Blackpool Championship Show 2022
24 June 2022
Papillon Judge: Mr R Banfield
Toy Group Judge: Mr Mike Gadsby
Puppy Toy Group Judge: Judge: Mr Keith Nathan
Best Junior Toy Group Judge: Mrs Jill Peak
Best Veteran Toy Group Judge: Mrs Irene McManus
Best in Show Judge:
Best of Breed: Ch Gleniren Who’s Your Daddy (Mrs I & Mr G Robb)
Best Puppy & Puppy Toy Group 3: Gleniren Daddy’s Starmaker (Mrs I & Mr G Robb)
Best Veteran: Kazkell Thyme to Dream JW ShCM VW (Mrs K Maskell)
Best Junior & Junior Toy Group 1: Ch U Knock Me Off My Feet Daydream Believers with Feorlig (Imp Bel) (Mrs K F, Mr E L & Miss K Ryan & Roosens)
Dog Challenge Certificate Ch Gleniren Who’s Your Daddy (Mrs I & Mr G Robb)
Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate Pappretty Grt Expectations (C D Anderson)
Bitch Challenge Certificate Ch Feorlig Smart Cookie JW (Mrs K F & Mr E L Ryan)
Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate Ir Ch Denemore The Story of Ragge (Mr S & J Carroll & Newman)
Minor Puppy Dog (Entries: 2 Absentees: 0)
1st: Ookiimimi Quest for Gold (Miss J R Goude)
2nd: Pamhurst One and Only (Miss P Taylor)
Puppy Dog (Entries: 4 Absentees: 1)
1st: Sempefidelis Fantastique (Ms I L & Lord Buckley-Waters & Buckley)
2nd: Amicae Mr Chips (Mrs M Whitehill)
3rd: Torthorwald Banshees Wish (Miss K Bogie)
Junior Dog (Entries: 5 Absentees: 0)
1st: Ch U Knock Me Off My Feet Daydream Believers with Feorlig (Imp Bel) (Mrs K F, Mr E L & Miss K Ryan & Roosens)
2nd: Blackpark Bastille (Mr G Urquhart)
3rd: Skyvana Devil in Disguise with Lyveden (Mrs A Challenger)
Res: Skyvana Catch Me at Jhanakia (Mrs S & Mrs J Austin & Thompson)
V:HC Torthorwald Banshees Wish (Miss K Bogie)
Yearling Dog (Entries: 1 Absentees: 0)
1st: Stagedoor Supertramp (Mr M & Mrs G Elding)
Post Graduate Dog (Entries: 6 Absentees: 0)
1st: Pappretty Grt Expectations (C D Anderson)
2nd: Lilnrose I’m in The Limelight with Kazkell (Mrs K & Miss M C Maskell & Waller)
3rd: Purepixie Red Admiral (Ms H V Walsh)
Res: Humpty Dumpty Valery Park in Honrukai (Imp Ukr) (Miss L Mandelson)
VHC: Pamhurst Wee Commando (Mrs M Bogue)
Limit Dog (Entries: 8 Absentees: 0)
1st: Manawyddan Harryhare (Dr M L & Dr E A Griffiths)
2nd: Cantoverde Captain Casper JW ShCM (Miss S C Lanson)
3rd: Adelays Brilliant Buddy (Imp Rus) (Mrs M Bogue)
Res: Iotastar Great Adventure (Mrs J D & Mr C J Mowatt)
VHC: Amicae Master of Arts (Mrs M Whitehill)
Open Dog (Entries: 4 Absentees: 0)
1st: Ch Gleniren Who’s Your Daddy (Mrs I & Mr G Robb)
2nd: Manawyddan Victor Hugo (Dr M L & Dr E A Griffiths)
3rd: Serenglade Leap of Faith for Temelora (Mrs S Morrell)
Res: Melangel Highland by Design at Jhanakia (Mrs S & Mrs J Austin & Thompson)
Minor Puppy Bitch (Entries: 2 Absentees: 0)
1st: Uppercut Daydream Believers with Feorlig (Imp Bel) (Mrs K F & Miss K & Mr J Ryan & Roosens & Goessens)
2nd: Aurora vom Schwabenhof (Mrs S Morrell)
Puppy Bitch (Entries: 5 Absentees: 0)
1st: Gleniren Daddy’s Starmaker (Mrs I & Mr G Robb)
2nd: Athene vom Schwabenhof (Mrs S Morrell)
3rd: Moshu Golden Sunrise over Iotastar (Mrs J D & Mr C J Mowatt)
Res: Amicae Belle of The Ball (Mrs M Whitehill)
VHC: Sempefidelis Felicity for Vlinder (Mr M & Mrs A Atkins)
Junior Bitch (Entries: 6 Absentees: 0)
1st: Lynflyer Rainbow Dancer at Kirkchase (Mrs E Kirk)
2nd: Manawyddan to A Wild Rose (Dr M L & Dr E A Griffiths)
3rd: Pappretty Georgy Girl (C D Anderson)
Res: Pamhurst Ae Fond Kiss (Miss P Taylor)
VHC: Torthorwald Decaf Yourself (Miss K Bogie)
Yearling Bitch (Entries: 4 Absentees: 2)
1st: Tonkory Waiting in The Wings (Mrs S & Mr T Stone & Isherwood)
2nd: Paparottsie Miss Holly (Mrs M Whitehill)
Post Graduate Bitch (Entries: 3 Absentees: 2)
1st: Tolarty Starry Night (Miss N J Szumiec)
Limit Bitch (Entries: 3 Absentees: 0)
1st: Pamhurst Aria (Miss P Taylor)
2nd: Cantoverde Royal Chyna JW ShCM (Miss S C Lanson)
3rd: Torthorwald Decaf Yourself (Miss K Bogie)
Open Bitch (Entries: 6 Absentees: 0)
1st: Ch Feorlig Smart Cookie JW (Mrs K F & Mr E L Ryan)
2nd: Ir Ch Denemore The Story of Ragge (Mr S & J Carroll & Newman)
3rd: Johnasta Georgia for Temelora (Mrs S Morrell)
Res: Jorgealin Moonstar at Purepixie (Ms H V Walsh)
I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge this show and to all the exhibitors for supporting me and allowing me to go over their lovely dogs. I was delighted with my winners and feel there are a few out there that could and should be champions. I found quite a difference in size and although I have said it before we still lack the hare feet. They do appear to be heavily trimmed.
MPD (2)
1st Gourde’s Ookimi Quest for Gold. Shown in excellent coat this pretty b/w has nice dark eye and is well constructed. Moved well coming and going. Just needs time to mature
2ndTaylor’s Pamhurst One & Only. r/w. Good outline and good spring of ribs. Another who just needs time
PD (4) (1)
1st Buckley-Water’s Sempefielis Fantastique. Lovely tri who moved so well keeping a level topline. Lovely headpiece with well fringed ears. Good reach of neck and turn of stifle. Beautifully presented. Will watch his progress with interest
2nd Whitehill’s Amicae Mr Chips. Pretty clear r/w Sweet expression . Well carried tail. Good topline. Moved well and beautifully presented.
3rd Bogie’s Torthorwald Banshees Wish
JD (5)
1st Ryan & Roosen’s Ch. U Knock Me Off My Feel Daydream Believers with Feorlig. Commanded attention when he walked into the ring. So very well balanced. Beautiful headpiece with darkest of eyes. Good front and body with well laid shoulder. Moved so well. Great showman. Delighted to award him Best Junior and see him win Best Junior in Group
2nd Urquhart’s Blackpark Bastille. Very well presented r/w shown in excellent coat. Good topline which was kept on the move. Well placed fringed ears but a little strong in head.
3rd Challenger’s Skyvana Devil in Disguise with Lyveden
YD (1)
1st Elding’s Stagedoor Supertramp. B/W with well set ears which are nicely fringing. Dark eye. Shown in super condition. Good spring of rib and moved well.
PGD (6)
1st Anderson’s Pappretty Grt Expectations. Really liked this very sound boy. Well constructed with good reach of neck and spring of rib. Well angulated. Lovely head. Well fringed ears. Moved so well. Excellently presented. Very pleased to award him the Res CC.
2nd Maskell & Waller’s Lilnrose I’m in the Limelight with Kaskell. Shown in excellent condition with lovely silky coat and has a very pretty head. Moved well
3rd Walsh’s Pure Pixie Red Admiral
1st Griffith’s Manawyddan Harryhare. Lovely type and very sound. Good head with nicely fringed rounded ears. Great topline which was kept on the move. Well constructed. Good spring of ribs. Beautifully presented. Moved with drive
2ndLanson’s Canteverde Captain Casper. Pretty head with well fringed correctly set ears. Good reach of neck. Moved well showing good topline
3rdBogue’s Adelays Brilliant Buddy
OD (4)
1stRobb’s Ch. Gleniren Who’s Your Daddy. Quality exhibit with so much ring presence. Stands out demanding attention and did not disappoint on the table. Good spring of rib, exquisite headpiece, great reach of neck. Dark expressive eyes. Correct tailset. When standing his outline is superb. Very elegant and perfectly balanced. Moves with drive and fills the eye. Delighted to award him CC and BOB
2ndGriffith’s Manawyddan Victor Hugo. Another excellent type from this kennel. Beautifully constructed with good lay of shoulder. Well bodied. Moved elegantly with drive.
3rdMorrell’s Serenglade Leap of Faith for Temelora
VD (2)
1stKaskell’s Thyme to Dream. Well fringed and coated b/w. Well presented. Good body. Moved very well. Still enjoying showing BV
2ndAustin & Thompson’s Melangel Highland Vogue at Jhanakia. Clear r/w lacking a little coat but showing very well. Lovely presentation. Well bodied. Moved well.
MPB (2)
1stRyan Roosen’s & Goesen’s Upper Crust Daydream Believers with Feorlig. What a cracking baby already showing great ring presence. Beautiful head with dark expressive eyes and well set ears. Super angulation and turn of stifle. Moved very well. Must have a great future ahead.
2ndMorrell’s Aurora Vom Schwabenhof. Pretty phalene shown in great condition. Well constructed with level topline kept on the move
PB (5)
1stRobb’s Gleniren Daddy’s Starmaker. This little girl is full of energy and is exquisite. Never put a foot wrong. Beautiful headpiece with expressive eyes and sweetest expression. Well set ears, great body and so well balanced. Good stop and reach of neck. Another from this kennel put down to perfection. She commanded attention at all times. Super on the move showing a perfect outline. What a career this one has ahead. No hesitation in awarding her BP and pleased to see her go G3
2ndMorrell’s Athene Schwabenhof. Lovely girl shown in great condition and coat. Good dark eye and earset from very pleasing head. Good topline. Moved very well.
3rdMowsett’s Moshu Golden Sunrise over Iotastar
JB (4)
1stKirk’s Lynflyer Rainbow Dance at Kirkchase. Very pretty with lovely head. Nicely bodied and well balanced. Good angulation. Super presentation. Moved very well
2ndGriffith’s Manawydden To A Wild Rose. Dainty girl with pleasing head and expression. Well constructed. Should do well. Great presentation and moved well
3rdAnderson’s Pappretty Georgy Girl
YB (4) (2)
1stStone & Isherwood’s Tonkory Waiting in the Wings. Delightful girl with pretty head. Correct tailset, good topline. Moved very well. Good presentation
2ndWhitehill’s Paparottsie Miss Holly. Well constructed with good spring of rib and turn of stifle. A little unsettled today but moved well. Great presentation
PGB (3) m(2)
1stSzumiec’s Tolarty Starry Night. Stool alone. Little strong in head. Nicely presented. Moved OK
LB (3)
1stTaylor’s Pamhurst Ana. Nicely presented tri. Well constructed with good lay of shoulder. Would have liked a darker eye. Moved well.
2ndLanson’s Cantoverde Royal Chyna. Tri with good body. Heavily coated. She moved very well Close decision with 1
3rdBogie’s Tortholdwald Decaf Yourself
OB (6)
1stRyan’s Ch. Feorlig Smart Cookie. So well balanced. Lovely body. Beautifully presented, shown in excellent condition. Good eye and earset. Everything to like about this girl. Delighted to award her the CC
2ndCarroll & Newman’s Ir.Ch. Denemore The Story of Ragge. Although this lady was unsettled you could not overlook her quality. Beautifully put together she is elegant with correct silky coat, good body, correct earset and tailset. Very elegant on the move, moving true coming and going. Deserved Res CC.
3rdMorrell’s Johnasta Georgie for Temelora
Roger Banfield, Judge