Cumberland Canine Association Open Show 2015
07 February 2015
Papillon Judge: Lynn George-Evans
I would like to thank the Commitee for inviting me to judge.And the exhibitors for entering their quality dogs under me.
Best of Breed: Water’s Sweetbriar Sticks N Stones
Junior (2)
1st Clint’s Petress Special Blend. Red and white 13mnths boy, dainty, lovely head, dark eye, large ears. Nicely put together. Moved well keeping a level top line both coming and going. Showed and handled well.
2nd Messrs K Sharp- Dixon J Reyes & J Lynn’s Afterglow Adonis For Queenslake. Tri boy moved and showed well.
Post Graduate (2)
1st Deamer’s Grinsdale Sweet Caroline At Bankshill. Red sable and white dainty girl, in lovely coat, good head, dark eye, large ears. Compact outline nice hare feet. Moved well keeping a level top line and showed well.
2nd Loerburn’s Cosmic Angel. Slightly taller than the 1st, lovely head and moved well. Just preferred the outline on the 1st but they could easily change places another time.
Open (2)
1st Water’s Sweetbriar Sticks N Stones. A Tri boy, fine and dainty with the most beautiful head. Dark eye, large well fringed mobile ears which he used well, nice hare feet correct tail carriage which was well plumed. Lovely shape and moved really well, floated round the ring to win a worthy BOB.