South Wales Papillon Club Championship Show 2007

7th October 2007
Judge Mrs Anne Borg

Many thanks to the South Wales Papillon Club for my first breed championship show. Lovely new venue and a most generous entry! It was a long day, and I would like to thank exhibitors and their dogs for their patience and sportsmanship. Lovely entry, no bad temperaments, all teeth good bar two, coats and presentation on the whole excellent. The only thing to watch now possibly is movement!



Minor Puppy Dog (Entries: 11 Absentees: 2)
1st Langdon’s Skyvana C’est Ma Souris Shadowknight. 6 months r/s/w, well-made compact little baby, well-marked head with bright expressive eyes, ears good with fringes coming, straight front, well-angulated hindquarters, level back and well-held tail, well coated for age and good showman.
2nd Wilson’s Invergarick Casino Royale. 8 months tricolour, slightly higher on the leg than (1) , well balanced overall; clearly marked head, very mobile ears, bright dark eye, plentiful silky coat, well muscled, good rear angulation, moved smartly and with confidence.
3rd Rimmer & Wilson’s Invergarick Royal Roulette. litter brother to (2), 8 months r/w, well-marked head, good high-set tail and level back, moved a treat.
Res. Morrell & Teague’s Temelora Storm Brewin
VHC Orchard’s Tykkydewas Jumpin Jak Flash

Puppy Dog (Entries: 10 Absentees: 4)
1st Finlayson’s Sharjoy Back To The Future. 11 months r/s/w, strikingly pretty youngster, well marked head, good dark eyes, very mobile ears with good fringes coming; well put together, firm body, legs fine-boned with good hare feet; straight front, good rear, moved with great drive keeping everything well in place (BP).
2nd Whitehill’s Travelling By Moonlight To Amicae. smart 11 months b/w, litter brother to (1), handsome well-marked head, good dark eyes, soulful expression, well set ears; well coated for age, high-set tail with good plume, moved well;
3rd Cullen’s Paupad Ring Of Fire. 11 months r/s/w, pretty head and large ears, excellent coat, moved well.
Res. Langdon’s Skyvana Chasing Dreams
VHC Coughlan’s Paupad Fine And Dandy

Junior Dog (Entries: 4 Absentees: 1)
1st Stevenson’s Papplewick Perfect Pitch. very fine b/w in sparkling coat and condition, huge round-tipped ears with long fringes; straight front, legs fine boned and well furnished; good depth of chest with elbows well tucked in, nicely angulated at rear, level back, well set-on and well-held tail with beautiful plume; moved with lovely springing step and enough confidence to take RDCC.
2nd Stanbury’s Shirando Soldier Of Fortune For Inixia. tricolour, well put together and good coat coming; nicely marked head, good ears, expressive eyes; high-set tail and level back kept well on the move – happier moving than standing.
3rd Casey’s Shamal Diamond Beight. when he eventually kept still, you could see this was a worthy exhibit! Large, mobile ears, good fringes, excellent coat and furnishing; moved well when persuaded!

Yearling Dog (Entries: 3 Absentees: 0)
1st Stanbury’s Panspayon Stepin Out With Inixia JW. smart b/w, elegant and fine-boned; well marked head, blaze with blenheim spot, clear white muzzle; good chest and forefront, elbows well tucked under, plentiful ruff and hind furnishings, well set tail; moved well.
2nd Cochrane’s Tutyak Zither Zone. tricolour with lovely russet-colour markings and silky coat, well put together; straight front and good rear, high set tail with good plume; kept level back on the move and standing.
3rd Munn & Farrell’s Charlie Asti At Bluejays. eye-catching, dark-coated tri, upper limits as to size but never coarse; solid, well-made dog; large ears with very long fringes and plentiful coat; moved with drive.

Novice Dog (Entries: 4 Absentees: 1)
1st Mann’s Melangel Kristmas Klassic. attractive b/w very full of himself, extrovert and bouncy temperament; pretty head, solid body of good proportions; well muscled at rear, moved very strongly and stood smartly.
2nd Stanbury & Unwin’s Inixia Touched By Magic. small, fine-boned b/w, nicely balanced, clear head markings and dark eye, well set on tail with good plume, hare feet; attractive showman, friendly temperament.
3rd Tidmarsh’s Creliatown Kings Ransom. r/s/w, didn’t stop for report.

Graduate Dog (Entries: 4 Absentees: 0)
1st Stanbury & Unwin’s Inixia Gigolo. b/w, full of confidence, extrovert nature, thinks he’s a greyhound! Prettily marked head, well set and fringed ears; striking black tail shows up well over white body coat; hare feet, silky textured coat; moved well, at speed!
2nd Orchard & Stanbury’s Panspayon C’est La Vie Inixia JW. well-bodied but elegant b/w, more serious temperament than (1); abundant silky coat, well furnished, long hare feet with toe fringes; well marked head with large, fringed ears; kept good level back on the move and standing.
3rd Morrell & Teague’s Temelora Sun Shadow. tricolour, good well-set ears with full internal red shading, more subdued colour over eyes and in cheeks, symmetrical blaze; well built dog, good mover.
Res. Jonasas Ardbeck Sir Lancelot

Post Graduate Dog (Entries: 11 Absentees: 1)
1st Gomez’s Brontigaer Success Story Rosbaron. well-bodied but dainty tricolour with good fine bone, striking head and large, well fringed ears, enough neck, level back and good tail-set; shining silky coat of correct texture; beautiful in stance and moved firmly.
2nd Stanbury’s Inixia Time Out. well-marked b/w, very sprightly, darkest of eyes full of mischief , well put together; pretty head, good neck, level back, well set tail; moved and showed well; lovely temperament.
3rd Roberts & Smith’s Serenglade Thackery At Rayol; b/w Phalène, striking head, correct ear-set, elegant length of neck, dark eyes; long silky coat, moved and showed very well.
Res. Mann & Hillier’s Hilltribe Jackanapes At Melangel
VHC Wheeler’s Golygfamor Magic

Limit Dog (Entries: 16 Absentees: 2)
1st Dembiniok’s Temelora Sundancer At Hollrexia JW ShCM; striking r/s/w with large, flared and well fringed ears and attractive silky coat; symmetrical head markings, darkest of eyes and dark mask, good stop; very fine-boned, good tail-set with long plume reaching to the ground, well angulated hocks and deep chest; apprehensive start but attractive and confident on the move – in contention up to the end for RCC.
2nd Phillip’s Spellbinder At Amicae; classic b/w, fine and dainty dog with symmetrically marked head, large ears, beautiful soft silky coat; good straight front, well angulated at rear, level back, moved well.
3rd Mason’s Thoughts Of Stardom At Amsema JW; striking tricolour, well set and mobile ears, dark eyes; well endowed with coat, huge ruff, well muscled at rear and moved well.
Res. Langdon’s Skyvana Apparition Of Shadowknight JW
VHC Weston’s Powdermill Touch The Stars

Open Dog (Entries: 12 Absentees: 4)
1st Morrell & Teague’s Temelora Just Magic JW; eye-catching tricolour dog, with beautiful, proud stance; dark, well-marked head of generous proportions, ears large and well-fringed, coat of correct silky texture in impeccable condition; high-set tail, level back and good rear angulation; very full of himself, he moved with assurance and drive – a confident and elegant showman, CC and RBIS.
2nd Whitehill’s Frasermar Jack Frost; b/w, another top-line exhibit, very elegant and fine-boned, he showed very well, though in a quieter way than (1); lovely well-marked head with expressive dark eyes and large, well-fringed ears, well-set tail with good plume, well coated, nice hare feet.
3rd Stanbury & Unwin’s Inixia Dreams Magic; very cheerful b/w in excellent coat, fine and silky; pretty, well-marked head, well-fringed ears; fine-boned with good hare-feet, level back, moved well with great enthusiasm!
Res. Rimmer’s Pepeke At Arthurs Court
VHC Newman & Munn’s Jap Ch Smile Line Cover Girl Imortal Gene

Veteran Dog (Entries: 4 Absentees: 1)
1st Leverett’s Glasafon Royal Welsh; 10-year-old r/s/w, paling in coat now but seems to grow younger as the years tick on; in excellent, hard condition, full, flowing coat, good depth of chest and well muscled thighs, he moved like a youngster, free flowing movement and keeping level back at all times.
2nd Peacock’s Ch Alcala Ringleader; 12-year old r/s/w; pretty head with large, well-set dark eyes, well-bodied, in good coat, very sprightly and alert and moved very well.
3rd Brunsdon’s Gleniren Golden Icon; 8-year-old r/s/w with dark mask, well-bodied, of larger type, with firm, direct movement, showed well.

Special Open Phalene Dog (Entries: 4 Absentees: 0)
1st Rimmer’s Pepeke Arthurs Court; pretty-headed r/w, large ears with long, dark-tipped fringes, dark eyes and soft expression; good straight front and well angulated rear, silky coat, hare feet, moved very well.
2nd Roberts and Smith’s Serenglade Thackery At Rayol; b/w, small and dainty, correctly set, heavily fringed ears and dark lustrous eyes; good body, silky coat, well-furnished both ends, moved with serious elegance.
3rd Morrell & Teague’s D’alies Dodg Igor For Temelora (Imp Nld); very lively and difficult to manage, up to size, well-muscled body, deep chest; well-set tail and level back, when he eventually agreed to move properly!
Res Prince`s Temelora Soul Mate

Special Open Dog Bred Or Resident In Wales (Entries: 6 Absentees: 3)
1st Temelora Sundancer At Hollrexia
2nd Leverett’s Glasafon Succession; very neat and dainty b/w, well marked head, good body and sound movement.
3rd Wheeler’s Golygfamor Magic; very lively, full-coated b/w, moved well.

Minor Puppy Bitch (Entries: 12 Absentees: 3)
1st Langdon’s Skyvana Betta Late Than Neva; 8-months-old r/s/w, well-marked head with narrow blaze and dark mask; good straight front, well put together body and well balanced overall; well-set tail, good level back, coat coming – attractive, confident baby.
2nd Stanbury’s Troysdale Wings Of Time Via Inixia; very nice 6-months b/w, stood four-square and firm, neat muscular body; classic well-marked head with well-set ears, good coat coming; moved with drive, confident show-girl.
3rd Orchard’s Panspayon Sound Of Music; 7-months clear-coated b/w; not much length of coat yet but nothing to hide; impressive jug-handle tail, straight front, moved well and confidently.
Res. Langdon’s Skyvana Banshee With Shadowknight
VHC Stanbury & Morrow’s Troysdale Swing Time To Inixia

Puppy Bitch (Entries: 10 Absentees: 4)
1st Langdon’s Skyvana Caught In The Act; very smart b/w, still only 6 months but beat the present competition, oozing confidence; well-marked head, firm body, well-set ears and bright well-set eyes, stands four-square with black tail and plume well over back; up to size, let’s hope she now stops growing, RBPIS.
2nd Whitehill’s Joneca First Of All Amicae; r/s/w, fine-boned, dainty, alert little bitch; finds it difficult to stay still but, when she did, showed very well; well-marked head with black mask, good earset with fringes coming , excellent jug-handle tail and level back, moved nicely when settled – a live wire!
3rd Colyer’s Shirando Christmas Star; tiny tricolour, very light and dainty, well-marked head and dark, sparkling eyes; not great confidence, but enjoying herself.
Res. Munn’s Sanjuper Chase A Genine To Ringlands
VHC Cochrane’s Tutyak Rebecca

Junior Bitch (Entries: 8 Absentees: 1)
1st Thoma’s April In Paris; r/s/w, lovely head with good blaze, well-defined stop, dark mask and large, dark-fringed ears; solid straight front, well-ribbed body, good back angulation, moved very well; lovely type and very striking all round.
2nd Robert’s & Smith Rayol Prada; b/w, a bit apprehensive but showed off pretty head with round, dark eyes and good ears beginning to fringe, well constructed and balanced, good coat; straight front and level back, moved very well, increasing in confidence to beat
3rd Olding & Munroe’s Paplewick Paper Dove; such a pretty little b/w bitch, endearing head, large ears with curtain fringes, excellent silky coat, hare feet; fine-boned, soundly constructed, but decided not to show off any of this until placed third in final line-up and all reports were written – better luck next time, but a classy exhibit!
Res. Morrell & Teague’s Temelora Nicholas’s Gift
VHC Orchard’s Powdermill Lookin Lucky At Panspayon

Yearling Bitch (Entries: 7 Absentees: 1)
1st Kavanagh’s Denemore Icon’s Butterfly; smart, beautifully coated r/w, with large, lustrous eyes set in glamorous head; sound front, good depth of chest, well set-on tail with full plume; level back, good back angulation – an uncomplicated, attentive bitch and a powerful mover, RBCC.
2nd Stanbury’s Inixia Pure Fantasy. b/w, beautifully made little bitch, not quite the depth of coat of (1), pretty, well-marked head with good reach of neck, level back, tail well-set and plumed; moved briskly coming and going, very smart in stance.
3rd Tidmarsh’s Royal Moonbeam For Creliatown, r/s/w, pretty head with black mask, good ears and fringes, straight front and good back angulation, moved and showed well.
Res. Munn’s Ringlands Golden Story
VHC Wheeler’s Golygfamor Classy Lady

Novice Bitch (Entries: 6 Absentees: 1)
1st Roberts & Smith’s Bodebi Oriana To Rayol; b/w Phalène, very pretty bitch, slightly off-centre head-markings but this does not detract at all; large dropped ears with long silky fringes and outstanding silky coat; legs fine-boned with good furnishing, good hind angulation, moved effortlessly; elegant and stylish exhibit.
2nd Stanbury & Unwin’s Inixia Magic Moment; very pretty b/w, dark eyes well set in symmetrically marked head, well-set mobile ears and short, fine muzzle; well bodied in light frame, level back and well-angulated rear, nice average size, very cheerful temperament.
3rd Wheeler’s Golygfamor Gypsy; well-fringed b/w, long body-coat of correct texture; well built, a bit shy.
Res. Noonday Second Chance

Graduate Bitch (Entries: 6 Absentees: 1)
1st Tidmarsh’s Creliatown Golden Treasure; another pretty-headed bitch, r/s/w with brilliant white noseband, good well-set ears; plentiful body coat, firm body of good proportions; not the bravest character, but a lovely dog.
2nd Maskell’s Kazkell Starlight Dream; tricolour, very definite bright colour in ears and cheeks giving striking appearance; compact, well-muscled body, not quite the coat length of (1); well-angulated, moved with determination.
3rd Dembiniok’s Glasafon Irish Jig At Hollrexia; well-coated r/s/w with attractive head and good reach of neck; rather on the slight side – I would like to have seen more substance; moved well and energetically.
Res. Rudall’s Noonday Bundle Of Charm

Post Graduate Bitch (Entries: 16 Absentees: 7)
1st Hill’s Silverbrook Gamblers Gold At Dreamspinner; very well-coated r/s/w, nice head, good stop, ears at correct angle and well fringed, dark eye set low in skull, impressively long silky coat rather hiding her correct proportions; level back, well angulated rear, lovely on the move, stepping lightly but with good drive.
2nd Coughlan’s Paupad Floral Dynasty; strikingly marked tricolour, quite tall but shapely, in good coat; moved freely, holding topline well, high-set tail with good plume, well furnished front and rear – very nice bitch.
3rd Comrie & Whitehill’s Amicae Julianna; fine-boned, dainty tricolour, very pretty head with fine muzzle, sparkling dark eyes correctly low in skull, good stop; coming back into coat, moved well.
Res. Dembiniok’s Hollrexia Mythical Lady
VHC Melvin’s Jujohn Rosie Marie Of Shalanda

Limit Bitch (Entries: 9 Absentees: 3)
1st Olding & Munroe’s Candygolds Young At Heart Of Paplewick (Imp); b/w, fine young bitch with huge, flared, very mobile ears, well fringed, in glistening coat; a bit on the tremulous side, but so well made, fine-boned, well marked head, dark eyes of correct shape and set; straight front, well angulated rear, good reach of neck; hare feet, moved with good free action.
2nd Finlayson’s Sharjoy Melting Moment; r/s/w, dark eyes well set in head, large ears with dark-tipped fringes, good reach of neck; level back, well set on tail with long plume, moved and showed well.
3rd Munn’s Foerlig Picture Perfect At Ringlands; r/s/w, cheerful, well-coated, muscular little bitch; excellent ears and fringes, straight front, kept level back well on the move (which she did with speed!).
Res. Osborne’s Tykkydewas Lady Rowsa
VHC Gummer’s Bowson’s Bella Bella Of Juara

Open Bitch (Entries: 8 Absentees: 2)
1st Wilson’s Invergarick Modern Milly JW; lovely tricolour bitch whom I have admired since a puppy, she now boasts a luxurious coat and impressive fringes on the best-shaped ears of any of the dogs present today – they, together with her deep-set, coal-black, sparkling eyes, give her the attractive soft expression that one looks for in the female of the species; soundly constructed and of well balanced proportions under the eye-catching exterior, she more than fulfils the breed standard, and, watching her effortless and elegant circuit of the ring, I was more than pleased today to award her CC and BIS.
2nd Munn’s Ringlands Kenmill To Poppytime; r/s/w, less compact than (1), she presents a rangier outline though still one of elegance; pretty head, good stop, large ears with dark-tipped fringes; straight front, good depth of chest with profuse frill; moved a treat, cheerfully and with good drive.
3rd Langdon’s Christea Midnight Rose For Skyvana; b/w, another old favourite of mine, melting expression and constantly wagging tail, very spirited today; ideal size for dual purpose bitch, compact body, soundly constructed, moved very well.
Res. Cochrane’s Tijuana Victoria
VHC Mason’s Ch Amicae Spirit At Amsema

Veteran Bitch (Entries: 4 Absentees: 1)
1st Maskell’s Kazkell Daydream; 12-year-old tricolour in splendid coat and furnishings; bright and alert, good weight, sound construction; very happy temperament, moved with great drive (BV).
2nd Melvin’s Shalanda Top Notch. 8-year-old, another tricolour (where have they all come from!); soft, appealing expression, good ears with fringes and coat down to the ground; well-set tail, level back, moved like a 2-year-old.
3rd Coughlan’s Farfalla Dynasty For Paupad. 8-year-old dark r/s/w, nicely proportioned, in first-class condition; also moved like a youngster – it takes Papillons so long to grow up!

Special Open Phalene Bitch (Entries: 6 Absentees: 0)
1st Bodebi Oriana To Rayol
2nd Roberts & Smith’s Rayol Aisling; very similar to (1), very pretty head with deep-set eyes, good ears with fringes; high set-on tail, level back, well muscled, moved well.
3rd Temelora Nicholas’s Gift; r/s/w, pretty, well-marked head with dark expressive eyes; straight front, well angulated rear, good mover.
Res. Serenglade Sita At Shalanda
VHC Temelora Nichole

Special Open Bitch Bred Or Resident In Wales (Entries: 5 Absentees: 2)
1st Silverbrook Gamblers Gold At Dreamspinner
2nd Glasafon Irish Jig At Hollrexia
3rd Wheeler’s Golygfamor Classy Lady; b/w, well-built, friendly bitch, in good coat, pretty head, moved well.

Special Best Fringes In Show (Dog Or Bitch) (Entries: 4 Absentees: 2)
1st Wheeler’s Serenglade Rhapsody; lovely b/w Phalène, in good coat and condition, well shown and presented by young handler.
2nd Charlie Of Asti At Bluejays

Special Open Breeders Stakes (Entries: 5 Absentees: 3)
1st Sue Stanbuy: INIXIA
2nd Susie Orchard: PANSPAYON

Junior Handling 6-11 Years
1st Samntha Crawford – 11yrs
2nd Phillipa Zamba-Adams – 9yrs

Junior Handling 12-16 Years
1st Amy Mason – 14 yrs
2nd Kelly Price – 12 yrs