18 March 2016 – Our Dogs
Once again Crufts pulled out all the stops and it was a spectacular event. Sadly this year I didnt get back on the Sunday as like many I came down with the dreaded Crufts chest infection that hits so many of us after the show. My long shopping list has been tucked away for another day and I am sure my bank account will sigh in thankfulness.
Our breed was on the fist day this year and we who live in the area of the NEC know only too well how horrendous the traffic is on that part of the motorway. I was not looking forward to the drive especially as I was planning to leave at 7.45 right at the height of the traffic congestion period. But much to my surprise it was a breeze and I sailed into the West Carpark with ease. My passes had not arrived a few days before the show, but on speaking with our own Kirsty Miller of Fossedata, new ones where with me post-haste, thank you guys, sterling work.
The walk from Hall 1 through to our hall was great as I managed to see a lot of stalls and the wonderful array of different products. Passing friends in different breeds as they too found their rings and benches bought forth joyous hugs and shouts of good wishes and luck for the day.
This year our Judge was Mark Whitehill, no stranger to our breed as he had developed his own Champion line of Papillons. Mark of course is the son of Mary and Ted Whitehill and they were there to see their son judge the most important appointment of a judges career. He looked resplendent in his kilt sporting the McGregor tartan, this obviously is a family tradition. He took centre stage at 8.30am and worked through his impressive entry of 255 dogs in a calm and timely manner. Giving each exhibitor the opportunity to show their dog to its best advantage. Here was a judge that didn’t get bored and turn to the ringside to see who was there and more interesting than the dog he was meant to be watching as so many of us have sadly witnessed at some UK shows. He was fully committed to the task in hand.
The breed had a good entry of overseas exhibitors and several told me how friendly people were being to them making sure they knew what classes where next etc. Indeed the Bitch CC winner was an overseas exhibit and got a tremendous round of applause by all. But it has to be said the most hotly contented class of the day was Open Dog, born out by the cameras arriving and setting up to film it and only it. It was an exceptionally large class with some top dogs from abroad. But the ringside waited with baited breath as the TOP PAPILLON, TOP DOG ALL BREEDS 2016 Travis handled as usual by Glenn Robb entered the ring. Also in the ring and not having been out campaigning last year was our top Papillon for 2013 & 2014 Jacob handled by his breeder owner Joe Magri. Both these exhibitors and their exhibits pulled out all the stops and put in a faultless performance. The dogs standing foursquare and pretty as a picture. No one could call the class, several of the other exhibits were showing their socks off too and looked stunning. The final call went to Jacob with Travis standing second to him. How gracious Glenn was as it can be hugely disappointing when you have had a super run. Joe and Jacob went onto take BOB and gave a stunning performance in the group, it was sad that the group judge could not find a place for him as he represented the breed so well.
The judge found his top winners in the following dogs:
BEST OF BREED: CH ROZAMIE DREAM LOVER (Messrs J A & K N Magri & Arrowsmith)
BEST PUPPY: AFTERGLOW LORD HELPUS (Mrs C & Mrs J Isherwood & Scovell)
DOG CC: CH ROZAMIE DREAM LOVER ( Messrs J A & K N Magri & Arrowsmith)
Our next show is UK Toydog held at Stafford where our judge is Sue Morrell, I look forward to seeing you there.
Alexandra Forth