Scottish ToyDog Society Open Show 2015
11 October 2015
Papillon Judge: Lee Grogan
1st Savage’s Abbeyton’s Jester. What a lovely pretty Phalene puppy. Well set and carried ears for one so young. Great body of a lovely elegant shape. Happy temperament displayed at all times really enjoying his day out. You could not ask anymore from a dog of his age.
2nd Hill’s Caraidas True Colours
Post Graduate
1st Smith’s Adinaken Pretty Puzzled. A most elegant bitch, super shape which commands attention. Very pretty. Lovely large well set and used ears. Moved well.
2nd Hill’s Caraida’s Ragna
3rd Cochrane’s Tutyak Get Up And Go
1st Smith’s Papplewick Penhaligon At Adinaken. Very pretty glamorous dog.In great coat.Elegantly build and yet very much a male in profile.Lovely feathered feet. Used his large ears well.
2nd Hill’s Caraidas Ragina
3rd Cochrane’s Tutyak Get Up And Go.