Ch Inixia Dare Devil

Copyright: Fall

Date of Birth:  24th May 1984
Sex:  Dog
Colour:  Black & White
Breed Type: Papillon

Breeder:  Mrs S Stanbury
Owner: Mrs S Stanbury

Health Tests & Status:

Certified free of Patella Luxation
Certified clear of PRA


Pedigree (correct to the best of our knowledge)

Coquetta Ricki of Divelish
Ch Lordsrake Festivity of Pinkerton
Lordsrake Drosky
Lordsrake Exbryn
Melchester Teresa Melchester Joshua
Melchester Bathsheba
Inixia Sally Anne Divelish Oliver's Dragoon Melchester Adam of Divelish
Divelish Dippity Do-dah
Palmosa Vanna Draddog Firefly
Palmosa Vesta