08 June 2018

So, lets kick start the Championship news with a double showing weekend in Scotland. The first of these shows was at SKC where I am sure there was a friendly welcome as you went through the doors to your respective rings. Here the judge for SKC’s first show of the year was Sean Carroll (Denemore). He found his principal winners to be: BCC / BOB Jean & Roger Banfield and Caroline Lee- Slater’s CH Jorgealin Cast a Spell for Kingshaven. Congratulations to her breeder Lynn George-Evans who must be so proud. DCC I am sure a delighted his first cc Mary Whitehill and Pat Urwins Paparottsie Heart Beats at Amicae. BP Mandy Thornton’s Collness Kiss n Tell Shevid. For the RCC’s; RDCC and BV Sue Morrell’s Temelora Let It Be Magic followed by the RBCC Tom Isherwood and Jenny Scovell’s Stagedoor Barbie JW.

The next day exhibitors were off to the Butterfly Dog Club of Scotland here Eddie Bishop (Zahrenca) was the judge for the day. I am sure the club put on a brilliant show as they always put so much effort into making it a special occasion.

Elaine Davidson sent this message to include in the breed notes. Thank you once again to the hard working committee who put in a lot of effort before, during and after the show to make the day as enjoyable and free flowing as possible for everyone. Thank you to the “overnighters” who came into the hall early on Sunday morning and helped to set up instead of staying in their caravans and mobile homes having an extra cup of coffee while waiting for the doors to open. 

Thank you to our ongoing supporters for their generous donations towards Club Stall, & raffle. Thank you to Valerie Lockhart for providing special prizes for Best in Show, Reserve Best in Show and Best Junior Handler. Thank you to Caroline Lee-Slater who provided a special prize of a lovely show lead to the Best Junior Handler and to Irene Robb for her generous contribution to the Club Stall. Thank you Nicola Pitcaithly, our very able steward who kept the ring running at the same time as advising and encouraging an enthusiastic newbie to the shows, Sheena. A bit thank you to DogShowTrolleys.com for our raffle prize which was won by Lynda Lacy, (I hope she is delighted with her prize), Royal Canin for their ongoing support of our show and of course to the Judge, Eddie Bishop and our exhibitors who come and supported the show – it couldn’t happen without you.

The final results for the show were as follows; BCC/BOB/ BV Kathy and Jennifer Smith’s CH Papplewick Pretty In Pink at Adiniken JW shCM. RBIS/ RBCC Jean and Roger Banfield and Caroline Lee- Slater’s CH Jorgealin Cast a Spell for Kingshaven. BOS/ DCC Caroline Lee- Slater’s Rozamie Monseiur Phillipe. BP Karen & Steve Maskell’s Kazkell Milos Dream, BPH Sue Morrell’s Serenglade Leap Of Faith for Temelora. RDCC Jackie Hill’s Caraideas Spelman, BPD Liz Anderson’s Northlyte Spirit of The Isle.

Congratulations to everyone at both shows.

Next show on the agenda was glorious Bath. This is one of my favourite shows of the year. The committee put 150% into making this spectacular pristine showground- simply the best, the BIS show ring is always beautiful and the show just has the greatest atmosphere for the exhibitor. Unfortunately mixed weather for the show with thunder and torrential rain for a short period on one day. There was enough though to see water coming in from both sides of tent 4. For Toy day the weather was dry when All Rounder Tim Ball was took the helm for the judging of the day with an entry of 78. He found his principal winners to be: DCC/ BOB Sue & Jon Caton’s Ch Coffe Ice Cream Forussi at Henrix (Imp), BCC Sophie Langdon’s Shadowknight Ebony Rose Of Skyvana JW, BP Sue Stanbury’s Inixia Ever Ready Eddie, BV Michele Buss’s Ch Twiggy Cupcake Of Flutura JW. RDCC Caroline Lee- Slater’s
Rozamie Monsieur Philippe who also took the RBCC with Ch Jorgealin Cast A Spell For Kingshaven. Best Special Beginners Dee Olaf’s Tarnock Rock N Roll Rene. Well done to you all.

First time in the Champion Stakes this year and Travis (CH Gleniren Shootin Starmaker Sunshoo) goes all the way by winning his day on the Friday at Bath and when returning on the Sunday taking the top overall spot in a quality line up under Judge Lynne Salt. This is the fourth consecutive year Travis has qualified for the final, three times at Bath and also UKTD. It is mega difficult to win your respective day let alone win at the shows outright. What a record this little boy has accumulated, he continues to put best paws forward and fly the flag high for the Papillons. Well done to all the exhibits reaching the final, they all looked fabulous.

One Open Show to report from Devon County where Antony Oakden was judging the breed. He found his BOB/BP to be Sue Stanbury’s Inixia Ever Ready and the RBOB Inixia Follower Of Fashion. Congratulations Sue on a great show for you.

It is with deep sadness I write the following news of Heather Chaston’s (Bricklands) passing. Heather was devoted wife to Roger Chaston. Many will know Heather for her stewarding with Roger at the Championship Shows. Heather was always a joy to talk to, always smiling and would always take time for a chat. I use the word ‘always’ purposely. We send our sincere condolences to Roger and her close family. Heather you will be missed greatly by Glenn, Carolyn and myself.

Next week I will give you the news from Southern Counties. Enjoy the beautiful weather, summer has at last arrived, yah! Remember to keep your dogs safe in the heat of the day. Meet up with you next week, get the coffee pot on.