Taunton & District Canine Association Open Show 2014
06 July 2014
Papillon Judge: Mr Tim Ball (Kaitak)
Toy Group Judge: Mr Tim Ball (Kaitak)
Best of Breed & Toy Group 3: Bankshill Lord of the Dance at Metamorphic
Best Puppy in Breed: Ringlands Wishes For Harry at Panspayon
Puppy – 2 entries
1. Ringlands Wishes For Harry at Panspayon (Miss S Orchard)
2. Temelora Mardi Gra (Ms K Lock)
Graduate – 4 entries
1. Farthinghall’s Penny Red at Metamorphic (Ms K Wells & Ms A Brown)
2. Panspayon Xoe (Miss S Orchard)
3. Powdermill Magic Touch at Panspayon (Miss S & Mrs M Orchard)
4. Shamal Dolly Mixture (Mrs J Casey)
Open – 3 entries
1. Bankshill Lord Of The Dance at Metamorphic (Ms K Wells & Ms A Brown)
2. Metamorphic Delivered (Ms K Wells & Ms A Brown)
3. Kissable De Costalina at Panspayon (Imp Bel) (Miss S & Mrs M Orchard)