Papillon Club of Scotland Championship Show 2022
21 May 2022
Judge: James Newman
Best in Show: Gleniren Daddy’s Starmaker
Reserve Best in Show: U Knock me off my feet Daydream Believer
Best Opposite Sex: U Knock me off my feet Daydream Believer
Best Puppy in Show: Gleniren Daddy’s Starmaker
Best Veteran: Lafay Petite Etoile JW
Best Phalane: Serenglade Leap of Faith
Dog CC: U Knock me off my feet Daydream Believer
Res. Dog CC: Ch Gleniren Who’s Your Daddy
Best Dog Puppy: Northlyte Chase The Dream
Bitch CC: Gleniren Daddy’s Starmaker
Res. Bitch CC: Suniren Daddy’s Girl Gleniren
Best Puppy Bitch: Gleniren Daddy’s Starmaker
Veteran Dog (3 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Lafay Petite Etoile JW
2nd: Temelora Bobby Dazzler
3rd: Melangel Highland Vogue at Jhanakia
Minor Puppy Dog (2 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Northlyte Wild Flame TAF
2nd: Amicae Mr Chips
Puppy Dog (2 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Skyvana Catch me at Jhanakia
2nd: Northlyte Caledonia
Junior Dog (1 entries, 0 absent)
1st: U Knock me off my feet Daydream Believer
Yearling Dog (2 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Buoncasa Zis Levi
Maiden Dog (1 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Northlyte Chase the Dream
Novice Dog (2 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Northlyte Ring of Brodgar
2nd: Elmaraine Remy Martin
Post Graduate Dog (5 entries, 2 absent)
1st: Volepecula the Early Bird
2nd: Adnamashan the Wanted at Debrilyn
3rd: Pamhurst Wee Commando
Limit Dog (12 entries, 3 absent)
1st: Manawyddan Harryhare
2nd: Amicae Master of Arts
3rd: Elmaraine Chasing Rainbows
Res: Cantoverde Captain Casper JW SHCM
VHC: Amicae Highland Glen JW
Open Dog (10 entries, 2 absent)
1st: Ch Gleniren Who’s Your Daddy
2nd: Ch Amicae Timless Dream
3rd: Tricianbri Harry Beau for Temelora
Res: Kylecroft Quest
VHC: Buoncasa Elf on the Shelf Avec Beaujolie Ir J Ch
Special Phalene Dog (1 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Serenglade Leap of Faith
Veteran Bitch (2 entries, 0 absent)
1st: A’Diors Make a Wish Rozamie (Imp Dnk)
2nd: Manawyddan Flora Macdonald
Minor Puppy Bitch (3 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Amicae Belle of the Ball
2nd: Snow Danwest Irish Idyll (Imp Lva)
Puppy Bitch (6 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Gleniren Daddy’s Starmaker
2nd: Athene Vom Schwabenhof for Temelora TAF
3rd: Manawyddan To A Wild Rose
Res: Elmaraine Whispering Star for Northlyte
VHC: Moshu Golden Runrise over Iotastar
Junior Bitch (5 entries, 2 absent)
1st: Graycaz Oh La La
2nd: Graycaz Frenchmans Fancy
3rd: Pamhurst Ae Fond Kiss
Yearling Bitch (4 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Magic Sunrise Natalia NAF (Imp Lva)
2nd: Paparottsie Miss Holly
3rd: Papmar Moonlight Exanimo
Maiden Bitch (0 entries)
Novice Bitch (2 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Paparottsie Miss Holly
2nd: Farthinghall Keep the Gift
Post Graduate Bitch (4 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Feorlig say it with Flowers
2nd: Berestead Belle Epoque Manawyddan
3rd: Martika Eyecatcher
Limit Bitch (8 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Berestead Haute Couture
2nd: Cantoverde Royal Chyna JW SHCM
3rd: Amicae Cherry Blossom
Res: Zolota Skyla at Kylecroft
VHC: Melangel Enchanting Evita at Jhanakia
Open Bitch (7 entries, 2 absent)
1st: Suniren Daddy’s Girl Gleniren
2nd: Ch Feolig Smart Cookie JW
3rd: Papmar Moonlight Amatcor
Res: Johnasta Georgina for Temelora
VHC: Papmar Moonlight Katie Kan
Special Phalene Bitch (1 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Ir Ch Temelora Adele
Firstly, apologies on the delay in getting these published. My sincere thanks goes to the hard working team of the Scottish Papillon Club, super venue with large ring and great atmosphere around the ring. I really enjoyed my day and was look after so well. A special Thank you to Joan Savage who was my steward for the day for keeping everything running smoothly throughout the day .
Extremely happy with main principle winners and majority of class winners, there was much diversity in type across all classes from fine and dainty to heavy and course, size was also extreme in certain instances and double coats are becoming more prevalent which completely takes from the elegant outline a Papillon should have.
Veteran – Dog
1ST Foyne’s Lafay Petite Etoile JW Really nice veteran of nice type, head of good quality, well-furnished and placed ears, good neck In excellent Coat and body condition good size, nice plume moved with style and ease around the ring Best Veteran
2ND Morrell’s Temelora Bobby Dazzler Really nice veteran male also of good breed type, everything dainty about him, Nice head and expression not moving too soundly today.
Minor Puppy – Dog
1ST Davidson’s Northlyte Wild Flame Really pretty RSW of nice size, with pretty head and expression with well-placed ears with good furnishing for his age correct length of neck, and moved well away front movement could be better need more confidence.
2ND Whitehill’s Amicae Mr Chips Another really nice RSW puppy, liked head and expression large well-placed ears, liked his overall shape and balance nice fine bone. Like 1st need more show and ring confidence.
Puppy – Dog
1ST Austin & Thomson’s Skyvana catch me at Jhanakia Really Nice B&W RSW of nice size , with pleasing head and expression with well-placed ears with good neck and body correct bone and moved well and showed well.
2ND Anderson’s Northlyte Caledonia Handsome tri colour of nice shape and make with super presence, well placed ears would like better front movement very hackney at present moved well from the rear good bone and nice angulations.
Junior – Dog
1ST Miller, Ryan & Roosen’s U Knock me off my feet Daydream Believer Beautiful Tri Male very pretty solid head with Nice clean nose band, Correct head and eye proportions, with large well placed ears with really good furnishing for his age, good length neck, really nice male to examine, excellent body and fine bone with correct fine and silky coat which was presented to perfection. Moved with such style and elegance around the ring so soundly both directions with excellent side profile. CC & RBIS was delighted to learn post judging this was his crowning CC.
Yearling Dog
1ST Watson’s Buoncasa Zis Levi Nice RSW of good size and balance well placed ears with good fringes, good neck would like more body condition and is a little out of coat today.
Maiden Dog
1ST Keirnan’s Northlyte Chase the Dream 6 month old Tri colour with pleasing head and expression well placed ears. good body and topline moved well, needs more Practice and confidence as didn’t show at his best today.
Novice Dog
1ST Anderson’s Northlyte Ring of Brodgar Very handsome male with really nice head and expression, really liked his size would like a higher tailset however really nice outline and moved with style around the ring.
2ND Montgomery’s Elmaraine Remy Martin Dainty Tri male not very much between these 2 males head was quite nice, well placed ears, good body and topline moved well in good coat, preferred overall balance of winner.
Post Graduate – Dog
1ST MacGregor’s Volepecula the Early Bird Pretty Tri with Pleasing head and expression with lovely head and expression, good body nice long-haired feet moved well in both directions. Would like more length of Leg to balance his profile
2ND Haele’s Adnamashan the Wanted at Debrilyn Handsome RSW with well-placed ears with excellent furnishings, nice bone Move well, tail loose in stance.
Limit – Dog
1ST Griffiths Manawyddan Harryhare Very Flashy B&W liked a lot about this Male, really nice and expression large well place ears with super Furnishings excellent neck and shoulder Nice body with level topline and good tailset. Overall shape and balance was good and moved so well around the ring.
2ND Whitehill’s Amicae Master of Arts Really like this male also his overall shape and balance was very honest with pleasing head and expression, nice feet and bone, good body and condition and excellent tailset, fine bone finished off with correct coat good movement he didn’t really settle in the class but deserved placing in very large class.
Open – Dog
1ST Robb’s Ch Gleniren Who’s Your Daddy Top Quality male presented in tip top condition very sweet head and expression beautiful ears, good lent of neck, fine bone , nice feet , level topline and excellent high tailset, Moved well in both directions, excellent coat and presentation. RCC
2nd Whitehill’s Ch Amicae Timless Dream Classic B&W with so much to like and admire about him nice head with well-placed ears and sweet Expression. Nice Size and balance, good length of neck, good topline and in excellent tailset very showy Moved well in both directions.
1ST Morrell’s Serenglade Leap of Faith Top Quality B&W with well-placed ears , nice length of neck for his size lovely topline with correct well set tail with good plume , nice fine bone overall shape and balance was very correct moved soundly front and rear Best Phalene
1ST Matthews A’Diors Make a Wish Rozamie (Imp Dnk) Honest 7yr old RSW in excellent condition, nice head and expression, good length of neck good body and level topline good Tailset, moved with style and elegance around the ring.
2ND Griffiths Manawyddan Flora Macdonald Another pretty RSW pleasing head and expression in excellent show condition with good tail set and Plume preferred overall shape and balance of winner
Minor Puppy – Bitch
1ST Whitehill’s Amicae Belle of the Ball Really like the minor puppy such a fine and dainty pretty headed Tri ,with correct well placed ears Good length of neck for size good body and topline very nice to go examine, moved well front and rear.
2ND Munroe’s Snow Danwest Irish Idyll (Imp Lva) Very Pretty B&W with lovely head and expression, level topline good ear set with decent furnishing for age , overall shape and balance was very good needs more confidence to finish a very pretty picture.
Puppy – Bitch
1ST Robb’s Gleniren Daddy’s Starmaker Outstanding ultra-feminine 9mt old RSW so pretty and elegant with the sweetest of heads with melting expression with large flaring ears to frame beautifully balanced head with really nice blaze, great length of neck excellent front and shoulder placement level topline with super high tailset, her shape and balance is amazing. Coat of correct quality and texture on the move she is simply delightful covering the complete ring and demanding attention delighted to award her CC & BIS AND BPIS her 1st I believe many more to come for sure.
2nd Morrell’s Athene Vom Schwabenhof for Temelora Really liked this very pretty phalene head was so sweet and pretty ear were correct and well set Good length of neck with excellent shape and balance with well set tail, really like her size and her movement was sound coming and going carried a really nice profile on the move also.
Junior – Bitch
1ST Lee Slater’s Greycaz Oh La La Really nice Junior with pretty head and expression beautiful well-placed ears and well furnished, In excellent condition good body portions, with fine bone throughout, would like her tail to be higher Set to complete the profile Moved soundly and with style around the ring.
2ND Macgregor Graycaz Frenchmans Fancy Sister to winner very similar type but a little smaller all over, a little plainer in head but yet pretty with placed ears with good topline, nice fine bone would like more body and condition today a little thin moved well around the ring.
Yearling – Bitch
1ST Lee Slater’s Magic Sunrise Natalia NAF (Imp Lva) Really like this R&W very honest girl, really like her head and expression with well furnished Ears, good front with excellent nice well haired feet, excellent neck and shoulder with level topline her size was perfect, sound both front and rear with good angulation very showy
2ND Whitehill’s Paparottsie Miss Holly B&W with a nice shape and balance, with good balance and topline with very good tailset move well and with style around the ring very showy and presented well.
Novice – Bitch
1ST Whitehill’s Paparottsie Miss Holly 2nd in Yearling
2ND Cheshire’s Farthinghall Keep the Gift Nice R&W presented in good condition with good tailset nice fine bone move well in both directions
Post Grad – Bitch
1ST Miller & Ryan’s Feorlig say it with Flowers Top quality RSW, Nice head and expression with good length of neck, good front with excellent body Level topline and great proportions and balance, covered the ground so well and super showy and Presented to perfection
2nd Griffiths Berestead Belle Epoque Manawyddan B&W of nice overall shape and balance, very elegant good lines with nice bone and good tailset, Moved with style around the ring preferred the over and shape and balance of winner today.
Limit – Bitch
1ST Matthews Berestead Haute Couture Pretty RSW , with pleasing head and expression with well placed ears Level topline with good tailset, fine bone and good angulation present well and moved well.
2ND Lanson’s Cantoverde Royal Chyna JW SHCM Tri girl with Pretty head well placed ears with level topline good body, fine bone and nice long haired feet in good show Condition moved well in front a little unsettled behind today.
Open – Bitch
1st and 2nd in this class was the most difficult class of the day to judge both top quality specimens of the breed yet been very different in type no doubt these two will swap places in the future.
1ST Robb’s Suniren Daddy’s Girl Gleniren Ultra Feminine Tri with Prettiest of heads and expression her overall shape and balance completed a very elegant outline with fine bone and good angulation present so well and moved well in both directions. For the Challenge her half sister overall shape and balance just stole my eye RCC
2ND Miller & Ryan’s Ch Feolig Smart Cookie JW Really beautiful outline and balance nice head with excellent well placed large mobile ears . Good neck and topline excellent body, fine bone and nice long haired feet in superb show condition so sound in both directions.
Phalene – Bitch
1st Morrell’s Ir Ch Temelora Adele. Pretty B&W Phalene , with pleasing head and expression with well placed ears Level topline with good tailset , fine bone and good angulation presented well and moved with style and elegance around the ring.
James Newman (Judge)