South of England Papillon Club Open Show 2018
10 February 2018
Judge: Mr Steven Maskell (Kaskell)
Specials Classes & Junior Handling Judge: Jon Caton (Henrix)
I would like to thank the officers and committee of the South of England Papillon Club for the invitation to judge their show and to the exhibitors for the privilege of allowing me to judge their dogs. Just a couple of points that concern me. Remember the breed standards calls for a fine, dainty, well balanced dog. I found a few exhibits who were lacking the leg length needed to achieve this. Also ears should be set at 45 degrees. There is an increasing number of exhibits who have low set ears which spoils the overall look of the breed. On the plus side, temperaments were first class.
Steve Maskell
BEST IN SHOW: Lee Slater’s Rozamie Monsiuer Philippe
RES. BEST IN SHOW: Munn’s Ringlands Treasure Sunshine
BEST PUPPY IN SHOW: Olof’s Tarnock Rumour n Riddles
RES. BEST PUPPY IN SHOW: Munn’s Daisy May at Ringlands
BEST MINOR PUPPY IN SHOW: Munn’s Daisy May at Ringlands
BEST PHALENE IN SHOW: Sparke’s Pinkmead Twistin Time
BEST VETERAN IN SHOW: Wells & Brown’s Ch Metamorphic Delivered.
Best Dog: Lee Slater’s Rozamie Monsieur Philippe
Res. Best Dog: Sparke’s Pinkmead Twistin Time
Best Puppy Dog: Stanbury’s Inixia Ever Ready Eddie
Res. Best Puppy Dog: Olof’s Tarnock Rock N Roll Rene
Best Veteran Dog: Stanbury’s Inixia Delightful Dan
Best Phalene Dog: Sparke’s Pinkmead Twistin Time
Best Bitch: Munn’s Ringlands Treasure Sunshine
Res. Best Bitch: Langdon’s Shadowknight Ebony Rose Skyvana
Best Puppy Bitch: Olof’s Tarnock Rumour n Riddles
res. Best Puppy Bitch: Munn’s: Daisy May at Ringlands
Best Phalene Bitch: Morrell’s Temelora Adele
Best Veteran Bitch: Wells & Brown’s Ch Metamorphic Delivered
Minor Puppy Dog (4 entries, 0 absent)
1st Stanbury’s Inixia Ever Ready Eddie – Very promising 7 month old R/S dog. Lovely overall shape, catches the eye. Good head and stop with nicely placed ears and nice dark eye. Good straight front with good lay of shoulder. Nice sprung rib into a good rear angulation. Tail set and carried well. Moved really well, one to watch. BPD, BMPIS & RBPIS
2nd Davidson-Poston’s Austin Martin IZ Beloi Rusa Spinillons (Imp) NAF – 6 month tri colour dog. Another nicely made puppy. Pretty head, nice dark eyes with well placed ears and good stop. Well made all through with sound rear, lacking the neck of the winner.
4th Urquhart’s Blackpark Tim
Puppy Dog (3 entries, 0 absent)
1st Olof’s Tarnock Rock N Roll Rene – R/S/W with profuse coat for age. Good overall size, pretty head with nicely set ears. Dark eye and good dentition. Good overall body proportions with sound rear. Moved very well around the ring, just lacked the elegance of MP winner and this cost him in the challenge.
2nd Stanbury’s Inxia Fully Charged – R/S/W litter brother to MPD winner and of a very similar type. Just slightly longer in muzzle and a little courser all through. Ears need to strengthen. Moved well.
3rd Hart’s Towerglen’s All About Arthur
Junior Dog (4 entries, 0 absent)
1st Lee-Slater’s Graygaz What The Dickens – 13 month eye catching tri colour dog who has a lovely outline. Striking head with dark, twinkling eyes and large flaring ears which are well fringed for age. Good stop and excellent dentition. Lovely neck, well laid shoulders, level topline with well sprung rib and super rear angles. His tail was well set and carried. Although fine, this dog has substance and moved and showed like a pro. Has that sparkle that cannot be ignored.
2nd Stanbury’s Inixia Fine Fella – 15 month B/W dog. Slightly larger boy with decent head although slightly long in muzzle. Nice dark eye and good dentition. Ears set and used well. Adequate neck into well laid shoulders. Straight front, good well sprung rib and sound rear. Level topline which he held on the move. Excellent tail set.
3rd Woodcock’s Amicae Arful Dodger
4th Hart’s Towerglen All About Arthur
Yearling Dog (4 entries, 0 absent)
1st Petty’s Feorlig All You Need is Love at Goldenmist – Nicely made 18 month tri dog. Beautiful head, good dentition, nice dark eye and good ear set. A good lay of shoulder with straight front, well bodied with good rear angulation. Well set and carried tail. Excellent on the move with level topline at all times.
2nd Wayne & Jury’s Melangel Zachary at Lindanwaye – 23 month old R/S/W dog. Pleasing head with dark eye and nicely set ears carried well. Well laid shoulders, well ribbed. OK on the rear but not quite the movement of 1.
3rd Munn’s Ringlands Timeless Gift
4th Geary’s Taliesyn Black Walnut
Novice Dog (6 entries, 0 absent)
1st Olof’s Rozamie Ricardo – Two year old R/S/W nicely coated dog. Liked his head, adequate neck and good lay of shoulder. Ok front, nicely made body, good rear angulation and moved well.
2nd Urquhart’s Blackpark Tim – 7 months R/S/W puppy. Sweet head, ears slightly smaller than 1. Nicely made throughout. More settled on the move in this class.
3rd Marsden’s Toot Sweet’s Johny Depp at Finity
4th Orchard’s Panspayon Fortune Seeker
5th Stanbury’s Inixia Battery Not Included
Graduate Dog (4 entries, 1 absent)
1st Cox’s Amicae Moonshine for Temelora – 3 year old dog. Beautiful head with good stop and lovely dentition. Large fringed ears, well set with a nice neck and a good lay of shoulder into straight front. Well bodied with good rear angulation and a well set and carried tail. Nice to watch on the move.
2nd Stanbury’s Angualyon Trading Secrets with Inixia – 2 year old R/S/W with good head proportions and well set and carried fringed ears. Nice neck into good lay of shoulder. Well bodied with good bend of stifle. Well set and carried tail. Moved well with level topline.
3rd Hart’s Towerglen’s All About Arthur
Post Graduate Dog (7 entries, 0 absent)
1st Sparkes’ Pinkmead Twistin Time – 2 year old phalene. Really liked the outline of this dog. Beautiful head with good dentition and a nice stop. Eyes could have been darker. Well set and carried ears, elegant neck and excellent lay of shoulder into a perfect straight front. Great spring of rib, well made rear, with a well set and carried tail. Excellent on the move with a level topline at all times. Pleased to award him RBD and BPhIS.
2nd Orchard’s Panspayon Eye of the Storm – 15 month B/W dog in good coat. Another nice dog well made throughout. Slightly longer in muzzle with a nice dark eye, well set ears which were used well. Moved and showed well.
3rd Borg’s Elendil Bellman
4th Nash’s Ookimmi Jitterbug
5th Petty’s Jansankeus He;s a Belter at Goldenmist
Limit Dog (9 entries, 4 absent)
1st Morrell’s Temelora Let It Be Magic JW – 3 year old dog in excellent coat. This red dog has a lot to like, he has a pretty head with well set ears which are of a good size, nice dark eyes and good dentition. Adequate neck into well sloped shoulders and a good, straight front. Good body proportions and well angulated rear. His tail was set and carried well. A well presented dog who moved and showed well.
2nd Melvin’s Ringland Sunshines Story at Shelandar – 2½ year old R/W dog. Slightly larger boy but not course in any way. He has a good head, dark eyes, well placed ears and good dentition. Straight front, good shoulders and a firm body with sound rear angles. He moved and showed well.
3rd Humphrey’s Caraideas The Extra Mile to Glynbym
4th Bull’s Altaya Foreign Affair
5th Barnett’s Feorlig Magic in the Making
Open Dog (8 entries, 0 absent)
1st Lee Slater’s Rozamie Monsieur Philippe – Well what can I say. For me, this young man fits the breed standard to perfection. From his striking head, to his lovely dark eyes and large flaring ears. He has an elegant neck into well sloped shoulders and a straight front. Lovely well sprung ribs into a good, well angulated rear. He carried himself beautifully around the ring, holding a level topline at all times with his well set tail complementing the picture. Pleased to award him BD and BIS.
2nd Davidson-Poston’s Ch Int Ch/GB CH/IR CH/NL CH Spinillons Rebel Rowser JW ShCM CW14 – 7 year old B/W with masculine head, dark eyes, well placed ears and excellent dentition. Adequate neck with straight front, well sloped shoulders and a firm body. Well angulated rear and well set tail. Has a habit of standing 10 to 2 on the rear but nevertheless a nice dog. Moved ok.
3rd Rajala’s Fi/Lt/EE Ch Mohairs Pontiac Connection
4th Bull’s Altaya Star Attraction
5th Munn’s Smileline Silenzo Garsiv
Veteran Dog (5 entries, 1 absent)
1st Stanbury’s Inixia Delightful Dan JW ShCM –7 year old R/S/W with a nice head, dark eyes and well placed ears. Adequate neck, good shoulders, firm body and good rear angles. Well set and carried tail. He moved and showed very well. BVD
2nd Morrell’s Temelora Bobby Dazzler JW – 7 year old B/W with a lovely head, dark twinkling eyes and well set and placed ears. Ample neck, into good shoulders, firm body and well placed tail. Moved ok. As always from this kennel well presented and handled.
3rd Melvin’s Tricianbri Wish Beaune at Shalander
4th Nash’s Ookimimi Dapper Dancer
Phalene Dog (3 entries, 1 absent)
1st Sparke’s Pinkmead Twistin Time – winner of PGD class
2nd Morrell’s Serenglade Leap of Faith for Temelora – B/W dog of 2 years with a nice head, dark eyes and correctly set ears. Ample neck into well sloped shoulders, good body proportions and nicely angulated rear. Tail set carried well and moved and showed very well. Just preferred the ear leathers of the winner.
Minor Puppy Bitch (8 entries, 0 absent)
1st Munn’s Daisy May at Ringlands – Pretty little tri. Still very raw, but showing lots of promise. She has a sweet head with lovely dark eyes and large rounded ears. A nice front with a firm body and nice rear angles. Although her tail needs to settle, she moved and showed well for one so young.
2nd Urquhart’s Blarkpark Vogue – 7 month R/S. Although very raw, this young lady gave a good account of herself. She has a sweet head, nicely set and placed ears, good dark eyes, a straight front, firm body and good rear angles complemented by a super tail set. She moved and showed well.
3rd Cox’s Temelora Looks Like and Angel
4th Geary’s Taliesyn Black Azalea
5th Chambers Metamorphic Ideology
Puppy Bitch (9 entries, 1 absent)
1st Olof’s Tarnock Rumour N Riddles – This pretty tri colour bitch caught my eye when entering the ring. She is so well made with the sweetest of heads with beautiful markings. An elegant neck into well laid shoulders, good body and excellent rear angles. Super set and carried tail. She moved and showed very well, could not be denied. BPB and BPIS
2nd Hart’s Towerglen’s All About Anya – Nicely sized 10 month bitch. A beautiful deep red colouring, she has a pretty head with lovely dark eyes and large well placed ears. A good front, firm body and sound rear. Tail set and carried well. Another nice puppy, just lacked the sparkle of the winner.
3rd Olof’s Tarnock Runaway Ruby
4th Urquhart’s Blackpark Patricia
5th Cox’s Denemore Juniper Berrie at Tricianbri IKC
Junior Bitch (8 entries, 3 absent)
1st Langdon’s Shadowknight Ebony Rose of Skyvana – 15 month B/W bitch who just oozes breed type. She has a lovely head, with large flaring ears, nice dark eyes and good dentition. A straight front and well laid shoulders. Good body and sound rear all complemented by a beautiful tail set and correct silky coat. This bitch comes into her own on the move. One for the future. Pleased to award her RBB
2nd French’s Soleona Keep Me – 14 month tri bitch with super markings. Really liked her head, she has lovely dark eyes and large flaring ears. Super straight in front with a firm body and good rear angles. A well set and carried tail. Although lacking coat, the overall shape and construction of this bitch cannot be faulted.
3rd Mann’s Stagedoor Beatrix Melangel
4th Gregorry’s Stagedoor Stripper
5th Olof’s Tarnock Rebel Rochelle
Yearling Bitch (7 entries, 1 absent)
1st Morrell’s Temelora Adele – B/W phalene of 22 months. This young lady has a pretty head with nice dark eyes and well set ears. Would have preferred a slightly larger leather. She has a lovely straight front with good shoulders and a firm body. She is very sound on the rear and has a lovely tail set. She moved and showed very well. Presented in super condition.
2nd Rajala’s LT JMVA EE JMVA BALT JMVA EEJV 17 EEV 17 LVJV 17 Piikachu’s Best Start at Zanimo’s – 20 month old B/W. Has lots to like and initially I thought she would be my winner. She has a super head with lovely dark eyes, large well fringed ears and good dentition. A lovely body and angles. Super silky coat, lovely well set tail and she moved around the ring with style but has a tendancy to cow hock on the rear and this cost her today.
3rd French’s Solena Keep Me
4th Olof’s Tarnock Devine D’Or
5th Hart’s Flutura’s Heaven Sent
Novice Bitch (6 entries, 1 absent)
1st Olof’s Tarnock Demoiselle Devona – 23 month pretty headed R/S with dark eyes and well placed ears. A good front with a firm body and sound rear. Would have preferred a better tail set. She moved and showed very well holding her topline at all times.
2nd Gregory’s Stagedoor Stripper – 15 month old well marked tri. Nice dark eyes and large well placed ears. Good front, sound body and adequate rear angles. Nice tail set. Moved ok.
3rd Hart’s Flutura’s Heaven Sent
4th Mann’s Melangel Callianne
5th Chamber’s Metamorphic Ideology
Graduate Bitch (5 entries, 1 absent)
1st Orchard’s Panspayon April Wishes – 2 year old R/S bitch with sweet head, dark eyes and nicely placed ears. Adequate neck into good shoulders, straight front and firm body. Strong strifles. Not long back from having a litter meant that she lacked coat, but overall construction won her this class. Moved and showed very well.
2nd Cox’s Denemore Chasing Elegante Flora at Tricianbri (IKC) – 2 year old slightly larger red bitch. Sweet head and expression with nice dark eyes and well placed ears. Good front and rear angles. Sound body. Tail carried a little flat. Nicely presented, moved and showed well.
3rd Miller’s Feorlig Via La Vida
4th Hart’s Farthinghall Kit n Kaboodle
Post Graduate Bitch (3 entries, 1 absent)
1st Nash’s Afterglow Gooseberry with Ookiimimi – 2 year old B/W bitch who was well made all through. Sweet head and large well placed ears, would have preferred a darker eye and rims. Presented in lovely condition. She moved and showed very well with a nicely set tail complementing the picture.
2nd Hart’s Farthinghall kit’n Kaboodle – Pretty little tri colour with a lovely coat. Sweetest of head with lovely tri markings with nice dark eye and well placed ears. Good body and well set tail. Unfortunately, her movement is not her fortune.
Limit Bitch (6 entries, 1 absent)
1st Munn’s Ringlands Treasure Sunshine – This cracking R/W bitch caught my eye on entering the ring and I was not disappointed on further examination. She has a delightful head, with dark twinkling eyes and super large heavily fringed ears. Lovely neck into excellent shoulders and super straight front. Good firm body and one of the best stifles of the day. This is all complemented by a straight, silky coat and excellent tail carriage. She moved around the ring with ease holding her topline at all times. Pleased to award her BB, RBIS & BOS.
2nd Wells & Brown’s Metamorphic Fantasy – This 3 year old R/S bitch has a lot to like. Prettiest of heads with lovely large ears that she used well. Nice dark eyes, ample neck, good shoulders, firm body and strong, sound rear. Presented very well. She moved very well once settled, unlucky to meet 1.
3rd Cox’s Tricianbri Tuppence A Kiss JW
4th Geary’s Fedelta Angelica at Taliesyn
5th Woodcock’s Panspayon Coco Chanel
Open Bitch (3 entries, 1 absent)
1st Orchard’s Ringland Yoko’s Solo at Panspayon ShCM – Pretty little R/S with good head proportions, dark eyes and large well placed ears. Ok neck with good shoulder placement with well sprung ribs and good rear angles. Presented very well, she moved around the ring with ease. Strong contender for top honours.
2nd Mann’s Johnasta Special Edition at Melangel – 4 year old B/W bitch. Has a lot to like, she has a stunning head with dark, sparkly eyes and large well placed ears. A good neck leading to lovely shoulders, straight front, firm body and excellent rear angles. Soft silky coat complemented by a lovely tail set. Unfortunately, she just wouldn’t settle on the move, but I liked her very much.
Veteran Bitch (9 entries, 5 absent)
1st Wells & Brown’s Ch Metamorphic Delivered – B/W bitch of 7 years who was presented very well. She has a lovely head with large well set ears and dark eyes. Has a cheeky look about her. Adequate neck with good shoulders and lovely straight front. Super spring of rib and sound rear. Lovely silky coat complemented by a well set and carried tail. She moved around the ring like a youngster. I can see why this bitch gained her title. Delighted to award her BVB and BVIS.
2nd Borg’s Elendil Classic Miniature – Delightful little 8 year old bitch who has the sweetest of heads, lovely dark eyes and large well set ears. Elegant neck, good body and sound front and rear angles. In lovely coat with a super tail set. Moved and showed very well.
3rd Humphrey’s Bonmeshays Ruby at Gloybyn ShCM
4th Geary’s Royal Lotus Blossom
Open Phalene Bitch ( entries, 1 absent)
1st Morrell’s Temelora Adele – Winner of yearling bitch
2nd Sparkes’ Pinkmead Delightful Eve – 2 year old sweet little B/W with a pretty head, dark eyes and lovely ear set and leathers. Well made all through and in lovely coat. Moved and showed very well.
Judge: Jon Caton (Henrix)
Special B/W Tri Colour
1st Cox’s Amicae Moonshine for Temelora
2nd Orchard’s Panspayon Eye of the Storm
3rd Mann’s Melangle Time to Shine
4th Humphrey’s Caraideas The Extra Mile to Gloynbyw
5th Hart’s Flutura’s Heaven Sent
Special R/W R/S/W
1st Munn’s Ringland’s Timeless Gift
2nd Cox’s Tricianbri Tuppance a Kiss
3rd Jury’s Melangel Zachary at Limdanway
4th Orchard’s Ringlands Yoko’s Solo at Panspayon
5th Melvin’s Ringlad Sunshines Story at Shalandar
Special Puppy
1st Cox’s Denemore Juniper Berrie at Tricianbri IKC
2nd Urquhart’s Blackpark Vogue
3rd Orchard’s Panspaypn Fortune Seeker
4th Cox’s Temelora Looks Like and Angel
5th Hart’s Towerglen’s All About Anya
Junior Handling 6-11
1st Isabella Cox
2nd Niamh Nash
3rd Kara Mason
4th Bryce Mason