Taunton & District Canine Association Open Show 2014
04 January 2014
Judge: Mrs I A Griffiths
Best of Breed: Bankshill Lord of the Dance at Metamorphis (Mrs. K. Wells & Mrs. A. Brown)
Best Puppy & TOY PUPPY GROUP 1: Temelora Trenarwyn Scarlet Jezebel (Mrs. S. Morrell & Mrs. T. Teague)
Special Yearling: (6, 1)
1. Temelora Trenarwyn Scarlet Jezebel (Mrs. S. Morrell & Mrs. T Teague)
2. Farthinghall`s Penny Red at Metamorphic (Mrs. K. Wells & Mrs. A. Brown)
3. Inixia Happy Harry (Mrs. S. Stanbury)
4. Temelora Rising Star (Mrs. S. Morrell & Mrs. T. Teague)
Graduate: (5, 2)
1. Inixia Saucy Sam (Mrs. S. Stanbury)
2. Kissable De Costalina at Panspayon (Imp. Bel) (Ms. S. & Mrs. M. Orchard)
3. Bonmeshay Ted Baker for Temelora (Mrs. S. Morrell & Mrs. T. Teague)
Open: (5, 1)
1. Bankshill Lord of the Dance at Metamorphic (Mrs. K. Wells & Mrs. A. Brown)
2. Temelora Passing Fancy (Ms. V. Prince)
3. Panspayon Lucky Jim Sch.CM. (Ms. S. & Mrs. M. Orchard
4. Temelora Bobby Dazzler JW (Mrs. S. Morrell & Mrs. T. Teague)
AV toy puppy and unbeaten puppy:
1. Temelora Chance to Dream (Mrs. S. Morrell & Mrs. T. Teague)