Northern and Eastern Counties Papillon Club Championship Show 2005
06 November 2005
Dogs: Mrs A Bruce-Jackson (Tijuana)
Bitches: Mr R Chaston (Bricklands)
Referee: Mr J Simpson (Penang)
DCC Ch Queen Bless JP Red Ideal
RDCC Macstrak Minuet JW
BCC Tijuana Victoria
RBCC Ch Gleniren Starlight Kisses
BPB Tijuana Victoria
BPD Frasermar Jack Frost
Minor Puppy Dog (6)
1st Frasermar Jack Frost
2nd Kingshaven Wonderman
3rd Calajoy Robbie Macfluff
Res Frasermar Snowdrift
VHC Omaonaig Storm Bird
Puppy Dog (6)
1st Amicae Hide and Seek
2nd Tinklebury the Fusillier
3rd Tykkydewas Santa’s Gift to Inixia
Res Kirkchase Loved Regardless by Papplewick
VHC Harleysyke Bobby Dazzler
Junior Dog (14)
1st Inixia Time Bomb
2nd Adnamashan Kiss n Tell
3rd Beverston Trias You Like It
Res Diquest Fairy Edition of Julesville
VHC Tutyak Willie Wonka
Maiden Dog (4)
1st Temelora Storm Petrel
2nd Omaonaig Fire Bird
3rd Harlesyke Wishes Come True of Swifthock’s
Novice Dog (8)
1st Tinklebury Glenbogle
2nd Storm Petrel
3rd Sunshoo Imawhite Diamond at Belvane
Res Elendil Tobermory
VHC Invergarick Make-no-Mistake
Graduate Dog (6)
1st Blairancoes Merrygoround of Delphlands
2nd Inixia Time Out
3rd Jaroma the Highlander
Res Tawzan The Pickpocket at Tussalud
VHC Dolcissimo Just a Flirst
Post Graduate Dog (11)
1st Volpecula Vanity’s Mirror
2nd Rayol Aristotles
3rd Crown Jewel
Res Shevid Lyric
VHC Sharjoy Dream of Destiny
Limit Dog (10)
1st Macstrak Minuet JW Sh CM
2nd Beausher Ura Little Star at Shazzabars
3rd Jhanakia Royal Highlander
Res Inixia Wily Willum
VHC Bankshill Isle of Lewis ShCM
Open Dog (11)
1st Ch Queen Bless JP Red Ideal
2nd Inixia Troysdale Time Traveller
3rd Ch & IR Ch Ibstock Bright Spark for Spinillons
Res Jhanakia Oliver’s Story
VHC Frazermar Blizzard
Special Beginners Dog (7)
1st Harlesyke Wishes Come True of Swifthock’s
2nd Rosenjon Gucci by Design
3rd Cofton Flite of the Phonix to Inixia
Res Christea Maybe This Thyme for Delphlands
VHC Blairancoes Llamados of Delphlands
Special Phalene Open Dog (1)
1st Pepeke At Arthurs Court
Veteran Open Dog (1)
1st Omaonaig Polar Sun
Minor Puppy Bitch (5)
1st Gennasus Make Believe
2nd Frasermar Snowbird Volpecula
3rd Calajoy April Promise
Res Invergarick Genevieve
Puppy Bitch (12)
1st Tijuana Victoria
2nd Dot It
3rd Tinklebury Little Missey
Res Harlesyke Ruby Teardrop
VHC Careless Whisper at Adnamashan
Junior Bitch (10)
1st Ch Gleniren Starlight Kisses
2nd Moderm Milly
3rd Abbeyton Summer Sun
Res Tussalud Mine She’s Mine
VHC Harriet Victoria Melangel
Maiden Bitch (2)
1st Elendil Amaryllis
2nd Rayol Aisling
Novice Bitch (2)
1st Glasafon Winter Magic of Swifthock’s
2nd Danginifee Madonna at Penang
Graduate Bitch (9)
1st Sharjoy Melting Moment
2nd Graycaz All That Glitters of Gladwill
3rd Elendil Dark Opal
Res Kirkchase Razzle Dazzle
VHC Rayol Circe
Post Graduate Bitch (8)
1st Amicae Spirit
2nd Christea Madam Butterfly
3rd Fortglen Shadow Dancer
Res Pamhurst Shes a Lady
VHC Lysandra Zxanna
Limit Bitch (15)
1st Amicae Startime
2nd Longcraggs Lucianna at Kirkchase
3rd Jaroma Highland Whisper at Jhanakia
Res Graycaz Tongue in Cheek with Skyvana
VHC Wee Lucy of Adinaken
Open Bitch (17)
1st Ch Gleniren Scarlet Signature
2nd Farleysbane Unsung Melody at Kingshaven
3rd Ibstock Tululah for Spinillons
Res Tussalud Cruella de Ville
VHC Kirkchase Bewished
Special Beginners Bitch (4)
1st Glasafon Winter Magic of Swifthock’s
2nd Danginifee Madonna at Penang
3rd Rosenjon Pride ‘n’ Joy
Res Lysandra Tanyo Tenica
Special Phalene Open Bitch (0)
Veteran Open Bitch (1)
1st Longcraggs Sassie Dannsa
Junior Handling, 6-11 (3)
1st Rebecca Thompson (10)
2nd Reece Hine (10)
3rd Callum Thornton (6)
Junior Handling, 12-16 (6)
1st Claire Butler (13)
2nd Amy Mason (12)
3rd Stevie Turner (15)
Res Amy-Ruth Taylor (14)
VHC Zoe Utley (12)