Southampton and District Canine Association Open Show 2014
14 June 2014
Papillon Judge: Michele Buss (Flutura)
Best of Breed & Toy Group 2: CH Mad About Saffron at Ringlands
Best Puppy & Puppy Toy Group 1: Munn’s Milbu Holiday Maker at Ringlands (Imp Lat)
Junior ( 3.a1 )
1st: Wells & Brown’s Farthinghall’s Penny Red at Metamorphic. 1 year R/S/W Bitch. Moved out with confidence. Level top line. Well set tail lovely straight front. With a nice headpiece. Would have liked slightly larger ears.
2nd: Munn’s Milbu Holiday Maker at Ringlands (Imp Lat) 8 month R/S/W dog. Very naughty, but extremely nice. Beautiful Headpiece with large flaring ears fringing nicely. Stunning outline as he moves around the ring with a lovely high set tail with good plume. Moves a bit close going away. Needs to muscle up. A bright future I am sure. BP PTG1
Post Graduate ( 3.a 2 )
1st: Barnett’s Feorlig Magic in the Making 2yrs 8m S/W. Dog. I have judged him before. A really good honest dog. Moves out with purpose. Good straight front. Nice rear angulation. Good coat.
Open ( 6. a 0 )
What a cracking class this was.
1st: Munn’s CH Mad About Saffron at Ringlands 5 yr R/S/W Bitch. Without a doubt a very Beautiful girl in full bloom. Dainty as they should be. A lovely refined head with such well set heavily fringed ears. A lovely coat in excellent condition. She flowed around the ring keeping a level top line at all times. BOB TG 2
2nd: Wells & Brown’s Bankshill Lord of the Dance at Metamorphic 2 year 8 month Tri dog. I was delighted to see this dog in open. Have always admired him. A good spring of ribs with a level top line. Looks a picture both coming & going with a lovely high set tail. A most appealing head with lovely well set ears. Would have loved to give him top honours. But he just wasn’t showing at his best.
3rd: Melvin & Cox’s Tricianbri Wish Beaune At Shalander SHCM