11 March 2022 Breed Notes

Go on tell me your secret, you know you want to. On a scale of 1-10 how many of you are bursting with excitement that Crufts is here with Toy Day being on Saturday 12th March. This day has been building for months and finally it is here, the show bag has been checked numerous times, grooming box cleaned to an inch of its life, show clothes are sorted and the dogs are all beautiful and awaiting their final show bath before show day. No matter what happens be proud that you are exhibiting at Crufts and if you are fortunate enough to take home a placement card then you have every right to be super chuffed. Just enjoy every minute meeting and greeting friends and associates that maybe you haven’t seen for such a long time, this is what Crufts is all about. For new exhibitors that Crufts is their first experience remember to pack the feet friendly shoe attire, it is a very long day. In theory it is just like any other Championship show so try not to let it overwhelm you, just enjoy.

Some Breed clubs have held their Open shows and here are the results.

Firstly, The South of England Papillon Club where the judge was Toy Specialist Lizzie Morley of the Lizamor affix. What a fabulous day Susie and Margaret Orchard had taking Best In Show with Ch Panspayon Jewel of the Nile and also Best Veteran in Show with Ringland Yoko’s Solo at Panspayon. Congratulations to you both. RBIS/ BOS was Pat Munn’s Ch RinglandsTimeless, BPIS/BMPIS Jenny Casey’s Melangel Lovely Lexi for Shamal, Best Phalene In Show Sue Morrell’s Serenglade Leap of Faith for Temelora and RBPIS was Kirsty Wells and Amanda Brown’s Metamorphic Wait for It. Just outstanding of which I believe Carol Farrow should take the applause and credit. Well done to everyone, what a great time you all had.

Next show was The Butterfly Dog Club of Scotland where the judge was Toy Specialist Jude Reyes (Queenslake) helped on the day by his stewards Ellen Harvey and Ellie Davidson. I am sure Miriam Bogue went home on cloud nine and is probably still up there refusing to come down as her boy (handled by Pam Taylor) Adelays Brilliant Buddy took the ultimate award of Best In Show. Well done to both of you. BOS/ BB was I am sure a delighted Gill Breen with Zolota Skyla At Kylecroft.. BPIS/ BPB Liz Anderson and Peter Keirnan’s Elmaraine Whispering Star Of Northlyte, BVIS Karen Maskell’s Kazkell Thyme To Dream JW shcm. RBD Elaine Davidson’s Elmaraine Chasing Rainbows, RBB Maxine Waller’s Kazkell Theme For A Dream For Lilnrose, BPD Carrol’s Montgomery Elmaraine Remy Martin At Carrollryan and RBPD Karen Maskell’s Kazkell Kracker Jack. The Junior Handing judge was Daphne Watson and she found her Best Junior Handler to be Ellie Davidson. Well done to the committee for a well run show and of course huge congrats to all that achieved success.

Elaine Davidson the secretary of the club will have schedules at Crufts for their Championship Show in May, so pop along and see her. The judge is James Newman from Ireland, the show is the day before Toy Day at SKC. If you are not at Crufts go onto the clubs Facebook page, they have the file on there which can be downloaded. Please note that the entry form is on a separate file.

Now for some Open Show results that I have seen. At Cheltenham District Open Show Chris and Bob Anderson’s Pappretty Grt Expectations took BOB under breed judge Sue Hann.

Held at Exeter Torquay & District Canine Open Show, the breed judge was Di Gentle (Dimogen). Susie and Margaret Orchard had a busy but successful day. Nightfire’s Be Unique In Style at Panspayon (Imp DEU) won RBIB and BPIB, Ch Panspayon Jewel Of The Nile won AV Toy Champion

Then the cherry on the cake taking BOB and AV Toy Special Veteran also taking the final points for her Veteran Warrant at just 7.5 years old, subject to KC confirmation Ringland Yoko’s Solo at Panspayon ShCM ShCEx VW. Well I think that was pretty extraordinary day at office both of you, well done.

The next major Championship Show on the calendar is one of my favourite shows, UK TOYDOG on Sat, 26th March at Stafford. A special show for the society this year as it is their 50th Anniversary.

To celebrate the occasion and give something back to their valued exhibitors over the years, the society are offering prize money to the following winners in each breed and in the Imported Register classes: Best Special Beginner £20.00 Best Dog £10.00 Best Bitch £10.00 Best Puppy £20.00 Best Veteran £20.00 Best of Breed £20.00. Also every exhibitor at the show will receive a complimentary lead bag to celebrate their 50th anniversary. Complimentary refreshments will be served during the Group judging. Nozee Barker Designs have generously gifted a deluxe grooming bag for the lucky person who takes BIS. So plenty on offer for the exhibitors thank you UKTOY DOG.

Enjoy Crufts and safe journeys everyone.