Junior Bitch (3 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Lafford Golden Child (Carol Lees)
2nd: Berestead Haute Couture (Angela Matthews)
3rd: Tarnock Skies the Limit (Dee Olof)
Yearling Bitch (4 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Melangel Enchanting Evita at Jhanakia (Lady Jane Thompson & Sandra Austin)
2nd: Ookiimimi Naughty but Nice (Hannah Boasman)
3rd: Yeldaeh Lady in Red (Mr & Mrs T R C Headley)
Maiden Bitch (2 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Graycaz Eh Reka (Mrs C Lee-Slater)
2nd: Tarnock Rock Chic Scarlett (Dee Olof)
Novice Bitch (4 entries, 2 absent)
1st: Lafford Golden Child (Carol Lees)
2nd: Taliesyn White Camellia (Mrs G A Geary)
Graduate Bitch (2 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Inixia Polly’s Secret at Ringlands (Pat Munn)
2nd: Pinkmead Fire Cracker (Valerie Sparkes)
Post Graduate Bitch (5 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Kazkell Milo’s Dream JW (Mrs K Maskell)
2nd: Afterglow Gooseberry with Ookiimii (Jackie Nash)
3rd: Panspayon Gold Fever JW (Miss S Orchard)
Res: Taliesyn Black Azalea (Mrs G A Geary)
Mid Limit Bitch (1 entry, 0 absent)
1st: Tarnock Runaway Ruby (Dee Olof)
Limit Bitch (3 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Ringlands Treasure Sunshine (Pat Munn)
2nd: Ablazzor Angel of the North at Panspayon JW (Miss S Orchard)
3rd: Fedelta Angelica at Taliesyn (Mrs G A Geary)
Open Bitch (7 entries, 3 absent)
1st: Jorgealin Indian Magic at Lizlanmor (Elizabeth Morley & Robert Hitchcock)
2nd: Ringlands Yoko’s Solo at Panspayon SHCM (Miss S Orchard)
3rd: Ch Temelora Adele (Mrs S Morrell)
Res: Ch Jorgealin Moon Magic SHCM (Mandy Keown)
Veteran Bitch (5 entries, 3 absent)
1st: Ookiimimi Calamity Kate (Jackie Nash)
2nd: Hilsorg Marks Amelia at Pappretty (Christine Anderson)
Phalene Bitch (1 entry, 0 absent)
1st: Pinkmead Fire Cracker (Valerie Sparkes)
Special Award Puppy Dog or Bitch (4 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Graycaz O’Theo
2nd: Skyvana Zero Hour for Inixia
3rd: Frason Russian Butterfly at Sharpappy
Res: Wilachans and the Ivy for Keomandi
Special Award Yearling Dog or Bitch (5 entries, 2 absent)
1st: Lafford Golden Child
2nd: Rumble Bumble Daydream Believers (Imp Bel)
3rd: Ookiimimi Naughty but Nice
Special Award Open Dog or Bitch (7 entries, 2 absent)
1st: Jorgealin Indian Magic at Lizlanmor JW
2nd: Kazkell Milo’s Dream JW
3rd: Jorgealin Midnight Magic for Kingshaven
Res: Ch Joegealin Moon Magic SHCM
Junior Handling 6-11 years (1 entry)
1st: Lance Morley (7)
Junior Handling 12-16 years (0 entries)