Annandale Canine Society Open Show 2015
19th July 2015
Papillon Judge: Susan Lanson (Cantoverde)
Thank you to the Committee for inviting me to judge at a well organised show & thank you to my very able steward & to the exhibitors who presented their lovely dogs for me to go over.
Best of Breed and Toy Group 3: Deamer’s Grinsdale Sweet Caroline At Bankshill
Best Puppy and Puppy Toy Group 1: Parkinson’s Maridova He’s The King At Jaberjax TAF
Papillon Junior (6, 2)
1st: Parkinson’s Maridova He’s The King At Jaberjax TAF – A lovely 6 month old tri dog with a good reach of neck, well placed shoulders, good top line, coat coming on nicely & well set tail. Pleasing head & expression, used ears to advantage & went round the ring in a brisk fashion BPIB & PG1
2nd: Deamer’s Dourhu New Trix At Bankshill – Another 6 month old youngster on her 1st outing. Well balanced construction, good coat for age, good stop. Very positive in front & rear movement
3rd: Nolan’s Loerburn Rebel Yell
Res: Wood’s Loerburn Time Warp
Papillon Graduate (3, 1)
1st: Nolan’s Loerburn Cosmic Angel – 2 year old R/S/W bitch with a profuse coat. Good rear angulation & good turn of stifle. Nice size with a pleasing head
2nd: Mandelson’s Carrollryan Heartbreaker – 4 year old B/W bitch who was not too happy on the table. She has a sweet expression, nicely set ears with a good stop & level top line. Moved well
Papillon Open (3, 2)
1st: Deamer’s Grinsdale Sweet Caroline At Bankshill – 2 year old R/S/W bitch with a pleasing head, good reach of neck & well carried tail. Good ribcage & good angulation. Moved freely BOB & G3