The Papillon (Butterfly Dog) Club Summer Open Show 2015

11th July 2015

Judge: Mr Rodney Oldham (Towmena)
JH, Specials & Brace Judge: Miss Rebecca Thompson

My thanks to the Papillon Club for their kind invitation to officiate at their show. Everything seemed to be in good order and the weather was just right to enable judging outdoors on well mown grass, aided by a most efficient young lady as my steward. I appreciated the excellent entry which allowed me to get hands on a significant number of Papillons, something not so easy these days with dropping entries around the Open Shows.

BEST IN SHOW: Remani’s So You Think You Can Dance Spinillons Sh Cm (imp USA) (Jo Davidson-Poston)
RES. BEST IN SHOW: Lafford Kandy Floss (Sue Victor)
BEST OPPOSITE SEX: Lafford Kandy Floss (Sue Victor)

BEST PUPPY IN SHOW: Farleysbane Frilly Filly (Sue Victor)
RES. BEST PUPPY IN SHOW: Magic Morgan Melangel (Caroline Lee-Slater)

BEST VETERAN IN SHOW: Jhanakia Highland Destiny (Jane Thompson & Sandra Austin)
BEST PHALENE IN SHOW: Papadore Ears to Love for Rayol (Eileen Roberts)
BEST JUNIOR HANDLER IN SHOW: Phoebe Harris (age 12yrs)
BEST FRINGES IN SHOW: Hillsorg Marks Amelia at Pappretty (Christine Anderson)

BEST DOG: Remani’s So You Think You Can Dance Spinillons Sh Cm (imp USA) (Jo Davidson-Poston)
RES. BEST DOG: Jhanakia Highland Destiny (Jane Thompson & Sandra Austin)
BEST PUPPY DOG: Magic Morgan Melangel (Caroline Lee-Slater)
RES. BEST PUPPY DOG: Spinillons Colt Classic (Jo Davidson-Poston)
BEST BITCH: Lafford Kandy Floss (Sue Victor)
RES. BEST BITCH: Farleysbane Firefly at Lafford (Carol Lees)
BEST PUPPY BITCH: Farleysbane Frilly Filly (Sue Victor)
RES. BEST PUPPY BITCH: Farleysbane Forget Me Not (Carol Lees)

Minor Puppy Dog (6 entries, 0absent)
1st: Spinillons Colt Classic (Jo Davidson-Poston) , felt this well balanced tri stood away here, 7mo and projecting himself to advantage, his construction is spot on for age and he possesses a good neck enhancing head carriage and sensible length of leg, liked his head with defined stop, super dark eyes and excellent ears, front limbs are straight with elbows set firm, ribs developing, topline is level with tail set high, moves out true enough for his age, just needs coat to complete picture.
2nd: Rayol Ears the Voice (Eileen Roberts), B&W Phalene of similar age, head well laid out giving good expression, not the shoulders or tail carriage of 1, definition to hindquarters, quality coat coming, moves steady.
3rd: Purepixie Swish and Flick (Helen Taylor)
Res: Metamorphic Thunder Storm (K J Wells)

Puppy Dog (6 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Magic Morgan Melangel (Caroline Lee-Slater), liked the balance and outline of this tri, beautiful head with excellent ears and placement, dark eye, straight front and firm elbows, arch to neck, excellent topline and tailset, ribs quite well developed for age, sound hindquarters, moved out with ease, quality coat, BPD.
2nd: Lynflyer Winter Story (Carol Lees), also of good type but carries more substance, has good head properties and neck, round dark eye, topline is level and ribs quite well sprung, high tail carriage, moves out true enough.
3rd: Royal Riley Melangel (M, B & J Mann)
Res: Johnasta Major Tomfox (Shirley J Williams)
VHC: Johnasta Brigadier Barcode (Shirley J Williams)

Junior Dog (2 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Ookiimimi Jitterbug (Jackie Nash), well balanced tri, head very well laid out with large ears set well back on skull and used to advantage, lovely round dark eye, clean muzzle, scored slightly here in front, hare feet, super neck and carriage, well ribbed up, firm topline with tail set high but shade flat, sound mover coming and going, shown in quality coat.
2nd: Melangel Highland Vogue at Jhanakia (Jane Thompson), very honest R&W with much to commend him, ears could be spaced a little better, lovely eye, reasonable front, not quite the neck carriage of 1, high set tail and carriage, steady mover.

Yearling Dog (1 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Elendil Bellman (Mrs A C & Ms E G N Borg)Bellman, B&W, head is quite well arranged but would prefer slightly shorter muzzle, defined stop and ears well placed, straight front with elbows held firm, arch to neck, well ribbed and firm in topline, high tail carriage, excellent definition to hindquarters, shown in quality coat, lively lad who projects himself to advantage.

Maiden Dog (4 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Johnasta Brigadier Barcode (Shirley J Williams), VHC in PD, tri of goodly proportions, ears used to advantage, dark eye, clean muzzle, straight forelimbs, well ribbed, high tailset and carriage, moved out better here.
2nd: Purepixie Swish and Flick (Helen Taylor), who had been 3rd in MP, very raw baby but soundly constructed, super for ears and set, very dark expressive eyes, straight front, ribs coming, good rear definition, comes into his own in profile action.
3rd: Metamorphic Thunder Storm (K J Wells)
Res: Sarasha Swaggler (Mandy Holmes)

Novice Dog (6 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Spinillons Colt Classic (Jo Davidson-Poston)
2nd: Johnasta Major Tomfox (Shirley J Williams), R in PD, Gold/wh, ears well placed, definite stop and clean muzzle, straight front, just enough neck, well ribbed and level in topline, high set tail, gentle turn to stifle, clean mover.
3rd: Johnasta Brigadier Barcode (Shirley J Williams)
Res: Sarasha Swaggler (Mandy Holmes)
VHC: Papadore Spot on Manny at Pappretty (Christine Anderson)

Graduate Dog (5 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Spinillons Colt Classic (Jo Davidson-Poston)
2nd: Elendil Glint of Copper (Mrs A C & Ms E G N Borg), R & W, good for breed type, head attributes well distributed, super large ears well set, ribs sprung and carried back, level topline, tail is set high, could come up on the leg a touch, quality coat and presentation.
3rd: Papadore Ears to Love for Rayol (Eileen Roberts)
Res: Altaya Foreign Affair (Katherine Bull)
VHC: Ookiimimi Dapper Dancer (Jackie Nash)

Post Graduate Dog (1 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Denemore the Ruben Effect at Farthinghall (Katriona Milroy), stood alone but a worthy winner, scores in balance and outline, skull fairly broad and slightly rounded giving desired ear setting, dark round eye and defined stop, straight front, just enough neck, very well ribbed up, level back and good tailset, modelled hindquarters, moves true covering ground with ease.

Mid Limit Dog ( entries, absent)
A class of mixed types.
1st: Powdermill Designer Touch at Taliesyn (G A Geary), tri of excellent make and shape and scores with his free movement, shows himself off to advantage, liked layout of his head, super large well placed ears, dark eye and appealing expression, good front down to hare feet, arch to neck, well off for rib and firm in topline, high set tail, turn to stifle, shown in good coat.
2nd: Bankshill Lord of the Rings is Purepixie (Helen Taylor), very much the toydog but so soundly put together, head appeals with super ears and fringes, straight front, well ribbed up, high tail carriage, sound true action.
3rd: Altaya Just One Look (N & E S Stanmore)
Res: Metamorphic Phantasm Sarasha (J S King)
VHC: Feorlig Magic in the Making ShCM (Julie Barnett)

Limit Dog (4 entries, 1 absent)
Lovely class.
1st: Melangel Time to Shine (M, B & J Mann) , B&W, loved his make and shape, expressive head with definite stop, large well placed and fringed ears, dark eye, straight forelimbs, excellent neck and topline, good tailset and carriage, as expected such an easy mover.
2nd: Tricinabri Wish Beaune at Shalandar Shcm (Mesdams M Melvin & P Cox), very similar, just preferred expression and finish to muzzle of 1, excels in front assembly, topline and tailset, shown in full bloom and moves out freely.
3rd: Tinklebury Super Sprout Spinillons JW (Jo Davidson-Poston)

Open Dog (4 entries, 2 absent)
1st: Remani’s So You Think You Can Dance Spinillons Sh Cm (imp USA) (Jo Davidson-Poston), mature tri, upstanding and presenting a classy outline, well marked head which is well formed with large well placed and furnished ears, super rounded dark eyes with strong pigmentation, defined stop, decent front assembly, well ribbed and firm in topline, high set and carried tail, moves out true holding his outline, carrying quality coat, my pleasure to award him BIS.
2nd: Spinillons Zuzzi JW Sh Cm (Jo Davidson-Poston), B&W who also has much to commend him, constructionally he is so well put together, shown in full coat and moves soundly but not with quite the presence of 1.

Veteran Dog (2 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Jhanakia Highland Destiny (Jane Thompson & Sandra Austin), beautifully put together R&W with most attractive headpiece, super large ears which were well placed and quite mobile, clean in muzzle, scores in front assembly, well ribbed up and still possesses neat waistline with slight tuck up, level topline with tail set high, turn to stifle, excellent free mover in super coat and condition, RBD.

Open Phalene Dog (3 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Papadore Ears to Love for Rayol (Eileen Roberts), 3rd in GD, clean outline and plenty of good breed points, could fill out his frame a little more, sound mover, B/Ph
2nd: Rayol Ears the Voice (Eileen Roberts)
3rd: Multi Ch (8) Magnolise Tiago for Spinillons CW14 (Imp USA Phalene ) (Jo Davidson-Poston)

Minor Puppy Bitch (7 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Farleysbane Frilly Filly (Sue Victor), 7mo Tri who I found very promising, projects a totally balanced clean outline, head is well modelled with super large rounded ears set low, very dark expressive eyes, good for neck carriage into decent front, ribs are developing well for age, topline is level with high set tail, hindquarters in harmony with front, very sound cheeky mover, BPIS.
2nd: Farleysbane Forget Me Not (Carol Lees), real extrovert tri with superb outgoing personality, loved her head, markings and expression, super dark eye, she too possesses a good neck flowing into firm topline topped off by well carried tail, moved out true with real purpose enjoying every minute.
3rd: Fedelta Angelica at Taliesyn (G A Geary)
Res: Purepixie Mischief Managed (Helen Taylor)
VHC: Rayol Ears to Kisses (Eileen Roberts)

Puppy Bitch (1 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Sarasha Sassy (Mandy Holmes), B&W who is very well balanced, fine feminine head with large ears well placed, dark eye and clean muzzle, arch to neck, level topline and high set tail, quality coat and furnishings, could tighten a touch in front but moves out freely.

Junior Bitch (4 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Lafford Kandy Floss (Sue Victor), absolutely super tri in tip top condition and fringes, never stopped showing her heart out, loved her size, make and shape and cleanest of outlines, head is proportioned with attributes well distributed, large ears are low set and dripping in fringes, sound fore and aft, arch to neck and firm in topline, definition to stifles, such an easy true mover, BB.
2nd: Taliesyn Travellersjoy (G A Geary), this B&W is not quite so finished as yet but presents a super outline, good for ears and eyes, uses neck to advantage, ribs developing, high tail carriage and a free willing mover.
3rd: Ookiimimi Just Imagine (Jackie Nash)
Res: Altaya Ruby Star (N & E S Stanmore)

Yearling Bitch (4 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Farleysbane Firefly at Lafford (Carol Lees), R&W, ultra feminine but lacking nothing, beautiful ears and eyes, excellent neck and front, good topline and tail carriage, definition to hindquarters, moved out really well and carries a quality coat, RBB.
2nd: Petitchien Keep the Faith at Farthinghall (Katriona Milroy), very similar, just slightly preferred action of 1, scores in neck and head carriage, large rounded ears well placed, well ribbed and carrying tail high, shown in great condition.
3rd: Taliesyn Love in the Mist (G A Geary)

Maiden Bitch (3 entries, 1 withdrawn)
1st: Petrels Dark and Daring (Mrs A C & Ms E G N Borg), B&W in super condition and showing so well, beautiful headpiece and ears, excellent front assembly and neck, ribcage well developed for age and topline level, high tail carriage, moved out very true as expected.
2nd: Sarasha Sassy (Mandy Holmes)

Novice Bitch (4 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Sarasha Sassy (Mandy Holmes)
2nd: Melangel Utterly Butterfly at Pappretty (Christine Anderson), larger R&W and a touch masculine but soundly built and moves out freely.
3rd: Ookiimimi Honeybee (Jackie Nash)

Graduate Bitch (1 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Hillsorg Marks Amelia at Pappretty (Christine Anderson), B&W of quality, soundly built but retaining femininity, very typical in head with super large ears and dark eye, width to front, would prefer a little more neck, well sprung ribs, gentle turn to stifle, silky coat, steady mover.

Post Graduate (1 entries, 1 absent)

Mid Limit Bitch (2 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Taliesyn Bella Donna (G A Geary), B&W of decent size with well laid out head, excellent ears and fringing, defined stop and dark rounded eyes, good front, tail set high on level topline, well modelled hindquarters, free easy mover shown in good coat.
2nd: Inixia Aliceandra Mit Johnasta (Shirley J Williams), similar head attributes, just preferred leg length of 1, plumed tail, sound mover.

Limit Bitch (5 entries, 4 absent)
1st: Cintarshe Dancing Light Mit Johnasta (Shirley J Williams), very sound and feminine LR, super head, eyes and expression plus well placed ears, excellent front with firm elbows, uses neck to advantage, excellent ribcage and high tailset, strong hindquarters, moves out freely and true, shown in quality coat.

Open Bitch (1 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Spinillons Classic Caress JW, Sh Cm, Cw14, Ir Jr Ch (Jo Davidson-Poston), loved this B&W, feminine yet so solidly built in a small package, head pleases with large well placed ears, excellent stop and dark eye, best of fronts and firm topline, arch to neck, high tail carriage, moved true both ways as expected.

Veteran Bitch (5 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Rayol Lotus Blossom (G A Geary), 11.1/2yo Tri shown in tip top condition, feminine in body and clean over shoulders where she scored, upstanding and sporting a well laid out head, super clear bright eyes, excellent front and neck, ribs sprung and back with firm topline, high tail, moves out freely coming and going.
2nd: Ch & Ir Ch Spinillons Saffire Jw Sh Cm (Jo Davidson-Poston), very pretty headed tri with lovely expression, food has probably become her number one priority, straight front and moves out true enough, shown in abundant coat.
3rd: Jadelands Exquisite Belle at Sarasha (J S King)
Res: Havenbar Minniemouse (Jackie Nash)

Open Phalene Bitch (1 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Rayol Ears to Kisses (Eileen Roberts), VHC in MP, 7mo B&W, some width to skull with ears well placed, decent stop and clean muzzle, straight limbs, tail carriage needs to settle, in good nic and maturing well, BPhB

JUDGE: Miss Rebecca Thompson

J.H.A. (6-11 Years) (0 entries)

J.H.A. (12-16 Years) (2 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Phoebe Harris (age 12yrs)
2nd: Eleanore Taylore (age 13yrs)

Brace (3 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Jo Davidson-Poston (Remani’s So You Think You Can Dance Spinillons Sh Cm (imp USA) & Ch & Ir Ch Spinillons Saffire Jw Sh Cm)
2nd: Jackie Nash (Ookiimimi Honeybee & Ookiimimi Just Imagine)

Special Open Dog (4 entries, absent)

Special Open Bitch (5 entries, 3 absent)
1st: Farleysbane Firefly at Lafford (Carol Lees)
2nd: Melangel Utterly Butterfly at Pappretty (Christine Anderson)