05 December 2014 – Dog World
The Papillon (Butterfly) Dog Club held their winter open show at Roade Village Hall, Northants. Exhibitors present have said that the venue gave a lovely atmosphere and all catering was arranged with a pub close at hand and the lunches available to order were of an excellent standard.
Mr Mark Cocozza (Freecloud) who has had many years experience within the dog world and has been approved to judge over 40 breeds in the Hound, Utility and Toy Groups and for this show took on the task of judging the Papillons and Phalenes. I hope Mark enjoyed his experience of going over our lovely breed. James Wellbeloved sponsored the show of which I am sure the Pap Club and winning exhibitors were extremely grateful.
At this show Elaine Stanmore (Altaya) took on the role of judging the Specials Classes and also the Junior Handling. Elaine for many years successfully bred and showed Suluki’s and during that time she home bred nine UK Suluki Champions. Elaine has loved judging Papillons for the last two years and is now enjoying the fun of having Papillons in her home and having success in the show ring.
The principal winners of the show were as follows. BIS the dog Mrs M & Misses B & J Mann’s Melangel Time To Shine. Congratulations Melanie you must have been thrilled. RBIS also the dog Sue and Jon Caton’s Coffee Ice Cream Forussi at Henrix, BOS Gordon & Cathy Urquhart’s Ringlands Summer Sunshine in Blackpark. BPIS Peter & Teresa Cullen’s Petress Dark and Daring, RBPIS Queenie Bruce’s Tijuana Mischief Maker, BV Jo Davidson-Poston’s Ch & Ir Ch Spinillons Saffire JW SHCM and finally BPH Davidson-Poston’s Multi Ch Magnolise Tiago for Spinillons CW14 (Imp USA). For the Junior handling Best Junior handler of the show was Caragh McGrath aged 15yrs.
Amy Williams brings news that at the Barry, Penarth & South Glamorgan Canine Society Open Show her youngster Sunlight Vision of Ringlands had a lovely day taking TPGP4. The breed and Group judge was Mrs A.E Phillips.
At Romsey and DCS Pat and Brian Cox had another winning day with their puppy Tricianbri Kisses For Me taking TPGP2, Denemore Gabiscandy Floss at Tricianbri JW ShCM BOB taking TP2. The breed and group judge was Jacqui Walsh (Jacquis). Finishing off a very successful day with RBVIS with their lovely veteran girl Ch Wish Upon a Star ShCM under Jean Sharp Bale (Neradmik). Very well done to you both that was quite some day.
Sue Stanbury has sent a message in for the annual Christmas meal to all you South West Papillon folk and writes as follows; Well it’s that time of year again, to start thinking of booking up our annual Christmas meal. I am going to do the same as last year, so please let me know, which date you prefer for the day meal.
The first meal is lunch time at the Cat & Fiddle, Sidmouth Rd. (Just up the road from Paignton CH Showground) the dates are either Wed/Thurs 17th/18th December at around 1pm. You choose which day that you would prefer. There’s a choice of the two days. I will go with the majority vote. Just let me know which.
The second is Buffet City (In the middle of Exeter) and that is on Sunday evening on the 14th December. For those, unaware it is a Chinese Restaurant. All you can eat for around about £10.00. Obviously you can choose both the day and the evening meal, if you wish.
Sounds like there’s lots to fun to be had and I know everyone that attended last year really enjoyed themselves thoroughly. If you need to contact Sue the number to ring is 01392 369759.
Pearl Peacock (Alcala) has recently been unwell and has been moved to Bridgewater Community Hospital, Bower lane, Bridgewater, Somerset, TA6 4GU. Tel 01278 436555. I am sure Pearl would really appreciate a get well / thinking of you card or maybe a call from her Papillon friends. Get well soon Pearl we are all thinking of you.
The following is on the Kennel Club site. I thought it would be interesting for everyone to read for the forthcoming 2015 year. It may be of a benefit to you when making your entries for shows as there is to be a two-year suspension of AV stakes classes and unbeaten dog regulations. From January 1 there will be a two-year suspension to the regulations which stipulate that dogs must be entered and exhibited in a breed class before exhibiting in any variety and stakes classes.
The Kennel Club said it had been noted that exhibitors often withdrew their bests of breed from AV/stakes classes in order to remain unbeaten for the group.
“Therefore, while many exhibitors initially entered the AV/stakes classes not all were able to compete,” a KC spokesman said. “As a consequence of suspending the above regulation it is anticipated that not only would this encourage exhibitors who have dogs entered in both AV/stakes classes and breed classes to compete in all classes for which they had originally entered, thus reducing the absentee rate for AV classes, but also additional entries will be generated from exhibitors who for one reason or another may not wish or be eligible to enter their dogs in the scheduled breed classes.”
It has also been agreed to suspend the regulation that only unbeaten dogs are eligible to compete in a group or best in show regulation, again for two years. Therefore, a dog declared BOB who has been beaten in a variety/stakes class will remain eligible to compete in the group and BIS.
The changes apply also to puppy groups and BIS.
The move comes after deliberations on the part of the KC’s Dog Show Promotion Working Party, which is looking into ways to improve and increase the popularity of dog shows. It chairman Keith Young said: “We believe that this proposal will have a positive impact on entries at shows, and will make for better competition in AV/stakes classes.”
These policy changes follow a recent one which allows breed clubs to hold their championship shows in conjunction with another breed club, or with a larger general or group championship show. From January 1, this new policy will allow two sets of CCs in the same breed to be awarded at two different championship shows on the same day, at the same venue.
The KC is to publish a list of questions and answers to help show societies and exhibitors with the implications of the changes. Updated specimen schedules will be available on the C website. For further information email breedshows@thekennelclub.org.uk.
LKA is nearly here and I hope you all have a pleasant journey to the venue. Until the next DOG WORLD Breed Notes enjoy your beautiful Papillons.and Phalenes.