24 June 2022 Breed Notes

The next show on the calendar is Southern Counties held at Newbury. A well run show with the committee always having everything under control for timings and organisation. For this show the Papillons commenced their judging after the Akitas. So, for those that got there early, plenty of time to organise a hearty breakfast. The day started dry, so weather looking like the day could be off to a good start. The in-out ring was of a good size and benching and grooming areas were of a plenty.
For this show our judge was to be a well respected all breed specialist Mr, Howard Ogden. The judge arrived promptly on time to commence his judging with the capable help of his stewards to keep things ticking along smoothly.
Mr Ogden went over the dogs in a kind, professional manner and always made the exhibitor clear of his requirements, which makes life much easier.
The principal winners for the show were as follows: BCC/ BOB/ BPIB/ TPGP1, a very delighted Irene & Glenn Robb with their nine month old little girl Gleniren Daddy’s Starmaker. This was Selena’s 3rd cc, 2nd BOB, 3rd TPGP1 and 7th Best Puppy In Breed in just seven shows. Thank you to all the judges and a big thank you for everyone’s support in the breed and those in other breeds. The Toy Group judge was Dr Ian Gabriel.
For the DCC it was a very pleased Hazel Malcolm with CH Feorlig It Must’ve Been Love. Best Veteran and an excellent VTGP3 Jo Davidson Poston’s Ch/Ir/Nl/Int Ch Spinillons Rebel Rowser JW ShCM Cw14 VW ShCEx. The veteran group was judged by Unto Timonen [Finland]. DCC / Best Junior and JTGP2 was Kirsty & Evan Ryan’s U Knock Me Off My Feet Daydream Believers with Feorlig (Imp Bel). The Junior group judge was Mrs Liz Cartledge. Kirsty and Evan also took the RBCC with Ch Feorlig Smart Cookie JW. Best Special Beginners & Spec Beg TGP 2 was Mrs E Kent with Moshu Golden Lovelock. The Spec Beg TGP judge was Patsy Hollings.
Well done to everyone, not just the principal winners but also if you took home a Championship placement card.

Northern & Eastern Counties Papillon Club are holding their Championship show on Sat, 23rd July in conjunction with Leeds Championship show on Toy day at Harewood House, Harewood, Nr Leeds. LS17 9LQarewood Hare. For the club show you can only enter online at Cavalier Impressions and the closing date is Sat, 9th July (midnight).
The judge for this show is Norma Inglis (Craigowl) Subject to KC Confirmation.
Leeds Championship Show entries are with Higham Press and online entries close 12 noon on Thurs, 30th June. The judge is Raewyn Dowsett.

I was saddened to hear the news that Shirley Colyer of the Shirando affix has passed away. Shirley and her late husband Doug were such a lovely couple. Always happy to speak at a show and have a conversation with everyone. Mike Foster and Mark Billinghurst were very good friends of theirs and they kindly brought me some special moments for Shirley and Doug. A proud moment for sure was when Ch Noveau Strike It Lucky (who Shirley bred) went BCC at the 1996 Crufts and then was awarded BIS at The Papillon (Butterfly) Dog the same year. Both Shirley and Doug watching her go round the ring for her lap of honour at the club show this made them very proud indeed.
Shirley had the litter brother to Strike It Lucky known as Shirando Chocolate Soldier a pretty little dog who had success in the ring and Shirley was very close to this little boy. My thoughts go to all Shirley’s family and close friends.

Please remember to get in touch with your news of your show results. You can message me on Facebook (Irene Robb) or email me on glenirenrobb@hotmail.com. We all want to share and enjoy your successes.

Take care travelling to the shows and just enjoy every minute of the show day, that is what it is all about.