WELKS Championship Show 2022
22 April 2022
Papillon Judge: Mr John Purnell
Toy Group: Judge: Rodney Oldham
Best of Breed & Toy Group 4: Ch Feorlig Smart Cookie JW (Miss K F & Mr E L Miller & Ryan)
Best Puppy: Gleniren Daddy’s Starmaker (Mrs I & Mr G Robb)
Best Special Beginners: Lilacrose Magic Mya (Mrs S Last)
Dog CC: Ch Gleniren Who’s Your Daddy (Mrs I & Mr G Robb)
Res. Dog CC: U Knock Me Off My Feet Daydream Believers with Feorlig (Imp Bel) (Miss K F, Mr E L & Miss K Miller, Ryan & Roosens)
Bitch CC: Ch Feorlig Smart Cookie JW (Miss K F & Mr E L Miller & Ryan)
Veteran Dog (Entries: 6 Absentees: 1)
1st: Ch/ir/nl/int Ch Spinillons Rebel Rowser JW ShCM Cw14 VW ShCEx (Mrs J Davidson-Poston)
2nd: Melangel Highland Vogue at Jhanakia (Mrs S & Mrs J Austin & Thompson)
3rd: Conysluck Mr Pickles (Miss C & Mrs I L Letch & Buckley-Waters)
Res: Conysluck Master Pip (Miss C Letch)
VHC: Petitchiens Moonbeam VW (Mr D & Mrs H Malcolm)
Puppy Dog (Entries: 7 Absentees: 0)
1st: Nightfire’s Be Unique in Style at Panspayon (Imp Deu) (Miss S Orchard)
2nd: Sky Butterfly Elven Cron Prince Spinillons (Imp Rus) (Mrs J Davidson-Poston)
3rd: Skyvana Caught at Metamorphic (The Rev’d K J & Ms A J Wells & Brown)
Res: Skyvana Catch Me at Jhanakia (Mrs S & Mrs J Austin & Thompson)
VHC: Sempefidelis Fantastique (Ms I L & Lord Buckley-Waters & Buckley)
Junior Dog (Entries: 2 Absentees: 0)
1st: U Knock Me Off My Feet Daydream Believers with Feorlig (Imp Bel) (Miss K F, Mr E L & Miss K Miller, Ryan & Roosens)
2nd: Maliband Lee Cooper to Graycaz (Imp Blr) (Mrs C Lee-Slater)
Yearling Dog (Entries: 2 Absentees: 0)
1st: Purepixie Red Admiral (Ms H V Walsh)
2nd: Pappretty Grt Expectations (C D Anderson)
Novice Dog (Entries: 1 Absentees: 0)
1st: Magic Sunrise Imperator Son (Imp Lv) (Mrs R Quinn)
Post Graduate Dog (Entries: 3 Absentees: 0)
1st: Adnamashan The Wanted at Debrilyn (Mr B & Miss D Harle)
2nd: Inixia Tailor Made for Brandonburg (Mrs S & Mrs S Glanville-Hughes & Stanbury)
3rd: Elendil Crusader (Mrs A C & Ms Egn Borg)
Limit Dog (Entries: 7 Absentees: 3)
1st: Martika Kiss and Tell for Lafay (Mr A Foynes)
2nd: Taliesyn Black Walnut (Mrs G A Geary)
3rd: Polaris Plyus Juvenal at Jhanakia (Imp Rus) (Mrs S & Mrs J Austin & Thompson)
Res: Yeldaeh Simply Red (Mr T R & Mrs C Headley)
Open Dog (Entries: 9 Absentees: 3)
1st: Ch Gleniren Who’s Your Daddy (Mrs I & Mr G Robb)
2nd: Ch Feorlig It Must’ve Been Love (Mr D & Mrs H Malcolm)
3rd: Melangel Highland by Design at Jhanakia (Mrs S & Mrs J Austin & Thompson)
Res: Altaya Star Attraction (Miss K & Mrs A Bull)
VHC: Lafay Petite Etoile JW (Mr A Foynes)
Veteran Bitch (Entries: 2 Absentees: 0)
1st: Ringland Yoko’s Solo at Panspayon ShCM ShCEx VW (Miss S Orchard)
2nd: Taliesyn Bella Donna (Mrs G A Geary)
Minor Puppy Bitch (Entries: 4 Absentees: 0)
1st: Gleniren Daddy’s Starmaker (Mrs I & Mr G Robb)
2nd: Metamorphic Flyte (The Rev’d K J & Ms A J Wells & Brown)
3rd: Panspayon Northern Lights (Miss S Orchard)
Res: Paparottsie Reflections at Yeldaeh (Mr T R & Mrs C Headley)
Puppy Bitch (Entries: 2 Absentees: 1)
1st: Melangel Lovely Lexi for Shamal (Mrs J Casey)
Junior Bitch (Entries: 5 Absentees: 1)
1st: Pappretty Georgy Girl (C D Anderson)
2nd: Lilacrose Magic Mya (Mrs S Last)
3rd: Taliesyn Canterbury Bells (Mrs G A Geary)
Res: Melangel Luscious Lola (Mrs M, Miss B & Miss J Mann)
Yearling Bitch (Entries: 3 Absentees: 0)
1st: Magic Sunrise Natalia (Imp Lva) (Mrs C & Mrs C Lee-Slater & Kewley)
2nd: Tonkory Blossom (Mrs J Gregory)
3rd: Purepixie Lucy with Diamonds (Ms K M Wykes)
Novice Bitch (Entries: 6 Absentees: 3)
1st: Tonkory Blossom (Mrs J Gregory)
2nd: Panspayon Natasha (Miss S Orchard)
3rd: Lilacrose Magic Mya (Mrs S Last)
Post Graduate Bitch (Entries: 7 Absentees: 2)
1st: Chrysalis Star of The Storm (Miss K & Mrs A Bull)
2nd: Martika Eyecatcher (Mr B & Miss D Harle)
3rd: Talieyn Black Azalea (Mrs G A Geary)
Res: Taliesyn Floribunda of Brandonburg (Mrs S Glanville-Hughes)
VHC: Houm Tet A Tet Leonella (Imp Rus) (Mr B & Mrs S Hudson & Posselwhite)
Limit Bitch (Entries: 11 Absentees: 1)
1st: Johnasta Georgia for Temelora (Mrs S Morrell)
2nd: Metamorphic Vista JW (The Rev’d K J & Ms A J Wells & Brown)
3rd: Briar Rose for Ringland (Lt Cdr Bds & Mrs P A Cox)
Res: Tonkory Waiting in The Wings (Mrs S & Mr T Stone & Isherwood)
VHC: Berestead Haute Couture (Mrs A J Matthews)
Open Bitch (Entries: 7 Absentees: 1)
1st: Ch Feorlig Smart Cookie JW (Miss K F & Mr E L Miller & Ryan)
2nd: Suniren Daddy’s Girl Gleniren (Mrs I & Mr G Robb)
3rd: Spinillons Rebelling (Mrs J Davidson-Poston)
Res: Ch Panspayon Jewel of The Nile (Miss S Orchard)
VHC: Jorgealin Moonstar at Purepixie (Ms H V Walsh)
Special Beginners Bitch (Entries: 1 Absentees: 0)
1st: Lilacrose Magic Mya (Mrs S Last)
My thanks to the society for the invitation as a replacement judge, a good friend of mine no longer being with us, Christine Foynes, was the scheduled judge, she said to me on more than one occasion as long as I get to award CCs in my cherished breed I will be happy, sadly that wasn’t to be. Christine, I was honoured to judge the show for you today. My thanks also go to the exhibitors for their valued entries, some hard decisions had to be made today.
VD (6, 1) 1 Davidson-Poston’s Ch/Ir/Nl/Int Ch Spinillions Rebel Rowser JW ShCM Cw14 VW ShCEx. 11 years old black and white good balanced example. Balanced head good length of muzzle good dentition straight in front well coated well plumed tail in really good order for age moved well. 2 Austin & Thompson’s Melangel Highland Vogue At Jhanakia. 8 years old red and white of good size, good balanced head with good dentition, well furnished example, moved well.
PD (7) 1 Orchard’s Nightfires Be Unique in Style at Panspayon (Imp Deu). 11 months old black and white of good size, good balanced head with good ear placement, correct length of muzzle, good dentition, straight in front, well coated, moved well. 2 Davidsons-Poston’s Sky Butterfly Elven Cron Prince Spinillons (Imp Rus). 10 months old tri, smaller in body to one, good straight front, good balanced head, eye colour and shape giving a nice expression, in good coat, good tailset, moved well.
JD (2) 1 Miller, Ryan & Roosens’ U Knock Me Off My Feet Daydream Believers With Feorlig (Imp Bir). 15 months old tri, nice balanced dog, lovely balanced head, dark in eye, good length of muzzle, nice straight front, in good coat, well tailed up, moved well. 2 Lee-Slater’s Maliband Lee Cooper To Graycaz (Imp Bir). 16 months old tri, preferred the front and ears on one, well coated, bit unsettled today, preferred the movement on class winner.
YD (2) 1 Walsh’s Purepixie Red Admiral. Two years old today, good balanced head, good straight front, nice plumed tail, well coated, good ring presence, moved well, nice sized dog. 2 Anderson’s Pappretty Grt Expectations. 23 months old red and white, larger in size to one, pleasing example, good well furnished tail, did not move as good as one.
ND (1) 1 Quinn’s Magic Sunrise Imperator Son (Imp Lv). Red sable and white 3 years old, nice balanced dog in good coat, straight in front, well balanced head with well placed ears, in good coat, well plumed tail, moved with plenty of ring presence.
PGD (3) 1 Harle’s Adnamashan The Wanted At Debrilyn. 4 years old red and white, nice balanced dog in good coat, nice straight front, well balanced head with correct earset, moved well, pleasing example. 2 Glanville-Hughes & Stanbury’s Inixia Tailor Made For Brandonburg. 30 months old, dark red sable, not as balanced as one, good length of muzzle, bit short of coat today, moved well.
LD (7, 3) 1 Foynes’ Martika Kiss And Tell For Lafay. Red sable, 30 months old, balanced dog in good coat, nice balanced head, good straight front, well furred tail, moved well, pleasing example. 2 Geary’s Taliesyn Black Walnut. 6 years old tri in good order, good straight front, well coated, lovely balanced head, well furred tail, moved well. 
OD (9, 3) 1 Robb’s Ch Gleniren Who’s Your Daddy. Dark red sable in good coat lovely balanced head with well furred ears good eye shape and colour moved with plenty of ring presence lovely example. 2 Malcolm’s Ch Feorlig It Must’ve Been Love. 5 years old red sable and white. Good balanced dog in good coat good straight front good balanced head with correct ear carriage nice balanced example.
VB (2) 1 Orchard’s Ringland Yokos Solo At Panspayon ShCM ShCE x VW. Seven and a half years old dark red sable, lovely balanced head, good length of muzzle, nice sized bitch in good coat, moved well. 2 Geary’s Taliesyn Bella Donna. 12 years old black and white, good balanced head, a few teeth short but what do you expect at twelve, good ear carriage, nice, small in size bitch, well plumed tail, moved well.
MPB (4) 1 Robb’s Gleniren Daddy’s Starmaker. Red sable and white with black mask, lovely balanced bitch in good coat, lovely well furred tail, nice straight front, good balanced head with the correct earset, moved with plenty of ring presence. 2 Brown’s Metamorphic Flyte. 6 months old tri, good straight front, lovely balanced head, well carried furred tail, moved well, another promising puppy.
PB (2) 1 Casey’s Melangel Lovely Lexi For Shamal. 10 months old black and white, nice balanced bitch in good coat, nice balanced head with good ear carriage, good muzzle length and dentition, good in front, moved well.
JB (5, 1) 1 Anderson’s Pappretty Georgy Girl. 12 months old black and white, nice balanced bitch in good coat, good balanced head with well furred ears, good muzzle length and dentition. 2 Last’s Lilacrose Magic Mya. 16 months sable and white in good coat, well carried ears, well furred tail, moved well.
YB (3) 1 Lee-Slater & Kewley’s Magic Sunrise Natalia (Imp Lva). 18 months old red and white bitch, good straight front, good length of muzzle, correct earset, in good coat, nice well furred tail, carried well. 2 Gregory’s Tonkory Blossom. 19 months old tri, nice balanced bitch, good balanced head with the correct earset, bit short of coat today, moved well.
NB (6, 3) 1 Gregory’s Tonkory Blossom. Second from the class above, bit better behaved this time, holding her tail correctly. 2 Orchard’s Panspayon Natasha. 7 months old tri, nicely balanced, good straight front, in good coat, well carried and furnished ears, good length of muzzle, promising puppy.
PGB (7, 2) 1 Bull’s Chrysalis Star Of The Storm. 2 years old tri bitch, nicely bodied up, good well carried and furnished tail, good straight front, well balanced head, large well carried ears, good length of muzzle, moved the best in the class. 2 Harle’s Martika Eyecatcher. 3 years old red and white sable, lovely balanced bitch in good coat, well furred tail, good length of muzzle with good dentition, moved well.
LB (11, 1) 1 Morrell’s Johnasta Georgia For Temelora. 2 years old Tri of good size, well balanced, lovely head and ear carriage, good length of muzzle, straight front, moved the best in the class. 2 Wells & Brown’s Metamorphic Vista JW. 3 years old red sable, nice balanced bitch, good in front, nice sized bitch, moved well.
OB (7, 1) 1 Miller & Ryan’s Ch Feorlig Smart Cookie JW. 3 years old red sable, nicely balanced example, in lovely coat, lovely balanced head, large well furred ears, no mistake with the expression this bitch gives you true Papillon, good straight front, well carried well plumed tail, full of ring presence, moved the best in the class. 2 Robb’s Suniren Daddys Girl Gleniren. Tri, 30 months old, another balanced example of good size, well carried and furred tail, straight back and front, moved well.
Sp Beg B (1) Seen dog – second from the Junior class, Lilacrose Magic Mya.
John Purnell, Judge