01 November 2024 Papillon Breed Notes

A special day was in store for the Toy dog world. For the first Championship show for The North East of England Toy Dog Society (NEETD). The weather had not been kind, in fact brutal. Due to the ground being waterlogged the committee had to make fast changes bringing the majority of the rings inside. Only then to have to rearrange once again as the rain had deluged the night before the show. But the committee held everything together and made the decision to bring all rings inside. This was team work at its best.
The atmosphere was fabulous and the committee made sure everyone present were comfortable. In some ways it seemed to help bring exhibitors together making it a relaxed and enjoyable social day. Maybe, a bit like old times when folk just wanted to make the best of the day no matter what the circumstances threw at them.
Every ring was of an adequate size and the committee could not have done enough to have everything running smoothly.
So many trade stands present and sponsored gifts galore from generous trade holders. For BIS, a show trolley was donated by Premier Housing.
The honour of judging BIS went to Mr Stuart Payne of the famous Habiba affix .
For this show the Papillons were to be judged by breed specialist Jacqueline Hill (Caraideas). The judge went over the dogs in a kind and considerate manner making sure all the exhibitors had the space to show off their dogs to their best ability.
The principal winners were as follows. BCC/ BOB/ Gp2 Ryan, Roosen and Goessens’s Multi Ch / Ch Uppercut Daydream Believers With Feorlig. Best Puppy/RBCC/ PGP4 Irene & Glenn Robb’s Gleniren Miracle Starmaker. Best Veteran Helen Walsh’s Ch Jorgealin Moon Star At Purepixie, Best Special Beginners Julie Kerrison’s Kezkez Signore Nico Rosberg.
DCC Elaine Davidson’s Ch & Am Ch Elmaraine Chasing Rainbows, and RDCC Glenn Robb and Asta Gudbergsdottir’s Ch & Multi Ch Fashion First High Priority (Imp).
Just a little shout out to Glenn taking BIS with Izzy the Pomeranian.
Well done to Wendy Walters and the committee for pulling out every stop imaginable and making the show a spectacular triumph. You all should be so proud.

Leeds Championship show saw breed specialist Mrs Teresa Collins from Scotland judging the breed. The show went smoothly along with the help of her very capable stewards. All dogs were given the chance by the judge to put best paws forward and she went over the dogs very gentle and considerate manner.
DCC/BOB Robb and Gudbergsdottir’s Ch & Multi Ch Fashion First High Priority (Imp),
Best Puppy / TPGP2 Irene and Glenn Robb’s Gleniren Miracle Starmaker. Mr Stevie Hall judged the Toy Puppy Group.
Best Veteran Helen Walsh’s Ch Jorgealin Moon Star At Purepixie.
Best Special Beginner / Sp.Beg TGP1 Mrs Julie Masheder Keomandi Jason. Robin Kinsey was the judge for the Sp. Beg Toy Group.
BCC Estelle Kirk’s Lynflyer Rainbow Dancer JW. I think I am correct in saying this was the crowning third cc, many congratulations Estelle.
RDCC Jane Thompson, Sandra Austin and Sue Stanbury’s Elendil San Miguel, and RBCC Liz and Karen Anderson’s Elmaraine Whispering Star Over Northlyte.

Down south for Paignton Championship show next. Very well respected all rounder judge Mrs Jill Peak taking the helm for this show. BCC/ BOB/ TGP2 Ryan, Roosen and Goessens’s Multi Ch / Ch Uppercut Daydream Believers With Feorlig. The Toy Group judge was Sue Smith.
Best Puppy/ TPGP2 Irene and Glenn Robb’s Gleniren Miracle Starmaker. The Toy Puppy Group judge was Miss B Johnson.
Best Veteran Helen) Walsh’s Ch Jorgealin Moon Star At Purepixie, Best special beginners Mrs Jayne Matthew’s Baillion Be Unique.
RDCC Miss Kara Mason’s Finity Run The Gauntlet JW and RBCC Susie Orchard’s Panspayon Pennyroyale JW.

On a sad note we have lost over the last weeks so many notable people from the Papillon World. Their input for the breed over the years has been of a great asset leaving a legacy that will not be forgotten.

Thank you Sue Stanbury for writing the following.
Anne Borg (Elendil) has passed away. I shall miss her phone calls and certainly, her friendship. She has been in Papillons for well over forty years.

To be honest, I am surprised, when I think back to what, I said to her, quite early in our friendship.

She had kept on to me to me at a show, one day, wanting me to go back, to her home, to see, her lovely puppies, which were sired by a top winning dog at that time. I recall, going over them and watching her face, I asked if she were going to show them. She replied that she, most certainly was. I told her, that when she did, she should put a paper bag over their heads. Fortunately, she saw the funny side to my remark, which was good, as I meant every word!

As you all know, sadly Anne had to let go all her dogs, which was a very big wrench and possibly one of the worst times in her life. Ironically, she told me, she felt it was almost as bad, when she had to let her trusty van go. My thoughts, when I think of Anne, I also think of her motor home, which she had from almost new, for over twenty odd years. I’m sure, looking back, a lot of us will remember how we were always invited to go back to her van for a cup of tea and cake, after showing. She loved to entertain.

I have kept and showed her dog, Nigel, whom she adored. It’s such a shame that he wasn’t made up to a Champion, before she passed away. It was her dearest wish. He almost got there. He’s won 2CC’s & 6 Res CC’s. Almost there, but not quite! It’s to be hoped, maybe his slblings, will do better. Already, Jane & Sandra’s Diego, Nigel’s son has won a Res CC, whilst still a puppy and I, won Best Baby Dog & Bitch Puppy at their first CH Show, with Guy & Sienna, who are same way bred as Diego. In fact the last time I spoke to her, was to tell her of their success. Sadly, she was in hospital then and having difficulty breathing, but was hoping to go to back to the home in a few days. I later heard from her daughter, Emma that she hadn’t improved and I thought that the end, might be soon. As Emma has said, she passed away, peacefully, with her family around her.

I’m sure we all send our condolences, to Her children, Giles, Emma, Emma’s husband and her beloved Grandsons, who she was extremely proud of, especially when there was any mention of cricket.

There are so many lovely memories to look back on and smile. I suspect we all have such memories.

RIP Anne.

The memorial service for my late mother Anne Borg will be on Saturday 23rd November. It will be held in the chapel of Worcester College, Oxford, where she worked very happily for many years. The service will start at 2pm. For those who wish to attend we ask that you let us know via mum’s Facebook messenger account so we are able to gauge numbers. For those who are unable to attend but wish to pay their respects we will be posting a link to other options nearer the time, along with further details about the service.

Chris Headley secretary of The Papillon Club has written
Obituary For Brian Lees

1947 – 2024

Brian Lees, a highly respected figure in the dog world, passed away peacefully. Brian spent many years showing and breeding the Lafford Yorkshire Terriers, Maltese, and Papillons with his wife. His dedication to the dog world extended into his roles as Secretary of the Maltese Club and the Papillon Club, and as Chairman of the Lincoln and Humberside Yorkshire Terrier Club, of which he was a founder member.

Brian was also a distinguished judge, recognized for his expertise in Yorkies and Maltese across the UK, with international judging appointments in Spain and Norway.

Prior to his involvement in the dog world, Brian served in the RAF for 25 years. He also had a passion for model aeroplanes, which he enjoyed building and flying.

Brian is survived by his wife Carol, and his daughters Sally-Ann and Emma-Jane. His legacy in both his personal life and the world of dogs will be long remembered.

Carol Lees and daughters

After coming back into Papillons in 2016 after a short break, my wife and I had the pleasure of purchasing a Tri-colour papillon off Brian and his wife Carol, you could say this is where our friendship began. This is when Brian cajoled both my wife and I to join the committee, after a while Brian did ask me if I would be interested in putting up for the Chairman’s position to which he said “that I had to agree” with no ifs or buts.

As he was Hon. Secretary to the Papillon(Butterfly Dog Club for a number of year before we joined the committee, we found him to be a wealth of knowledge, and meticulous to detail, (which will now be gone forever) both to myself and to my wife Chris, who shadowed Brian in his later years before taking over from him, when he had to retire due to his ill health, but sadly his illness took him all too soon. We know that he will be very sadly missed by all who have had dealings with him in the past. R.I.P. Brian, Good Friend

Papillion Butterfly Dog Club Chairman, Tony Headley

Brian Lees

A long standing Maltese Club member. Once retired Brian took up more involvement within the club and in 2010 the position of Secretary. A position he held until standing down at the 2017 AGM. A demanding position has any Breed Club Secretary will know. The workload is endless and on top of this, the KC requested changes to the breed standard to assist with judges development, the Maltese head proportions was to be written differently, via measurements, this was passed by all while Brian was Secretary. The club has always been forthright in education and regular judging seminars are held. Brian during these times putting together all the material required. Always available at the end of the phone or via emails, he would answer or if didn’t already know would find out and get straight back to you. He had much depth of knowledge in all aspects of the latest KC rules!

Brian took over the editing of Yearbooks in 2010 through to 2019. His attention to detail was second to none, breeders trusting in him to design and put together their pages. Also a keen photographer, he had an eye to take lovely photos of Maltese and other breeds.

He judged Maltese on 3 occasions at CC level:

East Of England Ch Show 06/07/13, 30 dogs entered, his BOB the male Ch. Zumarnik Stars N Stripes.

Welsh Kennel Club 21/08/15, 19 dogs entered his BOB once again Ch. Zumarnik Stars N Stripes

UKTD 31/03/18, 32 dogs entered, BOB the male Ch. Diamond Gemini Out Of Control At Snowkai (imp)

Brian was due to judge Maltese again at Windsor in 2020, unfortunately due to covid, the show was cancelled for both 2020 and 2021. So due to increasing poor health never judged Maltese again.

A respected knowledgeable gentleman and a friend to so many across the many Toy breeds.

Maltese Club Chairman Sue Tyler.

I have had the honour to have known Brian for over 40 years. Brian was a true supporter of Toy breeds, with their true type and continued health a priority.

He was active in many Toy breeds and had been a secretary of breed clubs as well as a Founding Member of Lincolnshire and Humberside Yorkshire Terrier Club. As Chairman of L&HYTC he was in his element, a great ambassador for the club, welcoming everyone, both new exhibitors and those more established.

I will miss his sage advice and talk about how to move the club forward and remain relevant. Our shows will not be the same. Under his guidance we were the first Yorkie club to have back to back shows. We would meet again at the Maltese Club, whilst he was Secretary. He ran a well organised and friendly show and always up to date with the latest amendments and regulations.

As an exhibitor I have seen Brian show his dogs at lots of shows and he was never too busy to say hello, well done or just ask how are you?

The Dog World has lost a Chairman, Judge, exhibitor and dog enthusiast. I have lost a friend, kindred spirit and reference point.

Lincolnshire and Humberside Yorkshire Terrier Club.

Janice Brett.

Michael Dembiniok always with his wife Pauline at the shows was such a kind gentle person and so dedicated to the breed. Pauline thanks everyone for their donations for a bench in Mikes memory. Pauline writes.
Thanks to everyone’s kind and generous donations. It will be delivered to the hospice on his birthday September 11th. Help turn a sad day into a positive one.

I have mentioned in previous notes but must include Brian Cox as he was such a mainstay within the breed.
Each and every one of the people above will be missed greatly from the Papillon fraternity.