South of England Papillon Club Championship Show 2019
03 August 2019
Judge: Kirsten Stuart-Knight
Junior Handling Judge: Elaine Stewart-Knight
106 dogs, making an entry of 100, 14 Not for Competition and 2 Junior Handlers.
Best in Show: Miller & Ryan’s Ch Feorlig Wake Up Maggie JW ShCM
Res. Best in Show: Whitehill & Urwin’s Stagedoor Exposed By Paparottsie
Best Puppy in Show: Whitehill’s Papmar Moonlight Missabeat
Best Veteran in Show: Munn’s Smileline Silenzio Sunshine Garsiv
Best Phalene in Show: Spark’s Pinkmead Twistin Time
Dog CC: Whitehill & Urwin’s Stagedoor Exposed By Paparottsie
Res. Dog CC: Lanson’s Cantoverde Captain Casper JW ShCM
Best Puppy Dog: Lee-Slater’s Graycaz O’Theo
Minor Puppy Dog (7)
1st Lee Slater’s Graycaz O’theo
2nd Whitehill’s Maritika Kiss and Tell
3rd French’s Soleona A Diamond in the Sky
4th Munn’s Heath Moss at Ringlands
5th Morrell’s Temelora Andi Get Your Gun
Puppy Dog(2/1a)
1st Marsden’s Finity Rewrite the Stars
Junior Dog (4)
1st Whitehill’s Amicae Timeless Dream
2nd Brown’s Zoloto Lucky Winner Exhilaro
3rd Morrell’s Tricianbri Harry Beau for Temelora
4th Walklett’s Angullyon’s Echo
Yearling Dog (6/1a)
1st Urwin & Whitehill’s Stagedoor Exposed by Paparottsie
2nd Olof’s Tarnock Romeo Romeo
3rdLee Slater’s Magic Sunrise Ace Ventura
4th Walklett’s Angullyon’s Secret Chap
5th Woodcock’s Peakfields Apollo
Novice Dog (0)
Graduate Dog (4)
1st Stanbury’s Inixia Dressed to Kill
2nd Ockenden’s Ringlands Oliver Twist
3rd Sparke’s Pinkmead Twistin Time
4th Glanville-Hughe’s Taliesyn Wythrowan of Brandonburg
Post Graduate Dog (7)
1st Lanson’s Cantoverde Captain Casper JW ShCM
2nd Cox’s Amicae Moonshine for Temelora
3rd Stanbury’s Inixia Ever Ready Eddie
4th Geary’s Taliesyn Black Walnut
5th Orchard’s Panspayon Eye of the Storm
Limit Dog (5/1a)
1st Jury’s Melangel Zachary At Lindanwaye
2nd Malcolm’s Feorlig It Must’ve Been Love
3rd Stanbury’s Inixia Follower of Fashion
4th Petty’s Feorlig All You Need is Love at Goldenmist
Open Dog (5/3a)
1st Miller & Ryan’s Ch Feorlig Smarty Pants JW ShCM
2nd Morrell’s Serenglade Leap of Faith for Temelora
Open Phalene Dog
1st Sparke’s Pinkmead Twistin Time
Veteran Dog (3/1a)
1st Munn’s Smileline Silenzio Sunshine Garsiv
2nd Malcolm’s Petitchiens Moonbeam
Minor Puppy Bitch (5/1a)
1st Cox’s Briar Rose At Ringlands TAF
2nd Orchard’s Panspayon Isla
3rd Lee Slater’s Graycaz Eu Reka
4th Olofs Tarnock Chat Up Chelsea
Puppy Bitch (3)
1st Whitehill’s Papmar Moonlight Missabeat
2nd Matthew’s Berestead Haute Couture
3rd Bunce’s Fresno Dora The Explorer
Junior Bitch (9/3a)
1st Lee Slater’s Magic Sunrise Believe In Me
2nd Wells & Brown’s Metamorphic Vista
3rd Olof’s Tarnock The Sky’s the Limit
4th Morrell’s Tricianbri Wispa for Temelora
5th Hoskyn’s Inixia Moonlight Shadow
Yearling Bitch (5)
1st Miller & Ryan’s Feorlig Smart Cookie JW
2nd Orchard’s Panspayon Gold Fever JW
3rd Olof’s Tarnock Skies The Limit
4th Nash’s Ookiimimi Mischief Maker
5th Walklett’s Angullyon’s Secret for Katz
Novice Bitch (4/2a)
1st Orchard’s Panspayon Isla
2nd Olof’s Tarnock Rock Chic Scarlett
Graduate Bitch (5)
1st Olof’s Tarnock Runaway Ruby
2nd Wells & Brown’s Metamorphic Vista
3rd Whitehill’s Farthinghall Zain Rox
4th Munn’s Inixia Polly’s Secret At Ringlands
5th Geary’s Taliesyn Black Azalea
Post Graduate Bitch (7)
1st Lanson’s Cantoverde Royal Chyna JW ShCM
2nd Cox’s Temelora Looks Like an Angel
3rd Wells and Brown’s Farthinghall Wilo the Wisp
4th Geary’s Taliesyn White Camellia
5th Glanville Hughes Taliesyn Floribunda of Brandonburg
Limit Bitch (5/2a)
1st Orchard’s Ablazzor Angel Of The North At Panspayon JW
2nd Munn’s Ringlands Treasure Sunshine
3rd Marsden’s Panspayon Eye of the Day
Open Bitch (6/1a)
1st Miller & Ryan’s Ch Feorlig Wake Up Maggie JW ShCM
2nd Urquhart’s Blackpark Patricia
3rd Whitehill’s Rozamie Madame Reeva
4th Orchard’s Ringland Yoko’s Solo At Panspayon ShCM
5th Nash’s Afterglow Gooseberry With Ookiimimi
Open Phalene Bitch 1/1a
Veteran (5/2a)
1st Wells & Browns Ch Metamorphic Delivered
2nd Walklett’s Hillsorg Katz Trade Secret Of Farthinghall
3rd Nash’s Ookiimimi Calamity Kate.
Junior Handling Class A (1)
1st Kara Mason
Junior Handling Class B (1)
1st Isabella Cox & BJH